Im looking forward to the ornament exchange tomorrow. Im getting my tires rotated today for the big trip. Ive also got to go shopping ...I have to make cookies for my husbands work. Im not looking forward to it. I havent made them in 2 yrs ...This will be a big tempaTion Im not looking forward to.
This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes
This is my favorite online site for shopping
Good morning everyone!
It's Fffrrriiidddaaayyyy!!!!
I know, like you all needed reminded, huh? LOL! I love Fridays now that I'm off on them! Now it's Thursdays that is all hectic for me. I had some work orders to take care looks like they might have to replace our entire electrical system in the lab! $$ouch$$ I also got a little further on the Empower stuff yesterday (that computer program that we have to get prepared for an upgrade of). I have a one on one with someone in the know about it next Wednesday. So..Monday, I will finish up my performance management review so my boss can get it signed off. I also have a meeting that day. On Tuesday, I have some stuff in the old lab I have to transfer over (mainly out of my freezer there to one in the new lab). Wed is that one on one and I go see Dr. Bergman at 5-something (my leg is doing better but I do feel a small lump behind the scar still). Thursday, I have a 2 hour meeting and have to leave early for Bill's eye appointment. And that will wrap up my work year! Woo-hoo!
I haven't heard back from the GI's office yesterday. Shannon (his nurse) is going to try to discuss my case with him today. I hope some decision(s) can be reached!
Well...I better get. I need to get Tiffany's email into a 'list' format. She sent it in paragraphs...not the way you want to do Christmas shopping, you know?
You all have a wonderful day!
ps..We got our first 3 Christmas cards yesterday. One was from Bill's HS friend. One was a picture card from his neice & her family (the baby is adorable!). And one was from Annette & her dh on here..thank you Annette!
pss...Speaking of cards...I finally got my Thanksgiving card Ellen! LOL!! Thank you!
It's Fffrrriiidddaaayyyy!!!!
I know, like you all needed reminded, huh? LOL! I love Fridays now that I'm off on them! Now it's Thursdays that is all hectic for me. I had some work orders to take care looks like they might have to replace our entire electrical system in the lab! $$ouch$$ I also got a little further on the Empower stuff yesterday (that computer program that we have to get prepared for an upgrade of). I have a one on one with someone in the know about it next Wednesday. So..Monday, I will finish up my performance management review so my boss can get it signed off. I also have a meeting that day. On Tuesday, I have some stuff in the old lab I have to transfer over (mainly out of my freezer there to one in the new lab). Wed is that one on one and I go see Dr. Bergman at 5-something (my leg is doing better but I do feel a small lump behind the scar still). Thursday, I have a 2 hour meeting and have to leave early for Bill's eye appointment. And that will wrap up my work year! Woo-hoo!
I haven't heard back from the GI's office yesterday. Shannon (his nurse) is going to try to discuss my case with him today. I hope some decision(s) can be reached!
Well...I better get. I need to get Tiffany's email into a 'list' format. She sent it in paragraphs...not the way you want to do Christmas shopping, you know?
You all have a wonderful day!
ps..We got our first 3 Christmas cards yesterday. One was from Bill's HS friend. One was a picture card from his neice & her family (the baby is adorable!). And one was from Annette & her dh on here..thank you Annette!
pss...Speaking of cards...I finally got my Thanksgiving card Ellen! LOL!! Thank you!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Mariah, I say go buy cookies! That's not fair! ha ha Hello everyone, I'm back and gearing up for my weekend at work. I need to go do some shopping today, but it's sooo cold and I hate to take my 1 year old in this weather (not to mention myself). I want to go look around at vitamins and prices, etc. Then tonight and tomorrow night I get to work. Only 2 more weekends before I'm off for my surgery. Stay warm everyone.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at:

Check out my WLS blog at:

Good Friday morning to the IN board! I know that it has been a looong time since you heard from me. Trust me I am still alive and kicking. I may not be kicking as high as I was when I was younger but kicking still and all!
