More questions

Melissa H.
on 12/20/08 10:58 pm - Danville, IN
Ok, so I have a few more questions! I finally started having bowel movements this morning, but they're pure liquid and dark green. Is this normal? I am passing tons of gas with it. The noises coming from my stomach are just plain scary! I'm working on sipping, but my mouth has a horrible taste too. Any idea what causes that? 

If I email the NUT, will I get a reply over the weekend? 

Also, I haven't even started trying to get protein in. Suggestions on what I should start with? Everything make me want to puke. I'm so disappointed in myself. For some reason I thought I would breeze through this, follow all the rules, and be the perfect patient. I'm far from that.

Thanks everyone.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at:

on 12/20/08 11:24 pm - Camby, IN
Relax Melissa.  You're normal.  Mine are also green - I had contacted Dr. E's nurse about it.  As far as liquid movements, that's to be expected.  Liquid in = liquid out.  The color is mainly due to all the medications and vitamins we're taking.  I freaked when mine were green too!

My husband and son are having a ball with the loud obnoxious gas I am passing.  I am so proud.  I can defend myself against them now!!

My mouth has a horrible taste too - like the entire Afghanistan army just trooped through with dusty boots.  And sometimes, there is like a slimy coating in my mouth.  I chalk it up to ketosis.

I can't help you with emailing the Nut - I haven't needed to do that.

With protein, you are to be 5 days post op.  If you are not lactose intolerant, you could start with SF Carnation Instant Breakfast and milk.  You may need to try many, many things before you can find something you can tolerate.  So far, I am having problems finding a protein I can tolerate well.  I've had the most luck with the Body Fortress New Whey Protein Bullets in fruit punch flavor.  Everything else, I've taken one sip, and poured it out rather than puke.  I'm going to try Body Fortress chocolate protein powder with water today and see how I do.  I can get that at the Wal Mart by my house, rather than having to drive to a vitamin store to get the bullets.

Please don't be disappointed in yourself.  You are doing fine, and doing the right thing by coming here and asking questions. 

Big soft hugs......

               Twilighttwilight addict


on 12/20/08 11:29 pm - Bargersville, IN

Hey girl,

The awful taste in your mouth is ketosis.  The metabolic state you reach when you start burning fat for energy.  A byproduct of the process is ketones which show in our urine and cause the bad taste and breath.  WATER helps flush the ketones from our body. 

Obviously I have pretty nasty breath since I cant get much water in yet! LOL

My belly is noisy too.  I've herad lots of folks say thats very normal.  The runny green BM is too kiddo.  I think I'm a day ahead of you in all of the things you are experiencing.

My IS numbers are stable and I have no temp.  I just have to listen to my hubby's orders about being distracted and focusing on fluids

surgery date 12/16/08 
on 12/20/08 11:34 pm, edited 12/20/08 11:35 pm - Camby, IN
Oh - another thing I did to get some protein in since I have been having trouble doing that, is to get the sugar free fudgesicles.  They are only 40 calories, and do have some protein - I think only 2 gms, but that's better than none.  I doubt that they are on our list, but I figure it is no different than taking chocolate protein and freezing it.  I just don't have more than 1 or 2 per day.  The popsicles taste funny to me.  Grape tastes like raw cabbage and orange now tastes nasty too.  So far, I can still eat the cherry ones.  LOL

ETA:  Hey you two, I am about a week ahead of you both.  Give a holler if you have a question like this, 'cause chances are I have already done it, and probably e-mailed or called Dr. E's nurse for clarification.      I'm glad to share with you anytime.

               Twilighttwilight addict


on 12/20/08 11:51 pm - Bargersville, IN

Thanks Chris,
You make it sound possible....

surgery date 12/16/08 
on 12/21/08 12:08 am - Camby, IN
On December 21, 2008 at 7:51 AM Pacific Time, rosarosso wrote:

Thanks Chris,
You make it sound possible....

It IS possible....   you can do it sweetie!!!


               Twilighttwilight addict


on 12/21/08 12:02 am - Anderson, IN


I can tell you being a little farther out than you are (4 mos post) the gas and the belly noises...they don't really go away.  I am all the time belching and saying excuse me.  If your good you'll be able to tell if its the baby belly or the big belly.  My family, friends and coworkers are all used to the belly noises now.

I have emailed the dieticians and it normally takes a day or so to get one of them to get back to me.  Never tried on the weekend though.

The funny taste - is it metallic?  like you had coins in your mouth?  I had that problem and the dieticians told me to drink 4 oz of juice.  I was lactose intollerant at the time and she said I wasn't getting enough carbs so I needed to drink juice.  Now whenever I get that I just drink a little juice.  I was only lactose intollerant for about a month so I can drink milk now - go figure.

Protein - that's another story.  I tried several million proteins.  Your taste is off one day the chocolate will be good the next day it won't.  The think to remember if it doesn't taste good today, try it another day.  But you have to do the protein drinks no matter how what so keep trying different ones until you find the one.  Cutting Edge in Castleton has some protein you can mix with 8oz of water or 8 oz of milk with OVER 50 grams of protein...wish I'd known about that when I needed protein.

Keep sipping Melissa!

         338               286                160          175
highest wgt/  day of surgery/ current wgt / goal wgt
       52 lbs lost before surgery!!
Melissa H.
on 12/21/08 12:05 am - Danville, IN
Thanks ladies. Just had an emotional breakdown on the phone with my mom and sister. They are so supportive and allow me to just cry and get it out. I am currently eating a litle cream of broccoli soup (strained of course) and it tastes pretty good. It's the first warm thing I've eaten. Also just took my lortab so gonna take a nap when I'm done eating.

I'm really struggling with getting the multivitamins in too. I bought the children's multivitamins and they make me really sick. Anyone tried anything else that works for you? 

I appreciate everyone's help!
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at:

on 12/21/08 12:12 am - Anderson, IN
Wow Melissa!  Not bad less than a week after surgery - is this your first meltdown moment?  If so kudos to you honey!

Children's chewable are great aren't they   I switch between the walmart and meijer generics because I still can't stand either on of them and I'm an equal opportunity hater! 

Be glad you have meds you can take - they never did find one to work for me so I came home with Children's motrin.   I'm allergic to lortab and I got choked on the vicodine in the hospital and threw it up...that hurt my baby belly to do so soon after surgery.

You are really doing ok Melissa!  I know you're freaking a little bit but you have all of us who've been where you are to help you along the's all about taking a deep breath and asking lots of questions.  We've got your back girlfriend!
         338               286                160          175
highest wgt/  day of surgery/ current wgt / goal wgt
       52 lbs lost before surgery!!
Melissa H.
on 12/21/08 12:17 am - Danville, IN
Thank you so much! I am so blessed to have found this board and be able to be told that I'm completely normal. Have you ever tried the adult centrum chewables? Thanks again!
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at:

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