Good morning everyone!
I want to apologize if anyone has been offended by my 'days left to work' countdown. I really did not mean to rub anyone's nose in it that I have all these days off & they have to work. Last year, I lost 64 hr of vacation, 40 of which I paid for (even when it was evident I couldn't take it). With our vacations, you have to use it by December 31st or you lose it. I lost those hours..and lost that money. Also, because I was off the first of the year (medical leave), I wasn't allowed to purchase additional hours for 2008. I held on to as many hours as I could all year. I was afraid I'd need them for doctor's appointments. Even after I got a 2 day/month allowment for intermittent leave, I was still afraid to use many of those vacation hours in case I needed more than 2 days with all the tests. That's why I have so many hours now...and why I am so thrilled to actually be able to use them. Next year, with it being my 20th year with the company, they add 2.5 more days to your regular vacation days given. Plus, with it being a 5 yr increment anniversary, they are giving me an additional week plus I could buy 2 weeks instead of one. Since I'm going to be there the beginning of the year, I took them up on it all! So..for 2009, I'll have 312 hours vacation. With me being on 10 hr days, that is a little over 31 days (7 weeks, 3 days) holidays & year end holiday. Ummm...I won't be there for about 3 months in 2009. No..not all at one time, but it is going to be great!
Medically...I have some news to share!
When I spoke with Dr. Wittles on Monday night, he had said that he'd like to do a motility test to see how the intestines are behaving..and how they behave when food hits them. get the same drugs as for an endoscopy and that dang tube (catheter) is placed down your nose, past your throat, and into your small intestines. This time, it will be measuring the pressure and movement of the intestines. They monitor this for 5 hours. Then they give me something to eat. How I am to eat with that tube gagging me or while I'm drowsy, I have no idea. But then they monitor for another hour to see what the intestines do once the food reaches them. At that time, he said that my intestine may be thinking there is a blockage when there isn' when food hits them, they'd quit moving. If that is the case, there is an injection that they can give you to knock some sense into your intestines (my wording, not This injection is expensive so insurance companies require justification for dispensing it and the testing would be that justification. He also said that he was waiting for a hernia specialist to call him since the distension issue wasn't really noticeable until the hernia 'repair'. Between the wound-vac and the hernia, my stomach was so big, who would had noticed a few more inches?
I got notification from Dr. Wittles nurse, Sharon, that the motility test was scheduled for January 7th. she's sending me the info..including the prep info. Lovely. Yuck!
Then....last night, Dr. Wittles called me again. That hernia specialist called him, they discussed my case and the specialist looked over all of my tests so far...the actual scans & pictures, not just the written reports. His diagnosis? My intestine distend because...THEY CAN! He feels that with the abdominal wall opening being so large that I don't have enough abdominal muscle to prevent the intestines from doing whatever in the heck they want to and that mesh definitely isn't enough to refrain them any. So...he feels that if I had my abdominal wall closed up, ALL of my symptoms would go away! I told Dr. Wittles that Dr. Gupta didn't want to close it up until she was confident that the intestines wouldn't distend, get in a bind, and me end up back in a coma. He said that this motility test will be the final piece of the information. That if they are working correctly, there would be no reason for her not to close me up. And if they are not, they can give me the injection...confirm that it worked..and then me get closed up!!!! So either way folks, it looks like I am going to be normal by spring!!!!! This is one test that I am looking forward to (ok..not the gagging on the tube so much)! No matter it's results, a solution is in sight!
Thank you all for keeping me in your prayers. I had prayed for a diagnosis as a Christmas present. Isn't our God wonderful?
By the way...I got another update from Hope. There's been a few changes. Peter continues to get weaker as the cancer progresses. They both have such wonderful attitudes though. You know that Peter is going to be a welcome addition in Heaven. It's great to think that such a wonderful caring person is going to be up there looking out for us. With his condition getting worse, the doctors have decided to quit giving him blood transfusions. It was just taking more out of him than it was giving in return. His kidneys are also starting to be affected. Hope and Peter's mother made the difficult decision to admit him into Hospice and are filling out the needed intake forms. I have recently said..and I believe Hope and Peter would fully agree with me...Hope's updates are not a message of death..but life. It's not about the struggle to live but the joy of loving. Hope has had a wonderful attitude about all of this. You can just tell that she and Peter have prayed about this and feel at peace with God's decisions. I feel so blessed to be able to call them friends.
