Good Tuesday Morning!
Christie & Jeanna - Good luck on your surgeries today ladies.
Everyone else, depending if my doc thinks I'm contagious still and how I feel is whether or not I'll be coming to the St V's party.
I thought I'd put a note on here...while I can. That darn pc of mine at work just does not like OH! I don't have any problems getting around any other site except here. How strange is that???? I even tried to defrag and all. Sure...made everything else go quicker, but not here. Grrrr!
I'm looking forward to seeing other St. V people tonight. I'll be picking up Gail & us coming together. I wish they had it open to one & all but it's pretty crowded the way they have it anyway. Oh! I gotta remember my camera! Good thing I put this post on here to remind me! I'm leaving straight from work to pick up Gail & us head up there.
I'll try to pop in during the day today. If I don't's my parn pc there. Only 3 more days!!! Woo-hoo!
Huggs to you!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Morning all. After the bitter cold we’ve been having it almost feels like spring out there this morning. I’ll take the rain over ice and snow.
Nothing unusual today, work as normal. Hoping my pc acts better than it has been. Wants to keep locking up on me on some programs I use here.
Sounds like a lot of you will be going to St V’s party tonight. I hope you have a wonderful time together.
Sherri, love the picture, meant to say something earlier and forgot.
Misty, hope you are feeling better today and the meds kick in for you.
Christie and Jeanna wishing you the best for today.
May everyone find joy, peace and abundant blessings in today’s comings and goings.
I know. I had already posted but I got to work and remembered that I forgot to tell you guys something...and so...I'm hoping that this does post. The pc is liking OH a little better today than yesterday. Afterall, it did bring this screen up anyway.
Dr. Wittle's called last night. He's the GI from IU. I had talked with his nurse Shannon yesterday so I had expected his call..but thought it would be earlier. It was close to 7 when he calle d (dangerous times, huh Brenda? LOL!). Anyway, when I talked with Shannon, she told me that Dr. Wittle's considers himself just the consult in my case so that he preferred for me to go through Dr. Gupta for meds, my desk duty order, etc. I guess that takes care of the mental struggle I had over who would operate if I needed a surgery, huh?
Anyway, Dr. Wittle's is still waiting for a call back from that other specialist and will call me as soon as he talks with him. This other guy does RNY's & is a general surgeon. He also specializes in hernia's & intestines. Dr. Wittle's has several things with me that he plans on picking this guys brain over. One question is..the things that they have found...that section that isn't working correctly ALL of the time (aparently it does sometimes because it did during the upper GI) and the minor adhesions...would that be enough to cause the problems I'm having? Alone, neither one is enough for 'normal' people but let's face it folks, my body has behaved anything but normal for quite awhile! He also plans to discuss my stretched out mesh over the open abdominal wall that was put into place to 'repair' the hernia.
Dr. Wittle's is also going to be consulting with an intestinal specialist from case he has any ideas. I know. I'm not child but I think Dr. Wittle's is trying to cover all basis.
Dr. Wittle's is going to have his staff today set up a motility test for my intestines. I guess I'll be kinda in la-la land like I was for the CT Enteroclysis. A tube will be put down my nose again (this part I remember quite well..UGH!) to my small intestines. They will be monitored like that in a fasting state for FIVE HOURS. Then, I'll be given something to eat and the monitoring continue for at least another hour to see how my intestines behave with food. Once again, I'm afraid nothing will be evident if I'm laying down the entire time. I can't imagine trying to eat with that darn tube in! And I would imagine that I'd have to be wide awake to eat...something I do NOT want to be with that darn tube. I will try not to dwell on it but friends..that does have me concerned. Them trying to guage how my intestines behave with me in a laying down position also concerns me since it is when I am upright that my intestines distend...not when I'm laying down. Maybe I should bring a tape measure with me and have them note my tummy measurement in a standing position before AND after the test, huh?
Dr. Wittle's used a medical term for what he is wondering if night be going on and I'm crappy at remembering those. Anyway, I guess it pretty much means that there isn't a blockage but my intestines THINKS there is so they behave in that way. There is an injection for that (where they stick the needle, I don't know) but I guess it's pretty pricey and they have to justify administering it to insurance companies prior to administering it. It can't be a simple 'well, we tried everything else'. So...this motility test should show be able to justify it if he is correct. That is what I will be concentrating on instead of that gaggy tube!
I should be getting a call back from Dr. Wittles today or tomorrow (after he's talked with the other specialist(s). And I should be getting a call back from Shannon on when that test will be.
That brings you all up-to-date.
Oh..I do have an email out to Dr. Gupta's nurse about the meds & desk duty order. Hopefully they'll act on it quick...I only have enough pain meds to get through today. I'm waiting to see how poochy my tummy ends up tonight. It would be nice to see Dr. Gupta's reaction to hearing someone ask me how many months along I am! let's see if this darn pc will let me submit this!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Wow, Sherri, I sure will be saying prayers for you often. Can't wait to see you tonight!
Christie and Jeanna, My prayers are with you today.
I am just going to try to get a few things done around the house and get things together so that Marc and I can leave for the party kinda early. I think we might make a stop in Noblesville to shop for just a bit... mostly just window shop. I would like to get out of the house for a change. LOL.
Misty, I sure hope you get better soon babe. I am so sorry you feel so bad. I hate it when my kids are sick and you are starting to feel like one of my daughters. I worry about you just as much. Huge hug from Momma!
Teanonna, if you are reading posts, please drop me a line soon and let me know how you are doing!
Hope everyone has a great day and safe travels!
Huge Hugs,
I hope to see everyone at the St V's party tonight. I will be with my man and Vicki and her man. I loved it last year hopefully this year will be just as enjoyable.
It was great seeing everyone on Saturday at Floyd and Brenda's... I had such a great time and definitely needed the uplifting in my spirit. So much has changed this past year for me that I needed the normalcy of seeing everyone.
I hate this rain by the way it makes me so freaking tired. Wish I could be tired at night when i'm supposed to be!!!
I slept in i caught what everyone else has and man it isnt fun,i hate not being able to breathe..
Misty sweetie i hope you feel better soon and you get to go to the party tonite.
Sherry Im glad your not getting the brush off and they are taking care of you,my mom had a botched hysterectomy and she now has adhesions(she says they are so painful)and she has mesh in her belly,i told her about you and she says to keep pushing them to get you taken care of and i told her beleive me she
You and Gail and Tracy and everyone else have a great time tonite.
Christie and Jeanna good luck and hope to here from you soon.
Well i gotta pay bills or as they say rob peter to pay
Have a great day and stay safe.
Have fun everyone. Maybe I can make it to the next clothing exchange. I really want to sit down and visit with you guys! I miss my girls.
Love you,
Hope the weather is nice for everyone to party to this evening. It is a nice and yuccky day here today. Oh well, get out and enjoy it while you still can.
Hope everyone is doing well. We are all doing good here. Just staying busy. Thats a good thing in this time.
Sorry I missed the ornament exchange. I really wish I could have been there. There is always another time. Take care and have fun this evening tho.
Happy Holidays to all, and God Bless each of you!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!