Pre op class
I will be leaving to head out to my preop class pretty soon. Butterflies are churning. I am only 13 days away and while very excited, beginning to get just a tad bit nervous! Normal right?? I look forward to this class and learning all I can, then going shopping for those last few things I need for after surgery.
Just got an email from OH today wishing me luck on my surgery with lots of great tips. How nice was that. It mentioned something about a surgery angel?? Anyone want to be my friend and share my updates after surgery? I have a lap top, but not thinking I'll take it to the hospital, more important things to think about.
Christie, I will see you in about 2 hours! Can't wait to meet you.
Just got an email from OH today wishing me luck on my surgery with lots of great tips. How nice was that. It mentioned something about a surgery angel?? Anyone want to be my friend and share my updates after surgery? I have a lap top, but not thinking I'll take it to the hospital, more important things to think about.
Christie, I will see you in about 2 hours! Can't wait to meet you.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at:

Check out my WLS blog at:

Melissa, I will be your angel if you will give me your information and I will give you my cell number. I am excited for you. Nervous is normal. It will pass. Your class today will be so informative and if you are like me, it will calm your nerves. Educating myself on medical things that they are doing to me always helps me.
Good luck and huge hugs!
Good luck and huge hugs!
I'm home. I am totally on information overload, but got so much great information. Now to buy my vitamins and stuff and I'll be all set.
Christina, it was great to meet you and get to know you a bit. Thanks for keeping me company.
Christina, it was great to meet you and get to know you a bit. Thanks for keeping me company.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at:

Check out my WLS blog at:

Hi. My name is Jennie and I saw you at the pre-op class at St V's today. I was the girl in the far left front row. (The only one who brought her spirometer with her...LOL) I would love to get an angel too because I have very little support and having someone call or come see me in the hospital would be soooooo great!!! Good luck to you and I will race you in the halls......

Oh Hi! Sure wish you would have introduced yourself. It would have been great to meet you in person. I was sitting next to Christina, she's from OH too. Did you have your husband with you? I'm trying to figure out where you were. Front row, far left right? I'm sure someone will see this and volunteer to be your angel. And I will be your friend. Hang in there, it's getting close!
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at:

Check out my WLS blog at:

Shelia I would love for you to be my angel. I tried callling but got your answering machine. I did not leave a message. I will try to call again tomorrow... I will be having my surgery at St Vincents in Carmel, IN. I will tell you more tomorrow....ttyl Jennie and thank you for wanting to be my angel!!!!
Oh yeah, I know exactly who you are now. So sorry we didn't get the opportunity to meet in person.
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010
Check out my WLS blog at:

Check out my WLS blog at:

Hi Melissa/Jennie!
Melissa, I'm glad we were able to connect. It was great having a buddy for the least we got through all of that information together! Yippee!
Hopefully I'll be able to see you before you go home. I'm sure you're gonna do great!
Jennie....I would so have loved to meet you too! Since our dates are so close together, we need to keep in touch and keep each other going, okay! My surgery is on the 19th. We're all on the countdown! Woot!
Take care gals!
Melissa, I'm glad we were able to connect. It was great having a buddy for the least we got through all of that information together! Yippee!

Hopefully I'll be able to see you before you go home. I'm sure you're gonna do great!
Jennie....I would so have loved to meet you too! Since our dates are so close together, we need to keep in touch and keep each other going, okay! My surgery is on the 19th. We're all on the countdown! Woot!
Take care gals!