Oh..if any of you know of a German Shepard mix (but not with lab or pit bull) or full blood (as long as it isn't too pricey) that is house trained & good with kids that needs a new home, please let me know. We are looking to adopt one. All the ones we have looked at so far were either not good with kids and/or not house broken (both are requirements!!) or too hyper. If they are hyper, I know that Bill will be wanting to get rid of it within 2 weeks. With Bill's eyesight, we need a dog who will come when called for..but not be under his feet & trip him up. After we find one, Bill is going to check & see if voc rehab will pay for him/her to be trained as a visual guide dog. Bill can't take a regular bus to go somewhere because he'd have to cross traffic so if he needs to go somewhere & I'm not home, he goes through a program called 'open door' through Indy have to arrange the ride 2-3 days in advance. Let's say that I am out of town and something happens to Bill's mom or daughter..he'd have to call a taxi even if he just needed to go a few blocks away. So..if you know of an intelligent Shepard, let me know...k? That would be a wonderful Christmas present for Bill.
Well everyone..have a terrific day! I don't know what all Bill has on the agenda for today, but knowing him? We won't be home much!
I want to apologize if anyone has been offended by my 'days left to work' countdown. I really did not mean to rub anyone's nose in it that I have all these days off & they have to work. Last year, I lost 64 hr of vacation, 40 of which I paid for (even when it was evident I couldn't take it). With our vacations, you have to use it by December 31st or you lose it. I lost those hours..and lost that money. Also, because I was off the first of the year (medical leave), I wasn't allowed to purchase additional hours for 2008. I held on to as many hours as I could all year. I was afraid I'd need them for doctor's appointments. Even after I got a 2 day/month allowment for intermittent leave, I was still afraid to use many of those vacation hours in case I needed more than 2 days with all the tests. That's why I have so many hours now...and why I am so thrilled to actually be able to use them. Next year, with it being my 20th year with the company, they add 2.5 more days to your regular vacation days given. Plus, with it being a 5 yr increment anniversary, they are giving me an additional week plus I could buy 2 weeks instead of one. Since I'm going to be there the beginning of the year, I took them up on it all! So..for 2009, I'll have 312 hours vacation. With me being on 10 hr days, that is a little over 31 days (7 weeks, 3 days) holidays & year end holiday. Ummm...I won't be there for about 3 months in 2009. No..not all at one time, but it is going to be great!
Medically...I have some news to share!
When I spoke with Dr. Wittles on Monday night, he had said that he'd like to do a motility test to see how the intestines are behaving..and how they behave when food hits them. get the same drugs as for an endoscopy and that dang tube (catheter) is placed down your nose, past your throat, and into your small intestines. This time, it will be measuring the pressure and movement of the intestines. They monitor this for 5 hours. Then they give me something to eat. How I am to eat with that tube gagging me or while I'm drowsy, I have no idea. But then they monitor for another hour to see what the intestines do once the food reaches them. At that time, he said that my intestine may be thinking there is a blockage when there isn' when food hits them, they'd quit moving. If that is the case, there is an injection that they can give you to knock some sense into your intestines (my wording, not This injection is expensive so insurance companies require justification for dispensing it and the testing would be that justification. He also said that he was waiting for a hernia specialist to call him since the distension issue wasn't really noticeable until the hernia 'repair'. Between the wound-vac and the hernia, my stomach was so big, who would had noticed a few more inches?
I got notification from Dr. Wittles nurse, Sharon, that the motility test was scheduled for January 7th. she's sending me the info..including the prep info. Lovely. Yuck!
