Good Morning again!!

on 6/13/09 1:12 am - Rosedale, IN
Well I went to bed about 3 am and got up at 9:30 thanks to the grandson, LOL. So, I got the husband and son up and said ok, we got things to do today. Our well is still producing dirt and sedament in our water. We have been using one filter system for the past 4 years but all this rain this year has really messed our well water up. We bought another filter canister and are going to see what a double filter system will do. Also, we bought one of those above ground swimming pools that has the blow up ring around the top and filled it with our well water. I know it wasn't the best idea but, we didn't have the money to order water like we have in previous years. Our other pool busted last year and we lost $200 worth of water just a half hour after filling it so, we though NO POOL this year. We got such a good deal that we bought one but, the well water is so dirty. Man, we are trying everything to clean it and the v *** systems for these cheap pools aren't very good. So, we got our work cut out for us today.
I like being on here on a weekend because I'm not usually online since I am on a computer all day at work during the week. Hope everyone has a good day today and I will come back tonight to say HI
Be Well  : )  
Melissa H.
on 6/13/09 1:18 pm - Danville, IN
Hey there. If you decide you are going to get your pool up and running, I'll come visit!! :O)

Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at:

on 6/13/09 2:54 pm - Rosedale, IN
Melissa, you would be more than welcome. I just hope we can get it up and going. We were going to work on it tonight because since we filled it with well water, my husband bypassed our water filter and softner so as not to use up the filters or water softner salt and so the water that came out of the hose had dirt in it. So, the pool is dark almost like a lake :( we have shocked it and that didn't help so we have added algeacide today but, it just won't stop raining around here for us to v *** it. So my husband Bill and my son Matt installed a new water filter today so we can have two and they have been working on it all day!! leaks in the new pipes and then a leak in the fitting to the water softner. They are both in at Walmart right now at 1:00 am to try and get the part to fix it since nothing else is open. Lord of Mercy it is always something. I tell you if we ever get this all fixed I will invite you out to come swim!!
Linda Kay is right though because, I used to get cold when the sun was down anyway and now I can't imagine how cold I will be in the water (burrrrrrrrr). LOL
Be Well  : )  
Linda Kay
on 6/13/09 1:54 pm - Mooresville, IN
 I have one of those pools in my back yard right now it goes up above my waste.. enough to float around in my chair and take in some sun..The Girls were in it tonight. We filled it up with our Well water and it has taken about 2 weeks to get it right but Melissa finally got it!! Going to look into a heater unit.. I "hear" walmart has one.. My neighbor Gayle Lipe is a WLS patient 3 years out and we both freeze unless the sun is high... we float around together...

on 6/14/09 4:28 am - Indianapolis, IN
Sounds like you've done about everything I did for Linda Kay's pool except to vaccum it and I bought some clarifier solution for her pool.  It has taken me a couple weeks to get her water straightened out, but I think I finally got it.  I added the clarifier for a couple days and then got in it and vaccumed the pool and that finally took care of it.  I also saw some chemicals at the store that will help remove metal deposits from the pool/water, so if your well water has a lot of iron or something like that in it, then that might be worth a try.   Don't forget to take out the filter and replace it or at least spray it off every few days until the water gets cleared up.

I hope you get it straightened out....I know it's not easy!! 


"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids." -Unknown

on 6/14/09 10:32 pm - Rosedale, IN
Thanks Melissa. We had to order a hand held v *** from Sears that runs on a battery. The cheapy pool we bought didn't even come with a v *** system. The water is just brown and looks so bad. I've never heard of clarifier solution but, I will tell my husband that. We have been changing the filter a lot and we have shocked it twice. It seems like its never going to come clear. I hope the v *** works. Hoping to have it come in the mail today or tomorrow.
Be Well  : )  
on 6/15/09 12:24 am - Indianapolis, IN
I got the clarifier from Walmart in the pool section.  I hope you get your vac****oon.  I wish you the best of luck in getting your pool water cleared up because I know it's a pain in the tooshie!!


"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids." -Unknown

on 6/15/09 1:04 am - Rosedale, IN
Thanks! And besides, I want to go swimming!!!!  I am a cancer horescope sign. I could live in the water like a fish.
Be Well  : )  
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