Clothing exchange reminder
I may not be able to make it.. 
Son in law is having surgery on the 28th and won't be released till 30th or 31st. Daughter still can't drive yet following her surgery, so I will likely be running her back and forth to the hospital. If she has another ride that day, then I will try to be there, as I have plenty of clothes to bring in sizes 14 and 16!

Son in law is having surgery on the 28th and won't be released till 30th or 31st. Daughter still can't drive yet following her surgery, so I will likely be running her back and forth to the hospital. If she has another ride that day, then I will try to be there, as I have plenty of clothes to bring in sizes 14 and 16!
Just curious about how you run these. Do people typically take all of the clothes or do you have some left over. In that case, does someone actually keep track of all the clothes. Just wondering. I was thinking about doing that here in the Evansville area. One option I thought was taking all of the "leftovers" to Goodwill. Thanks in advance for the info.
There are always tons of leftover clothing. For more than a year Robin's church has allowed us to use their facility for our exchanges. The church runs a clothes closet that they use to help out the folks in need in that community so we leave all the leftover clothing at the church. It is also helpful for us since we then don't have to haul them somewhere else. Before we started using Robin's church we had to bag and haul the leftover clothing to an outside charity. The charities varied.