Update from Sherri

Gail O.
on 1/9/09 10:15 pm, edited 1/9/09 10:27 pm - indianapolis, IN
I just got a call from Sherri, the MRI did show that Shellie's  tumor was large, the doctors feel it's benign. She has been admitted and her blood pressure is still high. They will be preforming surgery on Tuesday. Let's all please keep the Johnson family in our prayers.
* I pray I have posted right and Sherri did say she would update as soon as she can.
Sherri & Bill and family my thoughts & prayers are with you.I love you all. Lots of prayers & Hugs Gail

I hope I posted all right, I always leave out words . I try so hard to get it right.But, this time its due to my tears.

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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Leah P.
on 1/9/09 10:37 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks for the update Gail.  I can't imagine how they must feel. Sherri and Bill have been through so much! 
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 1/10/09 12:15 am - Camby, IN
Thank you for passing the word on, Gail. 

Sherri and Bill have had more than anyone should have to deal with.  My thoughts and prayers are also with them and Shellie.  Thank goodness it is benign!!

Sherri and Bill - I'm sending up prayers, swinging chickens, and flinging spaghetti to cover all the bases!!

               Twilighttwilight addict


on 1/10/09 1:24 am, edited 1/10/09 1:26 am - Indianapolis, IN

Thank you so much sweetie. You got most of what's going on in there. What you didn't get, my scattered brain at this time probably omitted when we talked.

In your skull/brain there are alot of blood vessels. For Shellie, the ones in back of her brain are trying to snake into the tumor (confirmed as a "large tumor" by the MRI). They are consulting with a specialist for brain angioplasty to see if he would recommend & do one on Shellie to stop them. If he agrees, they will be doing that procedure on Monday. If they can do that, it would make the next step a little bit easier. I guess it's real similar to a heart cath in that they go through the thigh...they just go a little higher up. Then on Tuesday, they will do the surgery to remove the tumor. The way one of the neurologists talked last night, instead off having to cut open the back of her head to get to it, they do it kinda laprascopically and 'suck' the tumor out. I'm sure we'll get better details on both procedures as Monday & Tuesday arrive.

Our biggest battle between now & then is going to be getting Shellie in fighting condition...in other words, get the swelling & her BP down. She's getting the injectioins via IV for the swelling. They are also giving her some good pain meds for the constant headaches. I've tried to convince her, Tiffany, Rod, and Jay that the one thing Shellie needs right now is rest so she can let those meds work. I think the more she relaxes and sleeps...the less stressed she's likely to be..and hopefully, the lower her BP will be.

That's the latest... Bill & I are just hanging out at home this weekend with the exception of going to the hospital. I had planned on going to go see Brenda today but I think she'd understand that right now, my focus is on Bill & Shellie.

One of the doctors asked Shellie last night if she had been stressed or depressed and she said 'no'. I spoke up and told the doctor how Jean had just died on Dec. 20th (bad stressor) and she had just gotten back from a cruise (good stressor..but still a stressor). It got me thinking of the past few years. If I make it through 2009 without a heart issue myself, I am beginning to think it'd be a miracle!



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Hope P.
on 1/10/09 1:28 am - Middlebury, IN

Your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

I'm so sorry that you have to go thru this on top of everything else!


For if God is with us, who (what) shall be against us?

on 1/10/09 6:40 am - Lawrence, IN

Just came home long enough to feed CJ and get some clothes ready for Brenda and saw this post.  We will have Shellie and your family in our prayers.  We've have so many come our way, and they worked so well, that we'll now send them your way. 


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Linda Kay
on 1/11/09 9:34 am - Mooresville, IN
OMG,, Sherri... when it rains it pours... I know God wont give us any more than we can handle but He sure seems to have a lot of faith in you... Shellie is in my prayers as well as you and Bill

Linda Kay
on 1/10/09 1:44 am - Crawfordsville, IN

I just wanted to let you know that your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you guys have had alot to deal with here lately.  I hope everything works out for her.

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   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


on 1/10/09 2:19 am - Thorntown, IN
Thank you Gail sweetie,for the update.You are such a dear friend to us all,& I know Sherri is thankful for you doing this for her.

Sherri & Bill, It was so good to talk to you. I know you are worried, but you both are handling it wonderfully.I hope the kids heed your advice and let her rest.God never gives us more than we can handle, you both are strong people, & He will guide you threw all of this. I pray for complete healing for Shellie, and peace for all of you. I pray that the next few days Shellie's BP gets under control & she gets the rest she needs to be ready for Tues,& for her Drs. nurses to be wise & understanding of what needs to be done,& guided by His hand. God is in control, knows what you all are going through & hears our prayers. Sending you all our love.
Love, Ellen &Dana
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
Tracy S.
on 1/10/09 3:01 am - Marion, IN
Sherri, I am keeping all of you in my prayers.  I am glad you are taking time to rest at home also.  I pray that Shellie finds peace and knows that God is in control and will be there with her all the way.

Huge hugs to all of you!


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