Man, enough is enough! I am so ready for the better days!!!

on 12/4/08 2:50 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Alot has been going on! I don't want to go into all of the craziness BUT if you pray and want to share a prayer for my SON, I would appreciate it!

We have had some car issues that have really mounted, that after the job and surgeries and well I shared with you all that Markie is playing basketball for his HIGHSCHOOL and well, he was injured 3 weeks ago at practice, we took him to the doc, had xrays, they said severe contusion to the knee, no activity for 1 week. Week is up, he practices/plays , he is still in pain! The doc ordered an MRI yesterday at Community East- I asked today to have a fax sent to the school to lighten his practice time until the results come back- the hospital said 2-3 days! The doc calls me back says she received the message and has a faxed statement ready to send BUT she also has to talk with me, she already has the MRI report and his leg is broke, he is out for the season! Homecoming is tomorrow night, he is so bummed! They are having a BIG pep rally at school tomorrow that the players all asked their parents to attend- we cannot go- he has to be at the specialist at the same time, to see if he is having surgery and a cast or what! They said he has a tumor on his bone and the break is behind and under that!SOOO I am upset for my son, I know how much this has meant to him and how hard he worked all season to make the team and look forward to playing!

I know that I start my job orientation on Saturday and I am so looking forward to that and then of course seeing those of you that will be at the ornament exchange, these are my bright spots!
I am trying so hard to stay positive, BUT it is so hard to believe when it seems to be one thing after another, it is so hard to convince my husband and son, when I feel like I haven't quite convinced myself, first! UUGGHH!- and I do know that I am not alone in this battle, but I am ready to see some brighter times, already! As I am sure many of you are too-

I am so sorry to be venting! I can't sleep and I just want to snuggle with him and I feel so bad for him! He has been complaining of the pain, I wish I knew! Whats a mom to do!

Thanks for reading this far!
Sorry for the ramblings!

If you can, please say a prayer that he will keep his spirits up and that this doesn't set him back! He has had alot of depression and all since the housefire and was just seeming to come around with grades, attitude, the whole package!

I now - it could be worse- BUT I am a mom! My heart is broken for him! It will mend, in time!

Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

on 12/4/08 3:23 pm - aurora, IN
OMG Dawn
Has his leg been broke for 3 weeks and you didnt know?
Im sorry you all our going thru this,he is your baby sure you wonna make him feel better , so snuggle
How is he doing with knowing he cant play?
He is your son and im sure he has your strength and he seems like a trooper.
I know Lucas has a benign cyst behind his knee and they cant remove it and once a year it has to be checked and when they first told me it scared me to death..
Dawn you vent away and i hope to see you sat,and i hope everything works out for you and Markie.
Sometimes it seems like we stand up and life knocks are butts back down doesnt it?prayers and lots of huggs

on 12/4/08 6:46 pm - decatur, IN
Oh Dawn, my heart breaks for you and Markie!  Your family has been through so much.  You are in my prayers and you will get my hugs tomorrow.  I will be bringing you a pair of Crocs, don't forget.  See you then.  Cyber hugs for now...Karen
on 12/4/08 7:31 pm - Indianapolis, IN

I don't think anything affects us quite as much as seeing one of our babies in pain. And yes, they are our 'babies' no matter how old they are! I'm glad they finally got him diagnosed correctly. He might be surprised on how much sympathy a cast will give a young man...especially one who is on the basketball team! Tell him to look for that silver lining. In this case...GIRLS! High school girls are SO impressed with jocks...and you put a jock in a cast? Shoot, they are ALL going to want to sign it!

I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 12/4/08 7:45 pm - Martinsville , IN
Dawn ...boy do I know how you feel.  My son got upset at school last year and punched the locker, well I never in my wildest dreams imgined anything was broken.  His teacher said to him five days later Calvin you probably should see a doctor.  I took him to the ER that night and a bone in his wrist was broken, you talk about feeling like a heel.  I cried right then and there and the ER doc was a lil freaked out by the tears over a broken wrist, I explained that I felt bad for waiting. Sherri is right about the cast making them popular.  My son got to pick the color so he picked black and got a silver sharpie for everyone to use to sign it.  I can look back now and it seems just like any other day around here but at the time it seemed like the worst day ever.  Keep you chin up, things will get bettter.

My son also broke his finger once during football practice and had to miss a few football games.  He didn't like that one bit, but once again the sympathy he got from everyone helped him through, cause he got to be a "star" off the field.


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

Brenda R.
on 12/4/08 8:13 pm - Portage, IN
Dawn, I am keeping you and your son in my prayers. I know that at times it seems like things are heaping up on us. Just know that God is there with you.

I do understand what you are saying about your kids. I think that if you want to cuddle with him you should just go ahead and do it. You just might be surprised that he wants it too. But I can pretty well bet that he wouldn't tell his friends about it tho. ha ha

I pray that God keeps all you in the circle of His loving and healing arms and brings peace and understanding to all of you.

Please know that we are here for you to help with whatever we want us to do. Please don't hesitate to just let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. Keep your chin up and trust me when I say that better things are coming around the corner for you and your family.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jo N.
on 12/4/08 10:16 pm - Crawfordsville, IN

Boy Oh BOy Dawn, do I know how you feel. IF it ain't one thing it's another. And with that, just how in the heck are you suppose to be Mary Poppin's with the good advice cheering everyone on (everyone being your family) when it's starting to pull you down. First of all you have to let Markie know that health comes first. He has to get that lef fixed and there is nothing wrong with missing out on ONE thing if it means he gets to keep his leg and it gets to heal. Right as school started and football practices had been going on for a month... Gage had to up and leave. He had to fix some other physical problems he was having including his foot and ankle. He missed the whole season doing physical therapy... but at the end of it he was excited at the prospect of how much better he'd be playing next year. Just hard to find those happy moments in that dark tunnel of crap. And it's normally left to us mom's and wive's to find it. Hang in there sister.... it's there. Look at all of the responses so far that are so excouraging to you and your family. 


You know if you need anything specific... just holler on here (the board).... someone will be listening and willing to extend that helping hand for you. That's what we are all here for.

Meanwhile, though it's not much, plz except my virtual hug. 


Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


Tracy S.
on 12/4/08 11:41 pm - Marion, IN
Dawn, Huge hugs... im sorry that your family is going thru this.  I know how your heart aches for him.  I know how heartbroken he is as well.  You are all in my prayers. 

OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

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