Then....last night, Dr. Wittles called me again. That hernia specialist called him, they discussed my case and the specialist looked over all of my tests so far...the actual scans & pictures, not just the written reports. His diagnosis? My intestine distend because...THEY CAN! He feels that with the abdominal wall opening being so large that I don't have enough abdominal muscle to prevent the intestines from doing whatever in the heck they want to and that mesh definitely isn't enough to refrain them any. So...he feels that if I had my abdominal wall closed up, ALL of my symptoms would go away! I told Dr. Wittles that Dr. Gupta didn't want to close it up until she was confident that the intestines wouldn't distend, get in a bind, and me end up back in a coma. He said that this motility test will be the final piece of the information. That if they are working correctly, there would be no reason for her not to close me up. And if they are not, they can give me the injection...confirm that it worked..and then me get closed up!!!! So either way folks, it looks like I am going to be normal by spring!!!!! This is one test that I am looking forward to (ok..not the gagging on the tube so much)! No matter it's results, a solution is in sight!
Thank you all for keeping me in your prayers. I had prayed for a diagnosis as a Christmas present. Isn't our God wonderful?
By the way...I got another update from Hope. There's been a few changes. Peter continues to get weaker as the cancer progresses. They both have such wonderful attitudes though. You know that Peter is going to be a welcome addition in Heaven. It's great to think that such a wonderful caring person is going to be up there looking out for us. With his condition getting worse, the doctors have decided to quit giving him blood transfusions. It was just taking more out of him than it was giving in return. His kidneys are also starting to be affected. Hope and Peter's mother made the difficult decision to admit him into Hospice and are filling out the needed intake forms. I have recently said..and I believe Hope and Peter would fully agree with me...Hope's updates are not a message of death..but life. It's not about the struggle to live but the joy of loving. Hope has had a wonderful attitude about all of this. You can just tell that she and Peter have prayed about this and feel at peace with God's decisions. I feel so blessed to be able to call them friends.
Oh..if any of you know of a German Shepard mix (but not with lab or pit bull) or full blood (as long as it isn't too pricey) that is house trained & good with kids that needs a new home, please let me know. We are looking to adopt one. All the ones we have looked at so far were either not good with kids and/or not house broken (both are requirements!!) or too hyper. If they are hyper, I know that Bill will be wanting to get rid of it within 2 weeks. With Bill's eyesight, we need a dog who will come when called for..but not be under his feet & trip him up. After we find one, Bill is going to check & see if voc rehab will pay for him/her to be trained as a visual guide dog. Bill can't take a regular bus to go somewhere because he'd have to cross traffic so if he needs to go somewhere & I'm not home, he goes through a program called 'open door' through Indy have to arrange the ride 2-3 days in advance. Let's say that I am out of town and something happens to Bill's mom or daughter..he'd have to call a taxi even if he just needed to go a few blocks away. So..if you know of an intelligent Shepard, let me know...k? That would be a wonderful Christmas present for Bill.
Well everyone..have a terrific day! I don't know what all Bill has on the agenda for today, but knowing him? We won't be home much!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
(deactivated member)
on 12/11/08 8:37 pm
on 12/11/08 8:37 pm
Good Morning all
Sherri I am not offend in your post in the least bit about how many days you get off, I am really really jealous though. I finally reached my 5 years with my company and now I get 120 hours of vacation and 40 hours sick. So you deserve what ever you can get them to give you after you have been there that long. Glad to see that you are finally getting some answers to your problems. I hope and pray that you will be a brand new spring chick. I work 4 10's also love having Friday Sat. and Sun off. The plant I work at will be closing here in the next 12-18 months so will be looking for new job so will more then likely have to work Fridays again. Oh well as long as I find something that is all that matters.
My hubby and I are getting ready to go to Detroit MI, my dear mother in law has had a major stroke and is unconscious and she is paralyzed on her left side. This happened last Friday ( she has had major major health problems this last year) she has dementia and has not known anyone for the last year, but any way that is are plans for this weekend.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend and will catch up with you all on Monday.
Sherri I am not offend in your post in the least bit about how many days you get off, I am really really jealous though. I finally reached my 5 years with my company and now I get 120 hours of vacation and 40 hours sick. So you deserve what ever you can get them to give you after you have been there that long. Glad to see that you are finally getting some answers to your problems. I hope and pray that you will be a brand new spring chick. I work 4 10's also love having Friday Sat. and Sun off. The plant I work at will be closing here in the next 12-18 months so will be looking for new job so will more then likely have to work Fridays again. Oh well as long as I find something that is all that matters.
