3 questions for Wednesday!

Tracy S.
on 12/16/08 9:58 pm - Marion, IN
Guess who slept in?!   No that's not question number one. 
Sorry, I was just too dang warm in my bed. 

Today's topic:  Snow!

1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?

Mine was about 7 years ago with all four of my kids.  We made a Mr. and Mrs. Snowman in our backyard in front of our diningroom window so they could enjoy our company at dinner.

2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )

I love to make a big pot of chilli and play board games and watch movies with the kids all night long and then sleep in....LOL

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?

No, We were stationed in Miami for 5 years.  We had to come home to see snow.  I really missed it.  But surviving the Blizzard of 78 made up for the years I wouldn't get to see snow as an adult!  LOL

OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

on 12/16/08 10:40 pm - New Whiteland, IN
1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?
wow..it's been a long time ago...probably when my girls were little...maybe 20 years ago! lol

2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )
I love to read, watch movies, and there is nothing like the smell of something good baking in the oven! lol

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?
Yep always lived in Indiana...We lived up north on the Michigan border for 13 years and I loved the lake affect snow....nothing quite as beautiful as watching the puffy flakes come down.

I love the winter time and try to always see it thru the eyes of a childs wonderment!
you all have a most wonderful day, stay warm and drive safe!

"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

on 12/16/08 11:27 pm - aurora, IN

1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?
I ran across the pictures yesterday it was 13 yrs ago and it was neil and i and the 3 boys andy and lucas were 2 and 3...........memorys

2.  What is your favorite .activity to do when you are snow.ed .in.? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )
Today we are making pizza (mine crustless) and having hot chocolate and playing games....

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?
I have always lived in southeastern Indiana so always..
It is so beautiful out side to me snow reminds me of purety.


on 12/17/08 1:18 am - Lawrenceville, GA
1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?

We built one a few years back....The last real snow fall I think....

2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )

Considering all my children are winter babies...lol I can tell you what I wasn't doing.... But i like to hang with the kids and watch movies or play games.

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?

No I have not...being a military brat I traveled all over the US.  I can remember when it snowed in Atlanta and closed the city down for a few days.  That was fun....I think they only got 2-3 inches of snow but they all flipped out...lol
on 12/17/08 1:25 am - Sheridan, IN

1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?

It's been awhile, but it was with my kids. Lots of fun!

2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )

My husband usually has to work, unless it's really bad.  I like to bake.

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?

I lived in Houston, TX for 18 months.  They didn't get snow regularly anytime of the year.  I lived 9 months in Hazel Green, KY.  There was snow there.  The rest of my life has been in good ole Indiana.  We know how it snows here.


287          /271                 /154      /130-150
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                      Eleanor Roosevelt
on 12/17/08 2:03 am - Anderson, IN
Today's topic:  Snow!

1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?
I think it was in college.  I believe we were drunk. 
2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )
I don't get snowed in.  I am that crazy person that still goes out in my 4 wheel drive.  But when I do stay home, sleep.  I'd say that we would EAT but I can't do that anymore.
3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?

I have and always will.  I prefer cold weather.  The sun is not my friend.  I like it when it is rainy or snowy....gray outside.  I would LOVE to get my husband to move to Alaska.  I tried a few years ago when they were  giving away land out there.  He read about it and found out it gets like 40 below in that little town and so no dice.
"Life is hard.  Afterall, it kills you."- Katherine Hepburn
SW 387.1/ CW 229.1/ GW 190 (Updated 7/27/10)

Annette C.
on 12/17/08 2:11 am - Danville, IN
1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?

1988 - We were in Arizona and woke up to snow!  We built a snowman and by 2 pm he was history.

2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )

I pile up on the sofa with a blanket and watch "snow" movies.  Thing with lots of snow in them, like Grumpy Old Men, Groundhog Day, and Fargo.

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?

No...but see #1 above.  We were in Georgia for part of one winter and in Arizona for one winter.  I never seem to get to stay long away from snow although I'd like to.  I hate snow and since losing weight, I'm always cold.

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

Leah P.
on 12/17/08 2:16 am, edited 12/17/08 2:18 am - Indianapolis, IN
Today's topic:  Snow!

1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?

Wow would have been when my kids were little. Dylan and Olivia were probably 8 and 6.  That would have been 11 years ago.

2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )

Play in the snow, come in and have hot cocoa made from scratch and then watch movies all snuggled up together on the couch.

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?

Yes, born and raised in Columbus, Indiana.  So I remember the Blizzard of '78 too.  We ice skated on the roads for over a week. It was great!! I was in Jr. High.
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 12/17/08 2:57 am - Camby, IN
Today's topic:  Snow!

1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?

Let's see - my youngest is 29.  Probably 20 years ago with the kids.

2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )

Curl up on the sofa with a woobie (our name for the fleece blankets I make) and have a movie fest.  Before surgery, we would probably have ordered pizza - the delivery guy gets paid to come out in the snow.  We always tipped him well!

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?

Yep.  I've always lived in Indiana.  Born and raised in Kokomo, then moved to Indianapolis 20 years ago.  I remember the blizzard of 78 also.  I lived in Kokomo then and had only been married 8 months to the kids' dad.  We dug out our next door neighbors and played cards.

               Twilighttwilight addict


on 12/17/08 4:31 am - Lafayette, IN
Today's topic:  Snow!

1.  When was the last time you built a snowman and with whom did you build it?

Mine was last year with my two boys and my husband.  Brayton is now 8 and Jacob is now 5.  Husband well he is 40!

2.  What is your favorite activity to do when you are snowed in? (some of you might not want to respond to this one )

Make chili and watch comedy movies with my boys.

3.  Have you always lived in a climate that has snow in the winter?

I have lived in Lafayette, IN all my life except for 3 months when I moved up North.  I got back to Lafayette before they got the lake effect snows.
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