Brenda Update

on 1/10/09 6:53 am - Lawrence, IN
Sorry I haven't gotten an update to you lately, but been spending lots of time at hospital.

Brenda is doing so much better.  She is now on regular foods but having some issues with that.  It looks like she may be coming home tomorrow.  She is so anxious to get out of there.  After a week, I can understand, but I wanted her to stay to make sure everything is working right.  This morning a bariatric surgeon came in to see her.  He left leaving us with the attitude that it was a waste of his time to see her.  Sure glad her doctor isn't that way.

Thank you to everyone on the board that sent prayers Brenda's way.  We are still in awe of the outpouring of love and prayers from people that we haven't met yet.  One of the nurses said her room looks like the gift shop with so many flowers, balloons, and cards.

Thanks also to Mark and Janene, and Bev and Bruce for traveling so far to visit with Brenda. 

Hopefully she will be home tomorrow.


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on 1/10/09 7:24 am - Thorntown, IN
  Please let Brenda know we are keeping her in our prayers. It is so good to hear she is improving daily.We had hoped to come down there today to see her, but both are very ill with a flu virus. DON"T want our dear Brenda to get, so we are staying away.  I understand your frustration with that " Dr." Sounds like he needs to work on his bedside manor! Now, be sure to take good care of yourslef, too. It will be trial & error for awhile for her as far as food goes. I just pray she feels strronger every day.

Sending our love to you both,
Ellen & Dana
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 1/10/09 7:37 am - Lawrence, IN


You take care of yourself.  It's no fun being sick.

Send love back to you and Dana.  We love you both so much.


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on 1/10/09 7:31 am - aurora, IN
Im glad Brenda is getting better.
Dont you just want to reach out and slapp someone when they act arrogant like the doctor did?I agree with Ellen he needs some bedside manner.
Floyd you and Brenda mean alot to all of us,you are lovely people.
I bet she cant wait to get home and you cant wait for her to be home with you,take care of yourselfs.
Much love and huggs

on 1/10/09 7:42 am - Lawrence, IN


Thanks so much.  You and Neil mean alot to us also.

I've been so exhausted lately, it will be nice to have Brenda home.  Last night I fell asleep before 10 and didn't wake up until I heard her talking to a nurse about 7 this morning.  I slept better on the sofa in her room than I did our own bed.

Well, I'm headed back up there before the weather gets any nastier.



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on 1/10/09 7:51 am - Pittsboro, IN
I am so glad to hear that Brenda is doing better. Both of you have been in my thoughts and prayers all week. I really wanted to come and visit her but things were crazy this week. Floyd you make sure that you get caught up on your rest. We don't want you getting sick. I hope your back is better. Lots of love to both of you. Jana
Gail O.
on 1/10/09 10:35 am - indianapolis, IN

Dear Floyd,
I have had you both in my thoughts and prayers, as always.
I know Brenda will feel better at home when the doctors gives that release, hopefully not to soon. We sure need her to be better. I am still here if you both need me to come and lend a  hand for as long as needed. I send love to both, big hugs & lots of blessings.    Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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on 1/10/09 7:30 pm - Richmond, IN
Hi Floyd! Great to hear that Brenda is getting better. I know you'll both be so relieved to get her home.

Still keeping you in prayer,
He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 1/10/09 8:45 pm - Kempton, IN
Floyd please give Brenda a hug for me! I am sure she will be glad to get home. I will be glad for her. Thanks for the update! Michelle
on 1/10/09 8:52 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Please tell Brenda that Bill & I are both so happy that she is feeling better. We're sorry that we didn't get back over there to see her yesterday like we had told her we would do. Since Friday night though, if we aren't at Methodist, we are staying close to the phone in case we need to head back to Methodist. I know you both will understand that. I'll try to get over to see Brenda as soon as things settle down some..k?

Sherri (& Bill)


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