Need prayers!

on 1/9/09 8:01 pm - Indianapolis, IN
We got a call from Bill's daughter Shellie yesterday saying that she felt nauseated & dizzy so she was going to get it checked out. Bill thought it was probably flu or something. I thought it was probably dehydrated. Well...she call us again about 10 last night & she was at the ER at Methodist and they wanted us there ASAP. She has a mass that showed up in the CT scan that looks like a brain tumor. It had swelled and was pressing on the portion of the brain that controls stability, etc. They ran an MRI last night to learn more about it. They didn't have those results yet when we left (at 2 AM). They gave Shellie some meds to try to reduce the swelling. Depending on what the MRI shows, and depending on how well that drug works, they may release her today and schedule surgery...or they may have to go ahead and do it today. They will biopsy it and have it tested while they have her in surgery. What they do then all depends on the biopsy results..... remove it if a tumor..or it could be an infection and treated with antibiotics...most likely a tumor though. They think it's benign at this point but will/should know more today. Oh..found out she also has high blood pressure that they need to get under control NOW. She's ~5'8" and I would guess close to 400 lbs.

We are heading to the hospital. The nuerosurgeon usually comes in ~8-8:30 and we want to be there for her when he does. Please keep her in your prayers. She's 32 and a single mom of a 3 yr old (Shyanne). She is scared to death as you all can imagine. Myself, I'm worried for her...but also for Bill. He sure didn't need this with his only child so soon after loosing his mom.

I'll post an update later.....



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Dawn T.
on 1/9/09 8:09 pm - Kokomo, IN
My prayers go out for her. 
on 1/9/09 8:18 pm - PLAINFIELD, IN
You are all on my prayers...
on 1/9/09 8:23 pm - Pittsboro, IN
Prayers said.
Tracy S.
on 1/9/09 9:17 pm - Marion, IN
Sherri, all of you are in my prayers.  Take care of yourself too.  I know you are worried about all of them, but you need to be getting some rest so you can get better too.  Huge hugs to you and Bill and I will be praying for you that God heals you and Shellie both!

Take care,


OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

on 1/9/09 9:23 pm - Camby, IN
Prayers going out to you, Bill, and Shellie.  Take care of yourself too!

               Twilighttwilight addict


Leah P.
on 1/9/09 10:34 pm - Indianapolis, IN
  I hear the OH Indiana board prayer warriors gathering!!
Know that your family has and will continue to be in my prayers. Sending positive thoughts and warm hugs your way!!
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 1/9/09 11:09 pm - Lafayette, IN

I am so sorry to hear this about Bill's daughter.  Prayers are going out to you and your family.



on 1/10/09 12:40 am - Indianapolis, IN

I am praying for ALL of you! This has to be so shocking for Bill after losing Jean! I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will be resolved easily and that Shellie will be on her way to better health- SOON! I continue to think of you all and am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!

P.S. - I am still working on your other prayer request, as we talked about! We are having a meeting this week. I will give an update, as soon as I can! I haven't forgotten!

Love ya, miss ya- HUGZ Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

on 1/10/09 2:12 am - Richmond, IN
You got it...keep us posted!

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

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