For our Newbies

on 1/1/09 8:55 am - Martinsville , IN

You ladies are moving right along and I hope you are feeling better each day.  I was about six weeks out before I felt human again and about three months out before I could say I was glad I had the surgery.  I am sure your hormones are giving you fits and some days you just don't know how to feel.  Its ok, it will pass.

What I really wanted to warn you ladies of is constipation.  You are far enough out now that constipation can become an issue.  Because you eat such a small amount of food its hard to keep things moving.  Keep track of when you are going because once your constipated its hard (and painful) to wait for something to work.  Find out now what your surgeons office wants you to take (probably colace) or some other softner.  I ate Kashi Go Lean every morning and it really helped me.  The softners did nothing for me.   Anyway I just wanted to warn ya to watch for this as it became dibilitating for me when I wasn't paying attention and it got out of hand. 

33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

Melissa H.
on 1/1/09 9:08 am - Danville, IN
Jeannie, thank you for your words and advice. I haven't gone in a while and thought that was normal. Should I be worried? I'm calling the surgeon's office on Monday and will add that to my list of questions.

Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

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on 1/1/09 9:48 am - Martinsville , IN
Worried? No, just be aware.  Being constipated hurt me really bad so I wanted to warn you.  My instructions were if you haven't gone in three days to use a softner.  Its a common problem contrary to the popular belief that RNY patients have the opposite problem. 


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

on 1/1/09 4:23 pm
Hi Jeannie~

Thanks for the friendly advice/support.  For me at least, I thought I would have a little bit more control of the emotion part of this journey, but overall, I think I'm doing okay.  Still haven't totally figured out how to fit my bariatric surgery self into regular life yet, but I know that will be slow to come.  So many things need to change, so I'm working on giving myself time to do this. 
I appreciate knowing about the constipation issue.  Right now, I have been able to have a movement either every day or every problems coming out so to speak.  (Sorry gang if tmi...never dreamed I would be talking about bathroom habits so much in my life!).  I will definitely be on the lookout for this. 


on 1/1/09 7:47 pm - Martinsville , IN
Christina I still five months after surgery am trying to figure out how to fit my new lifestyle into my life.  I have had to break it down into mini projects just so I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.  I wrote down all the things I needed to focus on and then prioritized them.  I jump one hurdle at a time.  I don't think I will ever master this but I give it the old girl scout effort daily.  Maybe seeing it on paper would help?

Every conversation I have with my sister turns to poop...literally.  Shoot sometimes I even take a picture for her lol. 


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

on 1/1/09 6:46 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Ah...I remember the days....

I was told to target 30 g of fiber every day. I bought Fiber One cereal (original, not the 'bunches' or whatever it is) and would measure out 1 cup into a baggie. At night, I would munch on it like it was popcorn. That was 28 g of fiber. I figured I was getting at least 2 g from my veggies during the day. Those Fibercol's or whatever they are called only have 2-4 g in each tablet..not worth the $ to me since you'd have to eat a half a bottle a day. I do think it's good that Splenda has now come out with added fiber to the packets...1 g per packet. That doesn't seem like much but I can drink alot of decaf ice tea during the day & with adding 2 packets per 24 oz, that's a good way of slipping in some extra fiber.

I was also told to try colace. The capsules did a big ZIP for me. If I got the tablets and not capsules...and if I took 4-5 of them, then I MIGHT have a very hard BM the next day (as opposed to none at all). OUCH!

Then I discovered Smooth Move tea. It's decaf, comes in tea bags. Taste is so-so..not really much flavor to it. I'd fix me a cup at bedtime (with a pk of sweetner). The next morning, all was right in the BM world! I gave the rest of my colace to my mil...they did her more good than me. I still keep Fiber One in the house..but I would recommend a hot cup of Smooth Move tea to anyone who is having problems. I found it at Meijers (in the pharmacy section). I think Kroger's & WalMart has it too but I'm not certain. It seems like it was over by the other tea bags there though.

With all the GI's I've gone to, they tried to tell me that diarea was 'normal' for post-ops. Sure, for newbies, but not once they get a little further out!  I told them that they should visit the OH boards and then they would know otherwise. One of them said 'well if you were constipated, then you were doing EVERYTHING THE RIGHT WAY.' !!!!  In their line of work, I guess they are use to seeing post-ops who don't eat right. lol



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 1/1/09 9:23 pm - Camby, IN
Thanks for the info Jeannie!  Thus far, I am going every day, or every other day at least, but I'll be on the lookout for signs of constipation for sure!

               Twilighttwilight addict


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