X Post Dietician said decrease protein???
1. I average 100 gm protein a day. Dietician told me to decrease to 65 mg a day.??
2. Dietician said to take 300% RDA of vitamins. I thought is was 200%.
3. Surgeon said no bloodwork till 1 year post op. How do I know I'm doing OK?
4. I eat 700-800 calories a day. Dietician said could up to 1000. Too much??
Appreciate help from those 6 months post op or more. Thanks.
I usually post to the what are you eating today thread, on RNY Board, so those of you who are regulars will know I stick to my program - currently 4 oz per meal. No rice, potatoes, bread or simple carbs. Will increase to 5 oz per meal at 7 mo post op.
Ever hear the saying 'too much of a good thing'? 100 gm of protein is too much of a good thing. If you are getting in the many grams of protein with so few calories, it would be almost impossible to get in enough fruits, veggies, or carbs. Your body needs those too. Remember, we are to have a well-balanced diet...not an all protein one. To lose weight, you do need to burn more calories than you take in...but if you don't take in enough of them, your body goes into starvation mode and won't release any of the calories..and you will actually gain weight because of too few of calorie intake. 1000-1200 cal/day is what is generally recommended. Also, 50-70 g protein, and 100+ g of carbs (good carbs) with 30+g of that 100 being fiber.
Yes, with malasorbtion being a huge issue, 3x the RDA sounds about right...which is why we do 3 multivitamins...and 3 calciums..
My pcp didn't wait until I was a year post op. The surgeons didn't use to wait either. They could have changed that since I was a newbie since problems don't usually show up until a person is further out anyway. The insurance companies could have started throwing a fit over the frequency they were having bloodwork done that first year. Keep a check on changes in your health...tired, sore, skin/hair/nails, etc. Let your surgeon and/or pcp know if you experience any changes. I became Hyporthyroid at 3 months post-op and hypoglycemic about 6 months later. I now have a vitamin D deficiency...but that took 5 yrs to show up. If you are low on vitamin b12, you'll get very tired. So...pay attention to your body.
(+5 yr post-op)
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Thanks Sherri.
I do rely too much on whey protein isolates. I add them to everything I can and need to back off. I eat solid food at breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. I have had stomach problems for years and get nauseated as the day goes on, so I have had liquid or no dinner for some time. Since RNY I have protein shake for dinner so I don't have as much nausea. Sometimes still have to take Compazine in the evening for nausea. I can stop protein supplement all but dinner shake.
I will up my calories - maybe 100 at a time and see how I do. It is hard on St V plan at only 4 oz per meal. I will move up to 5 oz at 7 months. I still really don't get hungry, but I eat and take my vitamins on schedule. I get exercise 4-5 days a week and stay with my plan.
I am 60 years old and only 5 ft tall - so I'm losing a little slower, but doing OK and not complaining. I will ask my PCP to do labs according to MSMBS recommendations.
No complications so far. Praise God. Thanks again.