I'm home!!
I'm home ladies, and a little groggy. I came home right before lunch was served. So, I've had 2 meals at home today.
I did something stupid, I picked a towel up off the floor this morning. Boy did that hurt! I won't be doing that again!
I'm getting in my fluids, and trying to walk as I can.
Jeanna was still there when I left - she wasn't sure when she would get to go home.
I did something stupid, I picked a towel up off the floor this morning. Boy did that hurt! I won't be doing that again!
I'm getting in my fluids, and trying to walk as I can.
Jeanna was still there when I left - she wasn't sure when she would get to go home.
Hey Chris,
You must have been feeling pretty good to bend down and pick-up the towel, but I know that you were in pain afterward. We were talking about how well you looked at the hospital. I am so happy that you are home, just keep sipping and walking. Now you'll be able to get some rest at home and get started on a routine. Our buddy at work got her surgery approved today; she is so happy. I'll be keeping in touch with you.
Take Care of Yourself
You must have been feeling pretty good to bend down and pick-up the towel, but I know that you were in pain afterward. We were talking about how well you looked at the hospital. I am so happy that you are home, just keep sipping and walking. Now you'll be able to get some rest at home and get started on a routine. Our buddy at work got her surgery approved today; she is so happy. I'll be keeping in touch with you.
Take Care of Yourself
Christie, I'm so glad you are home and doing well. Hang in there, bending over will come with time!! ;o)
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at: www.melissawlsjourney.blogspot.com

Check out my WLS blog at: www.melissawlsjourney.blogspot.com

welcome home.....and welcome to your NEW life. I have your pampered chef. I will stop by tommorrow after work around 430 ish...."K" Get some rest and make sure you are walking and sipping. I know it's a bit hard right now to get in what you need to but you just need to work on getting down a pattern on taking your vits and eating and exercising. It's all trial and error. See what works for you! See ya tommorrow...
xoxo shanna
xoxo shanna
welcome home Chris....I'm so glad things went well for you. Take it easy for now...
surgery date 12/16/08

Welcome back! So glad you're doing well. Do what you know you're supposed to do, and welcome to the loser's bench!