Today's prayer list requests....
I was going to start a topic for prayer requests for some people and I thought about how many of us have people who need our prayers every day. Perhaps we can have a thread each day just for those requests...? Emil, Dan, and Brenda R....I know that the three of you are very active in the ministry. Please add the requests that you see in these threads to your daily prayers. I make that same request to each of you out there....and as always, pray for one another. I am so thankful for all the many blessings God has allowed us to have...especially, having such dear friends as each of you.
My prayer requests for today....
Hope and Peter will continue to be on my list every day. I received another update from Hope yesterday. I think they are going to be very fortunate if they have Peter with them through Christmas. Both of them remains strong in their faith and continue to have such a wonderful outlook. I think they are both resigned that it may not be in God's will for a miracle to occur and Peter to recover so they are looking at it that Peter will need to go home to help prepare the mansion for him and Hope to spend eternity in.
Our Gail had to have abit of a procedure done yesterday. The majority of it was on her sinus passageway so she gets to sport two black eyes for awhile. Since it was in such a sensitive location, her eyes are watering quite abit so she's having some trouble reading right now. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. She's at home resting.
My prayer requests for today....
Hope and Peter will continue to be on my list every day. I received another update from Hope yesterday. I think they are going to be very fortunate if they have Peter with them through Christmas. Both of them remains strong in their faith and continue to have such a wonderful outlook. I think they are both resigned that it may not be in God's will for a miracle to occur and Peter to recover so they are looking at it that Peter will need to go home to help prepare the mansion for him and Hope to spend eternity in.
Our Gail had to have abit of a procedure done yesterday. The majority of it was on her sinus passageway so she gets to sport two black eyes for awhile. Since it was in such a sensitive location, her eyes are watering quite abit so she's having some trouble reading right now. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. She's at home resting.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...