on 12/12/08 12:26 am - LaGrange, KY
Sherri - Praying that this is the final piece to the puzzle to fix you.

Also keeping Hope and Peter and their family in prayer.

I'm really excited bout our mini get together this Sunday. If anyone else is interested in meeting us. IAMASWEETHEART, Lee Ann, Leah and I are meeting at Applebees in Seymour at 1 pm I believe is still the right time.

Not much going on today. Just trying to take it easy. I'm off "work" today. My lungs are kind of mad still and I've dropped my steroid dose back in half so I'm hoping they don't get worse. :| Sometimes that happens during this time of year or when I've got all this junk in my lungs, they start tapering them down and my lungs really get mad and start acting up worse. All this coughing and stuff is not fun and the antibiotics and the steroids are really messing with my tummy. I've had to break out the Phenergan and Compazine almost full time again. :|

I've been thinking bout making trying to pick 1 or 2 more kids up part time. Then I think I'm crazy too, I'm blessed the kids I have now are awesome and they listen very very well. We always have so much fun together and for the most part they can entertain themselves if need be but typically I'm right there with them, whatever they're doing. I LOVE being able to be so hands on and I love the fact that these kids tell their mom to go to work so they can come to my house. So that makes me slightly hesitant to take on any more because we have loads of fun. Plus right now if we want to get out of the house, I toss the carseats in my car and we go. Nothing keeps us back, with more than 1 more kid it would be impossible and sometimes I have their older brother on weekends soo that would throw the balance off. The mom was bragging to everyone about me the other day because I actually do stuff with them (we made crafts the other day with foamies and made little picture frame magnets and stuff like that). I'm thinking about just maybe mentioning it at church and putting I'm willing to do date nights or something, hopefully it'll be enough to do at least 1 night a week or something like that. I'm just kind of brain storming I guess lol. I just kind of need a little more money and know they cannot afford to pay more so I don't ask (right now I only charge 45.00 for 3-4 days a week 6-7 hour shifts a 2 & 4 year old and somtimes 6 year old but sometimes its just 1 of the kids other times its all of them).

I have run out of my AcheivOne shakes and we really didn't have the money to go buy them but I think I'm going to have to when I get my lil paycheck this week because the milk/carnation instant breakfast thing isn't working real well for me, I miss my shakes and the calories vs all the other nutrition is really the best I've found. I have a 20% off coupon for our GNC too so it'll only be 31.00 for my shakes per case. The only thing I don't like bout the gold card membership is it's only good really the first 10 days of the month. I've been debating telling people I want GNC gift cards for Christmas when they ask.

Anyways, I'm super sleepy today and I think I'm going to go curl back up under my blankets.

Leah P.
on 12/12/08 1:23 am - Indianapolis, IN

Hope you feel up to coming this Sunday.  Girl you have to take care of yourself!! 
When I ran my licensed daycare, I loved it.  It was the parents that were a pain to deal with at times.  Kids are great. 

Have a good nap!!! 
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 12/12/08 3:08 am - LaGrange, KY
I'm almost sure I'll be there regardless. I'm not contagious anymore soo I'll be there.
on 12/12/08 4:41 am - Indianapolis, IN

You should ask your family to see about getting you gift certificates through It is WAY cheaper than $31/case!!! I order 12 cases at a time and get an additional 5% discount (so...~$21/case) and it costs about $80 total for s&h. Check them out!! I don't get them through Bariatric Eating anymore because they cost ~$100 more per order.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 12/12/08 5:01 am - LaGrange, KY
I can't afford to do 12 cases at a time.. :|
on 12/12/08 5:17 am - Indianapolis, IN
Oh, you don't have to! You can just do one if you want. I was trying to give you an idea of how much the s&h was. You can go to their site & see how much it would be for one or two cases (or however many). If you get 10 or more though, the s&h calculator screws up and over-charges you but they make good on it..



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 12/12/08 5:18 am - LaGrange, KY
I'll check it out..
Leah P.
on 12/12/08 1:05 am - Indianapolis, IN
Sherri I am so glad you getting some answers and things seem to be moving forward with getting your stomach problems fixed.  I only wish there was a more immediate way to recitify it all.  The waiting is the worst part for me.
I am so happy that there is a company that seems to care for its employees.  You deserve the time off that you have earned!  I am happy for you about that.
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 12/12/08 4:51 am - Indianapolis, IN

thanks! I guess I figure after waiting 15 months, another month or two to actually have the surgery should be a piece of cake. Just having a possible answer made me so excited that I had trouble sleeping last night.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 12/12/08 1:33 am - aurora, IN
Good afternoon everyone
Ihad my cumadin level checked this morning it was 1.3 she upped my medicine but told me if the hosp wasnt full and so much going around thats where my but would be..
As i set here wrapping gifts my heart is hurting for everyone who is having trouble right now..My friend just got laid off and Argosy laid off for the first time in 13 yrs I am so thankful Neil has his military orders.
Sherry i hope i didnt say anything out of the way,i think it is great that you are able to this.You shouldnt have to explain anything to anyone.
Im glad they are finally given you a diagnois,I have a german shepard mix he is border collie and german shepard and he is so beautiful,i afraid the kids would kill me though,but i will keep my eyes and ears open for you...
Misty get better sweetie so i can see you sunday,Leah and LeeAnn too..
Andrea so sorry about you mil,we will pray for her as well as peter and hope.
Everyone stay safe and have a great day.........

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