An announcement....and I'm kinda in shock still
I am expecting twins. I just found out earlier this week, I am due Sept 8, although I will probably go earlier since it is twins. I've been trying to eat small amounts every 45 minutes to get in the requisite 2700-3000 calories that I am supposed to try to get in a day. I've tried protein shakes and milkshakes even and they make me all pukity. So, I am just adapting the best way I know how. I was shocked enough being preggers with one. Two is going to be challenging. But God does not give someone more than they can handle, so I'm sure this is a gift. I've just got to figure out how to handle the logistics of it all. I have been away for awhile, but thought I would pop back for advice.
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Congrats. I'm sure it was a shock, but I just can't believe that God doesn't allow any child to come into the world without having a hand in it. There are several on this board who can vouch that pregancy when you are post-op can have a very positive outcome.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
First off, huge congrats on 2 babies! You and the babies will do fine. Just eat constantly and go into it realizing that you probably will not gain weight like you'd expect. I keep waiting to "pack on the pounds" like I had with my 2 previous pregnancies and it just isn't happening. I'm just finally up 2 pounds from my weight when I found out I was pregnant and I'm 28 weeks. Hang in there and keep us posted. 2 is always more fun than 1, right?? Or at least more of an adventure!
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
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Check out my WLS blog at:

Thank you all. I am taking it easy & eating all the time, which is challenging because I have trained myself against that for so long. I haven't weighed myself in the last two weeks because I don't want to be vain about the weight because I will probably gain about 40ish, and it's just something that I will work out when this is over. When I was weighed at the docs office, I was up about 3 pounds. I am 7 weeks & 5 days today. This will be an exciting journey.
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