Wow. It was hard to drag myself into work this morning. It was one of those nights of sleeping like crap. I have no idea why. I was tempted to text my boss and take the morning off but I knew a few people were depending on me being here this morning. Ah well, maybe I'll sleep good tonight.
I will be making the reservation pretty soon for dinner Saturday night (6 pm) at Middlebury's Amish restaurant. If you plan on going to it and/or the camp-out and have not let me know already, please drop me a line very soon. Right now, I have ~34 people down as going. You do not have to camp-out to join us for dinner so if any of you live locally to there and would like to join us, that would be great. Just let me know how many to include. If you wanted to camp, call Hope at the Middlebury KOA soon. There will probably be plenty of tent sites available but the RV sites and cabins may be sold out by now. If you do call, be sure to mention my name and the ObesityHelp Indiana camp-out so that you can get the group discount.
I hope everyone has a good Monday...and that your day is off to a better start than my lack of sleep gave me.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I had a nice weekend with the family. I work tonight and tomorrow night, so today is my chance to get a few things done. Have a trainer appt at the gym this morning and gotta get the kids' hair cut. Then cleaning around the house since the house goes to he** when I work for a few days in a row. Hope you all have a good monday!
Check out my WLS blog at:
Hi all. It's a Monday morning, definately. I was going to get up at 5am to go exercise, but I was too tired. Reset the alarm for 7am. I did get to work fine though. I wish I could take a 'mental health' day and stay at home to vegetate, but that's not an option. I don't have the time to take off, and we can't afford me to take unpaid time. I guess I'll feel better at the end of the day by being productive, anyway.
Some days, I really just want to tell the world, "This is too hard. I can't do this." I think I'm having an especially hard time around now. Maggie would have turned 6 on August 22. I saw a "6" year-old birthday card in Hallmark Saturday, with Tinkerbell on it, and I cried and cried. It took a little while to pull it back together. I know though, that I have to do this. As scary as it is, I'm the one holding things together right now for my family. They need me.
I don't have much planned for today. Just working and appointments. I hope the day gets better. Maybe I'll get to the Y to swim or walk tonight, since I don't have to pull a double today.
It was a productive weekend. I worked in the house all day saturday and then in the yard on Sunday. It was the first time I have cut the grass myself in 8 weeks. I missed it! Boy was I sore last night though. I felt so good and so much myself again.
I hope you all have a wonderful camping trip and reconnect with old friends. It should be a wonderful time!
I will be praying that each of you have a wonderful weight loss week!
I hope everyone has a good day!!