need help!

on 1/11/09 12:58 am - Camby, IN
with injectable B12 - anyone else here take it that way?  I have watched youtube videos, and read up on how to fill a syringe, and I have been trying over an hour and gone through two syringes and cannot get the syringe to fill!!!

I have followed instructions exactly - pulled back on the syringe to get the right amount of air in it - inserted the needle into the vial.  Pushed the plunger to inject the air, and slowly pulled back to fill the syringe (upside down).  Nothing happens.  I have tried so many times it isn't even funny and have wasted two syringes.  I have one syringe left.  Of course, if anything will go wrong, it will with me - doggone it!

Would appreciate some help - I know we also have some nurses on here.


               Twilighttwilight addict


on 1/11/09 1:03 am - Sheridan, IN


Try pulling your needle out a little.  I had trouble with having the needle in too far and over the serum.


287          /271                 /154      /130-150
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                      Eleanor Roosevelt
on 1/11/09 1:14 am - Camby, IN
Carol, I love you!!!

That did the trick!!  I had the needle in too far.  Once I pulled it out a bit, I could see the air bubbles going into the vial, then it filled up when I pulled back on the plunger!  Success!!!

Only used 3 needles, and 2 vials - I'll have to see if I explain to the pharmacist what happened he'll let me get some additional needles!  Plus I only have one vial left instead of 2 - but I should be able to get it filled about the time # 3 is due. 

Thanks ever so much!  I was so frustrated I was nearly in tears!!

               Twilighttwilight addict


on 1/11/09 2:16 am
hey there...i did the same exact thing when i started my pharmacy will let me buy needles without a script....they are like 25 cents....if you are goin to the exchange i will bring you a few...also i have 10ml bottles so i have extra dose...i wonder if i fill the needle for you would it keep in fridge til next dose is needed for you??? just an idea....just let me know if you are interested :)...glad you finally got it...i know i was ready to scream when i did mine....

take care
on 1/11/09 2:53 am - Camby, IN
On January 11, 2009 at 10:16 AM Pacific Time, socki wrote:
hey there...i did the same exact thing when i started my pharmacy will let me buy needles without a script....they are like 25 cents....if you are goin to the exchange i will bring you a few...also i have 10ml bottles so i have extra dose...i wonder if i fill the needle for you would it keep in fridge til next dose is needed for you??? just an idea....just let me know if you are interested :)...glad you finally got it...i know i was ready to scream when i did mine....

take care


I'll be at the exchange, and would definitely buy a few extra needles from you.  I won't be due for another dose till 2/11, so I doubt it would keep, but thanks for the offer!  I'm hoping I can just explain everything to the pharmacist and get an extra dose if I pay for it myself to replace the one I dropped!  LOL  I am such a dork.  I have one 1 ml bottle left for next dose and no needles left. 

On the bright side, now I know what to do and can git-r-done next time!  I was so stressed by the time I actually was able to get it, that I nearly threw up! 

Thanks for the hugs, and back atcha!!

               Twilighttwilight addict


Melissa H.
on 1/11/09 2:51 am - Danville, IN
Christie, I'm glad you got it, but let the nurse in me give you a hint to save you doses and syringes. Inject the air into the vial, then pull your needle almost all the way out, the just the tip of the needle is still in the vial. Then pull back your B12 dose. Also, if you get a bunch of air, you don't have to waste the needle or the vial, just start over. It's all good. Wipe the top of the vial with an alcohol and start over. I'm in Danville and would be more than happy to give you your shots if it made you feel better. I'm sure we could get together once a month.

Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at:

on 1/11/09 2:58 am - Camby, IN
Thanks Melissa, but I have it figured out now!  I had the needle too far in the vial.  Being amber vials and not clear, I didn't realize that I had inserted the needle too far.  I had poked the needle in and out of that vial so many times, I used another needle as I figured I had blunted the first one and it would hurt. 

I wound up wasting a vial, because klutz that I am, I was so excited to see the dose being drawn up in the syringe, that I dropped both vial and syringe!  The syringe hit the floor after spraying some of the B12 on me.

That's how I wound up having to use needle #3 and vial #2!!  LOL

Now I know how to do it right!  I do appreciate the offer though, I really do!

               Twilighttwilight addict


Tracy S.
on 1/11/09 4:34 am - Marion, IN
The accountant in me says.... " I'll stick to taking them under my tongue!"  LOL 

I am so glad you got it figured out!  I would have been a nervous wreck too.  I hated even doing my blood thinner shots when I first got home but made it thru and it really wasn't all that bad.

WAY TO GO CHRISTIE!  You did it!

And super way to go Carol for knowing what the issue was!

Huge hugs,

OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

on 1/11/09 8:49 am - Richmond, IN
I'm lucky...since my clients are doctors' offices, I just have one of the nurses give me my B12 shot once a month. I'm glad I don't have to do it myself! I'm a bit of a weenie that way.

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 1/11/09 9:32 am - Camby, IN
I don't mind giving myself the shot - that doesn't bother me.  Trying to fill the syringe the first time was nerve wracking!  LOL  Thanks everyone.

               Twilighttwilight addict


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