Hoosier Accountability - Tuesday
Hi everybody! Whew, it's been a busy couple of days. Had a great time at our anniversary celebration/Christmas shopping outing yesterday. I even got some shopping done!
Breakfast: Hot Click at 4:00 a.m., then a little later made a sausage, egg, cheese breakfast bowl. It was great, and that pure protein held me for most of the day.
Lunch: Not too hungry, had an energy bar and about 5 McDonald's french fries.
Dinner: Rotisserie chicken from Meijer (man, those are good!), about a tbsp. of mashed potatoes, dinner roll, a little milk.
Protein good, water good, supplements good. Went to the gym and had a good workout at 6:30 this morning - elliptical and then treadmill for about 25 minutes, then about 15-20 minutes on the weight machines. Man, my muscles were fatigued when I got home! Got right to typing and didn't stretch...gonna do that now before I go read for a while & then go to bed.
Have a great evening, everyone!!