Misty is playing with her little kitty mat and just jumping and chasing after her own shadow. She is still just as nuts as she ever was and sometimes I think she is even more nuttier if that is possible. She is flipping her little mat all over the living room. I am not sure just what she thinks it is going to do but she is waiting for it to do something. It is just a little mat for her to lay on and it says "Birds can fly so should I". She refused to sleep in her bed anymore so I got her this. She refused to lay on that either but the past week she has been doing it. I just can't keep up with her. She is certainly a goof ball but I guess I will keep her!
We got the ultrasound of our new Grandson! Yes the baby is a boy so on April 22nd (or whenever he chooses I should say) Caleb Taylor Lee is going to make his grand appearance. Both Bill and I are so excited. Once Bill saw him on the ultrasound he totally changed. I am sure his apprehension was because of our 3 that just didn't turn out good. But once he saw the little face and the hand that Caleb was waving at us things crumbled for sure. He went to work and told everyone that he was having a grandson. Not proud is he? I of course went and made 3 copies of all the 4 ultrasound pictures. One for Bill, one for me and one to keep at home so we can show them to whoever wants to see them. I am turning into one of those grandparents that I was never going to be~one that shows the pictures. I am going to work on changing that. I never thought that I would be one of those! Isn't it amazing how things change and you just do somethings that you never would have thought that you would?
Last night I went to the church and helped to fill tins and boxes for the soldiers and for the shut ins and nursing home people and some of the people of the church. We filled about 30 and it took about an hour and half to fill, and try to get the lids on. Then we wrapped the boxes for the ones that need to be mailed to those who are here in the states. The ones that go overseas are in PO boxes and ready to go. It is going to take about $100 to mail them all but we love doing it. Along with cookies and candy the soldiers get other things that they need too. Like razors and toothpaste and such.
Still no job for me but I am kind of just looking right now. There isn't a lot around here to look at either. Jobs here are so scarce so I am kind of thinking that I waited to long to try to find one. A good thing is happening where Bill works and he might be going into the management part of the job. Or at least we are keeping our fingers crossed that it is going to go that way. The company that we worked for was bought out and the new one is cleaning house and getting rid of a lot of the ones that aren't doing anything. And that includes the big shots too. One is gone and another might be next week. I sure would appreciate any prayers you can say for the situation. Whatever is God's will will be and that is alright with us. But I keep thinking that God takes care of His own and blessings come down for those who wait on the Lord.
Karen (karmawings) I am so happy to hear about the new sweetie in your life. I just knew that something was going to happen for you. Sometimes I know things that happen but I don't like to say anything since some people can think you are nuts! ha ha I think that you are so right when you said a while back that love is better the second time around. Most of the time it is. If you put out love that is what you get. I know that you put out a lot of love to everyone and so how could you not get it back? Please keep us posted on how things progress with Richard.
I am not going to be able to get to the ornament exchange this year. The weather up here is so unpredictable and they are calling for a pretty good amount of snow this week end too. We already had a big one before Thanksgiving and got about 10" of the fluffy white stuff. Boy that was early too. Not a good sign for our winter this year. I will be thinking of all of you while the big social event is going on.
I better get going. You are all probably thinking "Please shut the pie hole will ya please?". I have some things to do this morning and even tho it is only 20 to 7 I want to get some things done around here.
Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers even tho I am not on the board that often. I am sending love and hugs to all and have a super day today in whatever you do.
Misty is playing with her little kitty mat and just jumping and chasing after her own shadow. She is still just as nuts as she ever was and sometimes I think she is even more nuttier if that is possible. She is flipping her little mat all over the living room. I am not sure just what she thinks it is going to do but she is waiting for it to do something. It is just a little mat for her to lay on and it says "Birds can fly so should I". She refused to sleep in her bed anymore so I got her this. She refused to lay on that either but the past week she has been doing it. I just can't keep up with her. She is certainly a goof ball but I guess I will keep her!