My hubby and I are getting ready to go to Detroit MI, my dear mother in law has had a major stroke and is unconscious and she is paralyzed on her left side. This happened last Friday ( she has had major major health problems this last year) she has dementia and has not known anyone for the last year, but any way that is are plans for this weekend.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend and will catch up with you all on Monday.
Good Morning All,
Oh Sherri, your medical news is so wonderful. I know you must be excited about the possibility of being "normal" again. And yes, our God is an awesome God. Hon, you didn't offend me at all with your vacation talk. I'm just jealous it isn't me, but I can't complain because I get a lot of vacation time too after 16 years. I'd like to be like some of the people who work in the building and take the month of January off, but that is the start of our busiest time.
I plan on going through boxes in the garage today and get rid of a bunch of stuff. Need to make room for the kids to have a play area when the families come over for our get together on the 21st. I picked up some Christmas crafts at Michael's to keep them occupied (hopefully) while the adults visit. We need to get the storage boxes back up in the attic too until it's time to pack up the decorations again. That plus my DIL wants to run a few errands and I always take her on my Friday's off. We do enjoy each other's company. My Friday is full.
I hope everyone has a great day, stay warm, stay safe. Peace and Joy to all.
Oh Sherri, your medical news is so wonderful. I know you must be excited about the possibility of being "normal" again. And yes, our God is an awesome God. Hon, you didn't offend me at all with your vacation talk. I'm just jealous it isn't me, but I can't complain because I get a lot of vacation time too after 16 years. I'd like to be like some of the people who work in the building and take the month of January off, but that is the start of our busiest time.
I plan on going through boxes in the garage today and get rid of a bunch of stuff. Need to make room for the kids to have a play area when the families come over for our get together on the 21st. I picked up some Christmas crafts at Michael's to keep them occupied (hopefully) while the adults visit. We need to get the storage boxes back up in the attic too until it's time to pack up the decorations again. That plus my DIL wants to run a few errands and I always take her on my Friday's off. We do enjoy each other's company. My Friday is full.
I hope everyone has a great day, stay warm, stay safe. Peace and Joy to all.
Another day in paradise. (not)
Sherri, I'm so glad the answers are coming your way. You've waited long enough.
I'm praying for strength for Hope and Peter.
There are so many needs on the board. It makes me feel guilty for the pity party I find myself throwing every once in a while. Forgive me, Lord for ignoring my blessings.
In the words of Tiny Tim, "God bless us, every one."
Sherri, I'm so glad the answers are coming your way. You've waited long enough.
I'm praying for strength for Hope and Peter.
There are so many needs on the board. It makes me feel guilty for the pity party I find myself throwing every once in a while. Forgive me, Lord for ignoring my blessings.
In the words of Tiny Tim, "God bless us, every one."
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
I know what you mean about feeling guilty after reading some of our fellow members trials and tribulations. It does put things in perspective for us doesn't it.
My only wish is that I could do more, say more or even just ease someone else's suffering.
I don't know Hope or Peter. But from what all of you have said they are fabulous people. My heart aches knowing the pain they are going through. But the reward awaiting Peter is more joy than we can all imagine. I found comfort in that thought when my Mom passed.
You have a great weekend Annette!!
Blessings to you all, Leah

Good morning everyone. Sherri, I am so glad that it seems you are finally getting answers that you deserve. I'm sure you'll do fine for the motility test with the tube down your nose. Tell them to use a kid size tube! 
We took the boys last night to see Santa, it was fun and I got a great picture! I work tonight and tomorrow, last nights I work before my surgery. We are having a pitch in tonight because it is the PICU staff Christmas party but we can't go because we are working.
Have a great weekend everyone!

We took the boys last night to see Santa, it was fun and I got a great picture! I work tonight and tomorrow, last nights I work before my surgery. We are having a pitch in tonight because it is the PICU staff Christmas party but we can't go because we are working.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at:

Check out my WLS blog at:

DS on 11/14/12
Sherri...I think your medical news is great and that you are off is even better news! Like I told a friend of mine on the board...don't worry about offending people on the board...they are obviously the ones with issues...not you. I love that people come on here and can share their good and bad moments. Isn't that what this board and group is about? Supporting you through it all? I still have prayers going to Hope and Peter....Have a fun day on the run with Bill! He is really a mover and shaker isn't he! How do you keep up?