they're gonna make do a stress test before my surgery. I'm scared to death! I can't run! Did they make you run? For how long? you did have to run on a treadmill didn't you?
Actually you walk.. it walks faster and faster but no running. pre surgery they gave me a chemical stress test.. one where they injected a drug to speed myheart.. the whole idea is to spped your heart rate when I was fat it didnt take as much to get it up as it does now..
You don't have to run. You walk on a treadmill till you get your heart rate up to where they want it. Then you lie down on a table, and they do an echogram on the heart. Easy-peasy. No problem. Relax! It doesn't take long at all. Really!
On June 9, 2009 at 5:56 PM Pacific Time, jeanna wrote:
how long would ya say you had to walk?
It seemed like forever at the time - LOL, but I bet it was only about 5-7 minutes. Just till the heart rate got to where they wanted it. They check on you constantly - right there at your side. If you can't do it, they'll do it with medication. Don't worry. It was a hell of a lot easier than that doggone upper GI!!