My wife and I met with Dr. Inman at St. Vincent and have decided to do DS. We met with Dr. Stote (their resident psychologist) that night, and he recommended that I pursue outside counselling prior to and after the surgery to help with the life transition. Has anybody out there had a great experience or know someone they could recommend? I've seen counselors in the past, but that was for depression many years ago. I didn't know if there were any out there that are better at helping with this type of transition. I live in Fishers, but would be willing to do anything on the north or west side of Indy.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
I don't know of any, but you could probably call the Bariatric center or Dr. Inman's office and get some recommendations. Good luck to you!
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
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