Update on my status and thanks!

on 12/12/08 7:10 am
Hi All~

Thank you to all *****sponded so quickly to my pleas for help.  I so appreciate the support and prayers!  You all are amazing!  I feel like I have fought really hard to get this surgery.  That being said, I really want everything to be in God's timing, not just mine.  I definitely don't want to have complications and put my health in further jeopardy than it already is.   
I went to my doc's office and got my blood drawn.  The tech told me that they would be able to get the results still today, so I was thankful for that!  I just got a call a few minutes ago from my doctor's office telling me that they ran two different tests to check my thyroid.  The thorough test...she said my thyroid is normal.  They did a second test which is exactly the same as what St. V's did and got a totally different number???  This test showed that my thyroid is only a little bit low, but not near what St. V's said it was....dangerously low.  They were still in the process of running some kind of antibodies test as well?  They want me to increase from .2 to .225mg.  My nurse also said that she wanted to talk to the nurse at St. V's.  I'm just wondering how in the heck this could happen...such a drastic difference in just a couple of days?  I don't know much about this kind of thing, but it just doesn't make sense?  Anyone wanna enlighten me? 
I will be running to the drugstore in a bit to get the new script.  I'll let ya all know what I find out on Monday!  Thanks again for your support.  You are the best! 
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do."  ~Helen Keller
on 12/12/08 8:54 am - Anderson, IN
Hey chick! 

Man, I am sorry to hear about your troubles.  I can tell you that my thyroid was low also.  So, they did the same to me....and my regular doc said it wouln't come up that quick....but it did.  They had me take it like 2 days before surgery and it was up enough that they went ahead with it.  So....it's not over yet.

How is your grandma?  Call me if you need anything.
"Life is hard.  Afterall, it kills you."- Katherine Hepburn
SW 387.1/ CW 229.1/ GW 190 (Updated 7/27/10)

on 12/12/08 10:16 am - Indianapolis, IN
Wishing you the best of luck! Thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!Let me know if ya need anything! I know that you are ready to begin your journey! I am hoping for a speedy answer! Heres hoping your journey begins soon, as you had planned!

Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

Tracy S.
on 12/12/08 11:49 am - Marion, IN
It sounds like you are on the right track.  Keep the faith girl!  You will be fine and the surgery will be done before you know it.  God obviously wants you to have the surgery or you wouldn't have made it this far in the process.  I believe everything will go as planned and you will be on your way to a much healthier you.

Take care and keep praying!


OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

Melissa H.
on 12/12/08 2:41 pm - Danville, IN
Christina, I'm sorry I didn't see your posts before now, I'm at work. Did the nurse at St. V's have any trouble getting your blood? Or if their machines were off and needed recalibrated, it could have messed up your results. I'm glad to hear they aren't as bad as they thought and hopefully surgery will still occur on Fri as planned. Keep us posted.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at: www.melissawlsjourney.blogspot.com

on 12/12/08 6:50 pm - Indianapolis, IN
I'm glad things turned out ok. I work in an industrial lab..not a medical lab...but I sure would not want to be the lab technician that ran your bloodwork by the time Dr. Gupta gets done with them! I have seen her go to bat for her patient (me) and she is like a mother lion protecting her cub! Just the kind of doc we all want!! Did you have your original tests ran there at St. V's on the 3rd floor?

Working in a lab...even though it isn't medical...there are several things that could had happened.

When pulling your blood.....
*If your blood came out extremely slow, it may have not clotted correctly & mixed in the tube right.
*They could have grabbed the wrong tube and the wrong stuff mixed with it.
*They may not have pulled enough blood.

In the lab....
*Instruments are usually calibrated in a lab setting once per shift. The calibration may have been off for several reasons. Someone new could had done the calibration. It could had been toward the end of the shift...ie, close to time to recalibrate.
*The wrong pipette could have been grabbed to measure out the blood or to dilute it with. If they use an auto-dilutor, it may have needed primed or had a partial plug in it.
*I don't know what kind of instrument these bloodwork samples are ran on...my guess would be a Gas Chromatograph (aka GC). We always run standards & controls with anything ran on a GC (or any other kind of instrumentation). If the standards were made incorrectly or were close to their expiration time...or not warmed up to room temp, that could had affected your results since the samples are calculated off of the standard results usually. The standard could have been made up correctly but used a componet from a different vendor & that cause differences.
*Instrument problems. A partial plugged needle or septum could cause screwy results. An incorrect mixture could. A dirty column or head gasket can. All of these things are very possible with GC's.

So...you may never know why you result was that way. I know though that in our QA labs (the ones that production sends their samples to), if we got a result that was out of range, we reprepped the sample in duplicate & ran them to ensure that result was correct. We do not just release an out of control result without an investigation to ensure it's not something that was lab-caused. I don't know what the procedures are in a med lab.

I'm glad things turned out ok! Aren't you glad you didn't just double up? LOL!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 12/13/08 12:21 am

Thanks so much for all your replies.  Sherri, what can I say...you rock lady!  After reading your response, it's the most calm I have felt since all this drama started!  Thank you!  Yesterday I was so caught up with the emotions part, I really didn't even stop to think about the test being wrong?!  I was in high gear of the "it's all about me" mode!  Ugh!  Since the St. V's nurse told me that they ran the test twice and followed up with "your surgery is in jeopardy", that's pretty much all I heard!  Grrr....I'll tell you I've had issues with my pcp's office ( a few of you know about), but I'm thankful they went to bat for me on this.  I was so focused on the me part of it, I didn't see anything else, but thankfully they suspected something right away!  Thank God!  I feel such a weight being released.  Pun intended!   Now I guess I'll be playing the hurry up and wait game.  Talk to ya all later!  Huge hugs!  


"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do."  ~Helen Keller
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