Confession is good for the soul-not sure about the body though
I am an addict!!!!
I am a FOOD addict!! I really had prepared my mind for this journey. I thought!
I find myself thinking of food all the time. Even food I didn't like before my WLS. Like White Castle burgers! I am smart enough though not to put anything in my mouth that I know I can't eat. My brain though is constantly thinking about what would taste so good. Emil says I am mourning the loss of food. Maybe I am. We took a train to Chicago and had fun, but everywhere we turned, Chicago pizza, Chicago Hot dogs, Chinese food, etc etc etc. Bariatric food?????????? None. I realized that everything we do is surrounded by food. I drive the street and all the fast food is calling my name. I can't eat much, but I am praying that this will pass. I am so afraid that even when I can eat I will go back to eating all the wrong foods, then all that I have gone through will be no good.
I am praying for something to click in me and tell me that all those things are not good for me. E exchanged his eating for exercising and walking. That hasn't clicked yet with me. I still wear out so quick. Maybe it's just in my head......literally.
Well, that's all I have to say. Does anyone else deal with this???? Or am I alone in this addiction?
I find myself thinking of food all the time. Even food I didn't like before my WLS. Like White Castle burgers! I am smart enough though not to put anything in my mouth that I know I can't eat. My brain though is constantly thinking about what would taste so good. Emil says I am mourning the loss of food. Maybe I am. We took a train to Chicago and had fun, but everywhere we turned, Chicago pizza, Chicago Hot dogs, Chinese food, etc etc etc. Bariatric food?????????? None. I realized that everything we do is surrounded by food. I drive the street and all the fast food is calling my name. I can't eat much, but I am praying that this will pass. I am so afraid that even when I can eat I will go back to eating all the wrong foods, then all that I have gone through will be no good.
I am praying for something to click in me and tell me that all those things are not good for me. E exchanged his eating for exercising and walking. That hasn't clicked yet with me. I still wear out so quick. Maybe it's just in my head......literally.
Well, that's all I have to say. Does anyone else deal with this???? Or am I alone in this addiction?
Nope you are not alone. I used to dream about food everytime I went to bed and I never remember my dreams but boy I could remember those everytime I woke up. Honestly I do think it gets better, I mean we will always have our days where we think about that stuff but it will soon get to the point that you wont think about it all the time. Of course you always have all the support ya need between us on the board and Emil.
Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore or message me for more info.
Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality
My mil talked about ciggs being my hubbys crutch i said yell and food is mine.
But Lisa you had the surgery yes its a tool to help me but it cant stop the want i get sometimes.
I thought i breezed thru Easter and someone drop off candy for the boys and i go and grab 3-4 malted eggs (not thinking) and i ate 1 and im like omg what did i do and im waiting to be sick nothing happened.shoot
So i throw the rest away .
When we drive down the road i feel the resturants calling my name come on lisa you know you want me,,,,,,,so i sing to the radio and today at the stop light some women was eating a mcgriddle i almost got out and stole it from her...
I find my hardest time is when i had my monthly cycle..........
It does get better sweetie but we all have those days and food was my comfort and we all long for comfort.
Hang in there sweetie.
My mil talked about ciggs being my hubbys crutch i said yell and food is mine.
But Lisa you had the surgery yes its a tool to help me but it cant stop the want i get sometimes.
I thought i breezed thru Easter and someone drop off candy for the boys and i go and grab 3-4 malted eggs (not thinking) and i ate 1 and im like omg what did i do and im waiting to be sick nothing happened.shoot
So i throw the rest away .
When we drive down the road i feel the resturants calling my name come on lisa you know you want me,,,,,,,so i sing to the radio and today at the stop light some women was eating a mcgriddle i almost got out and stole it from her...
I find my hardest time is when i had my monthly cycle..........
It does get better sweetie but we all have those days and food was my comfort and we all long for comfort.
Hang in there sweetie.
It does get a lot better but it hasn't gone away completely for me yet. I started taking the emotional eating classes at St Francis last week becasue of these same concerns. I know that I am an emotional eater and a food addict so I am trying everything that is reccommended to me to set myself up for success. I really think therapy should be a requirement with this surgery for most of us. I am sure it will take a while and lots of practice to undo a lifetime of bad habits and addictions but I am starting to feel really anxious about it.
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
Becky, I have been thinking of you recently and wondering how you are getting along. Just know we are all here for you to lend support but we can't do it for you. I know you are not alone, I too find myself thinking we could go here shopping and then go here and get something to eat, even if we have just ate. I wish those addictions to food would go away. I am almost 2 years out and I still have days that it seems I have to keep telling myself "NO YOU JUST ATE AND YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY". I find myself thinking I'll eat just one bite but I know that one bite will lead to another so I resist my temptations as long as I can and then maybe I'll be hungry and make some good choices. Let me know if I can do anything for you.