Update on Socki (Kim)
I wanted to let you all in on some information about Kim (socki). Many of you may have noticed her absence on the board lately. Kim is having a very rough time right now. Let me give you a bit of insight.
2006 - Kim and her kids had a house fire and lost everything including all their Christmas items.
2007 - Dec. 12, Kim had emergency surgery to remove a more than 35lbs tumor that consumed her entire stomach. She has no pouch, no stomach, just intestines. (she joins us here because it is as close to the same lifestyle as she can get.) Kim nearly died and was in the hospital for nearly four months.
2008 - Nov. Kim found out she has Multiple Schlorosis..(sorry about spelling). It is rapidly advancing. She will never be able to return to work.
2008 - Dec. They found more cancer that needs surgery.
I have Kim's permission to share this with you all. She is very depressed and very emotional and hasnt felt up to getting on the boards.
I miss her posts on here terribly. I hope that you all miss her as well. It would be so amazing for her to see how much her OH family loves her and misses her. I would ask if you would all just drop her a card in the mail to shower her with some positive attention in the next few days. She is really in need of it. Noone in her family understands her emotions about having her surgery and all that this has meant to her. Her address is on the Hoosier Loser's directory.
I am going to go shopping with her to help her with groceries and a gift for each child when my next unemployment check hits. She has been so drained that she can hardly go to the grocery. She also has been denied disability and has no unemployment. So.... Keep her in your prayers. She is a very sweet person and would never ask for help because she knows we are all in situations of our own. But, I know how it is breaking her heart to have nothing to give the children for Christmas.
Pray for Kim!
2006 - Kim and her kids had a house fire and lost everything including all their Christmas items.
2007 - Dec. 12, Kim had emergency surgery to remove a more than 35lbs tumor that consumed her entire stomach. She has no pouch, no stomach, just intestines. (she joins us here because it is as close to the same lifestyle as she can get.) Kim nearly died and was in the hospital for nearly four months.
2008 - Nov. Kim found out she has Multiple Schlorosis..(sorry about spelling). It is rapidly advancing. She will never be able to return to work.
2008 - Dec. They found more cancer that needs surgery.
I have Kim's permission to share this with you all. She is very depressed and very emotional and hasnt felt up to getting on the boards.
I miss her posts on here terribly. I hope that you all miss her as well. It would be so amazing for her to see how much her OH family loves her and misses her. I would ask if you would all just drop her a card in the mail to shower her with some positive attention in the next few days. She is really in need of it. Noone in her family understands her emotions about having her surgery and all that this has meant to her. Her address is on the Hoosier Loser's directory.
I am going to go shopping with her to help her with groceries and a gift for each child when my next unemployment check hits. She has been so drained that she can hardly go to the grocery. She also has been denied disability and has no unemployment. So.... Keep her in your prayers. She is a very sweet person and would never ask for help because she knows we are all in situations of our own. But, I know how it is breaking her heart to have nothing to give the children for Christmas.
Pray for Kim!
Oh my, she has been through a lot. I will keep her in my prayers. What is her last name? Or how do I find her in the directory?
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at: www.melissawlsjourney.blogspot.com

Check out my WLS blog at: www.melissawlsjourney.blogspot.com