Sunday morning!
Once again, I've been awake since much too early...5 am this time. I gave up trying to go back to sllep around 6:45.
We don't have alot planned for today...fill up my truck, visit Bill's mom in the hospital, & run over to Walgreen's to pick up scripts. Tiffany is suppose to come over this afternoon I think. She's bringing Rod (her dh) and Shellie (Bill's daughter) with her.
Shellie is Miss Drama Queen to the nth power! When I was in the coma and all that stuff, she threw herself onto the floor, kicked & screamed that 'God can't take my mother from me, I haven't had her long enough'. She did this right in front of MY kids..and our young grandchildren. Oh...and Shellie was 31 yr old at the time (she's 32 now) we are talking about an adult behaving this way. So...we haven't told her about Jean (Bill's mom) having the surgery, etc. Since Jean is going into a nursing home for awhile though and will probably be there for Christmas, I told Bill that I think it's time we tell Shellie. So...we'll be having that difficult conversation today. I figure she'll be mad that we didn't tell her. But if we had, she would have been at the hospital 24/7 this entire time. Tiffany didn't need the worry of who was going to take care of the kids (including Shellie's daughter) while Tiff was at work. Shellie is good at putting what Shellie wants in first place...even above what Shyanne..her 3 yr old...NEEDS. Fortunately, they live with Tiffany so Tiff looks out for Shyanne like she does her own kids. So...I'll be glad for that conversation to be done.
I hope whatever you all have planned today that you are able to stay warm as much as possible. My weatherbug says it's 9 degrees right now with a -3 wind chill!
Have a terrific day!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Good morning all! Happy Sunday!
Sherri, OMG, you win the award for drama queen family member there. I have the Drama KING for a hubby but he is not THAT bad. I can snap him back to reality with a look most of the time. (my mom taught me that!) LOL.
Plans for today... I am going to get GROCERIES! Yep thats right! You heard me! When I got home yesterday, there was my UE debit card waiting with my first payment on it! I can get groceries for the first time in a month! Never thought I would be excited to go to Wally world and shop for food. Im planning it out like it was a long awaited vacation.... got my list and coupons and the whole weird thing going on. Wonder what I should wear? LOL J/K I will wear what I am wearing to Church this morning, it should be dressy enough. ( Can you tell Im a little wacky this morning!?)
I am feeling so blessed to have met so many of my great friends and then to get my UE rolling. Life is getting better for me. I just hope it does for all of you as well.
Have a great day and May God bless you!
Hard to believe that the time is finally here. Hubby's going to make me a pasta meal tonight for my last "regular" pre op meal. I'll also have my last Diet Cokes today...

Here's hoping that all goes well, not only for me, but for everyone having surgery this month.
I can relate to how difficult it is to give up diet coke. I LOVED my diet cokes pre-op and that is actually what I drank all day long - nothing else. I gave them up about 3 weeks before surgery and swithced to crystal light. I thought I would really struggle with wanting them post-op, but I've been really lucky. I don't miss them at all now. I hope it's that easy for you too!
Best wishes,
Hi everybody!'s cold!!
Picked my mom up and went to church this morning. Just made a pot of coffee and I'm gonna get some work done. We are going to my mother-in-law's for dinner this afternoon, looking forward to that! It's a little all-in-one birthday get-together for my sister-in-law, nephew, and his girlfriend. Should be fun!
I'm watching what I eat very carefully today after my bad eating day yesterday. I'm not going to start those bad habits again!
Better get busy...have a great day, everyone!