Rita's Funeral
I thought I would pass this info along to those that might be interested. Sorry it took so long to post the arrangements.
Rita's viewing will be from 4-8pm on Tuesday and the funeral will be Wednesday at 10am. Both will be at Carlisle & Son Funeral home in Mooresville. Here is a link to her obituary as listed on the funeral home website. http://www.carlisleandson.com/Obituaries/tabid/56/selectedmo duleid/399/ArticleID/183/reftab/36/Default.aspx
Linda Kay is hanging in there and doing as well as can be expected. Thanks again for everyone's well wishes, thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Rita's viewing will be from 4-8pm on Tuesday and the funeral will be Wednesday at 10am. Both will be at Carlisle & Son Funeral home in Mooresville. Here is a link to her obituary as listed on the funeral home website. http://www.carlisleandson.com/Obituaries/tabid/56/selectedmo duleid/399/ArticleID/183/reftab/36/Default.aspx
Linda Kay is hanging in there and doing as well as can be expected. Thanks again for everyone's well wishes, thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Thanks Melissa,
You and Scott have beern a big help around here and even the girls keeping me distracted and feeling loved has helped more than I can say... Without Ron at the funeral.. I think it is going to be a bit rough...But he just cant get moving that early.
Life is going to be tough... she was my best friend as well as my sister.
Linda Kay
You and Scott have beern a big help around here and even the girls keeping me distracted and feeling loved has helped more than I can say... Without Ron at the funeral.. I think it is going to be a bit rough...But he just cant get moving that early.
Life is going to be tough... she was my best friend as well as my sister.
Linda Kay
I'm not sure if I will see you there tomorrow or not Shanna. Linda will definitely be there and my husband will be there after he gets home from work, but I haven't been able to find a sitter for my kids and I don't want to take them to the viewing or the funeral. So, unless something changes, I will probably be home with my kids.