We got the ultrasound of our new Grandson! Yes the baby is a boy so on April 22nd (or whenever he chooses I should say) Caleb Taylor Lee is going to make his grand appearance. Both Bill and I are so excited. Once Bill saw him on the ultrasound he totally changed. I am sure his apprehension was because of our 3 that just didn't turn out good. But once he saw the little face and the hand that Caleb was waving at us things crumbled for sure. He went to work and told everyone that he was having a grandson. Not proud is he? I of course went and made 3 copies of all the 4 ultrasound pictures. One for Bill, one for me and one to keep at home so we can show them to whoever wants to see them. I am turning into one of those grandparents that I was never going to be~one that shows the pictures. I am going to work on changing that. I never thought that I would be one of those! Isn't it amazing how things change and you just do somethings that you never would have thought that you would?
Last night I went to the church and helped to fill tins and boxes for the soldiers and for the shut ins and nursing home people and some of the people of the church. We filled about 30 and it took about an hour and half to fill, and try to get the lids on. Then we wrapped the boxes for the ones that need to be mailed to those who are here in the states. The ones that go overseas are in PO boxes and ready to go. It is going to take about $100 to mail them all but we love doing it. Along with cookies and candy the soldiers get other things that they need too. Like razors and toothpaste and such.
Still no job for me but I am kind of just looking right now. There isn't a lot around here to look at either. Jobs here are so scarce so I am kind of thinking that I waited to long to try to find one. A good thing is happening where Bill works and he might be going into the management part of the job. Or at least we are keeping our fingers crossed that it is going to go that way. The company that we worked for was bought out and the new one is cleaning house and getting rid of a lot of the ones that aren't doing anything. And that includes the big shots too. One is gone and another might be next week. I sure would appreciate any prayers you can say for the situation. Whatever is God's will will be and that is alright with us. But I keep thinking that God takes care of His own and blessings come down for those who wait on the Lord.
Karen (karmawings) I am so happy to hear about the new sweetie in your life. I just knew that something was going to happen for you. Sometimes I know things that happen but I don't like to say anything since some people can think you are nuts! ha ha I think that you are so right when you said a while back that love is better the second time around. Most of the time it is. If you put out love that is what you get. I know that you put out a lot of love to everyone and so how could you not get it back? Please keep us posted on how things progress with Richard.
I am not going to be able to get to the ornament exchange this year. The weather up here is so unpredictable and they are calling for a pretty good amount of snow this week end too. We already had a big one before Thanksgiving and got about 10" of the fluffy white stuff. Boy that was early too. Not a good sign for our winter this year. I will be thinking of all of you while the big social event is going on.
I better get going. You are all probably thinking "Please shut the pie hole will ya please?". I have some things to do this morning and even tho it is only 20 to 7 I want to get some things done around here.
Know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers even tho I am not on the board that often. I am sending love and hugs to all and have a super day today in whatever you do.
Good morning all
I had a cold ride this morning stopped at the atm to get money and my window fell down inside the door and lets just say i did some cussing on the way home..brrrrrrrrr
Malachi is coming to spend the afternoon he is 2 and there is nothing like a hug from a little one.
Brenda i was so glad to see you on here today i sure have missed you.
Sherry dont you and Gail have to much fun today.
Michelle hows the testing going?
Pam in Nov i baked cookies with my sils alot of them i think like 30 dozen or more and i didnt eat one,i got them out of my house asap (no temptation when you are giving them all away) see you tomorrow.
Dawn sweetheart i want to say we love you.
Everyone have a good day and stay warm
I had a cold ride this morning stopped at the atm to get money and my window fell down inside the door and lets just say i did some cussing on the way home..brrrrrrrrr
Malachi is coming to spend the afternoon he is 2 and there is nothing like a hug from a little one.
Brenda i was so glad to see you on here today i sure have missed you.
Sherry dont you and Gail have to much fun today.
Michelle hows the testing going?
Pam in Nov i baked cookies with my sils alot of them i think like 30 dozen or more and i didnt eat one,i got them out of my house asap (no temptation when you are giving them all away) see you tomorrow.
Dawn sweetheart i want to say we love you.
Everyone have a good day and stay warm
Hi everybody! Taking a little break before I get back to the grindstone. Wish I could join you at the ornament exchange, but my business won't let me. Hope you all have a great time!
I got up at 4:00, had my Click, and got some work done. Picked up my mom at 9:00 and took her to a flea market she likes to go to. Just got back a little while ago. Now I'm having a Lean Cuisine canneloni for lunch then it's back to it! Got a lot to do...and I need to wash my dishes and put my outdoor Christmas lights up. That might have to wait until the weekend, it's COLD out!
Better get with it...have a great day, all!
Good late morning all! I was up til 2 am playing cards with Chaz and Ash. He called at 8pm and said his body was still on Iraq time and he couldnt sleep and wanted some MOM time. So they came over and we played cards forever. It was awesome. I treasure every minute with him. He is more than a SIL to me... he IS my son. His birth mother left him at the hospital and he was raised by his grandparents. HIs grandmother died in October while he was over there. So, he is feeling a bit lost coming home to find life without her. I am blessed that he loves me enough to call me mom.
Today, I got up at 5 am to take Marc to work and the kids to school... yep, good math... 3 hours of sleep. woohoo! I wish I was a coffee drinker but no decaf for me thanks. Jessi, my oldest, is taking me to her company christmas party tonight. Her hubby has to work. So, I told the girls on thanksgiving that I am doing something special for them. I am offering each of them 8 hours of house cleaning and laundry services as a portion of their Christmas gift this year. Since I dont have a job and no money .... it was a win win situation for all of us. Jessi is claiming me for today to do some housework.
So, tomorrow is our big day. I can't wait to meet all of you.
Huge Hugs, Tracy
Today, I got up at 5 am to take Marc to work and the kids to school... yep, good math... 3 hours of sleep. woohoo! I wish I was a coffee drinker but no decaf for me thanks. Jessi, my oldest, is taking me to her company christmas party tonight. Her hubby has to work. So, I told the girls on thanksgiving that I am doing something special for them. I am offering each of them 8 hours of house cleaning and laundry services as a portion of their Christmas gift this year. Since I dont have a job and no money .... it was a win win situation for all of us. Jessi is claiming me for today to do some housework.
So, tomorrow is our big day. I can't wait to meet all of you.
Huge Hugs, Tracy
Hi all!!! How are you doing today? I'm pretty well. Been busy at both jobs. For VR, it's getting close to the end of the semester, and I have alot of college students on my case load. They all need to meet with me and get things squared away for next semester. At Sears, well it's retail... it's Christmastime... it's busy. I don't know if it's as busy as last year, but they haven't hired as many extra cashiers either, so it sure feels pretty busy.
The kids are getting excited for Christmas, and we are planning to go get our layaway out this weekend. That will be good to have done. Then we just need some gift wrap and we'll be ready for the kids' Christmas. I am thinking we will probably put up the little tree we were given on Saturday night this weekend. Maggie's especially looking forward to it.
We are moving at the end of this month. Anyone know any strong people who are free on December 29th? I can't pay alot, but I can some... We could really use the help. If you're local contact me.
The kids are getting excited for Christmas, and we are planning to go get our layaway out this weekend. That will be good to have done. Then we just need some gift wrap and we'll be ready for the kids' Christmas. I am thinking we will probably put up the little tree we were given on Saturday night this weekend. Maggie's especially looking forward to it.
We are moving at the end of this month. Anyone know any strong people who are free on December 29th? I can't pay alot, but I can some... We could really use the help. If you're local contact me.
Well we are looking forward to the big Gaither Homecoming concert tonight. It's always great fun seeing them and it's the christmasy one too so it'll be awesome'ness hehehe. These things are always a blast almost like a variety show too because theres a lil bit of comedy (well a lot) thrown in with the singing. Of course I can use the uplifting music and what not too!
Soo exciting !
Soo exciting !