Holiday Depression
I'm not one that usually gets depressed around the holidays but I think this year is different. There's so many people hurting right now. Troy's sister is in trouble and she has two small children. The oldest (age 6) is bouncing between us and Troy's mom. Her youngest (age 3) is bouncing between his father and Troy's mom. My daughter had her Brownie meeting last night and one of the little girls had on torn, stained clothes, shoes that didn't fit and was just dirty. I spoke to the leader afterwards and she's going to get some info to me so a few of the Brownie Moms can get some items together for her for Christmas. Then we get up this morning and our huose is freezing. Troy went in and the pilot light was out. He tried to light it and it blew a flame up his arm and singed all of his hair off of it! I was scared to death. He took today off to work on it but I'm afraid he's going to get hurt. Then of course we're probably looking at getting a new furnace. If it's not one thing, it's another.
Don't get me wrong. I know things could be a lot worse. I think of LaChelle and I want to cry. I wish I could help. I'm thankful what I have but it just never seems to be enough. I don't mean I want more "stuff". I just want there to be less pain in the world.
My daughter and I are doing an advent calendar each night before she goes to sleep. It's a book called The Colors of Christmas. It gives you a scripture to look up in the Bible. Then it gives you a little paragraph about why that is important to Christmas. Then it gives you two or three items to find in an "I Spy" type picture. It's really a neat book. The topic the first two days was green and we read about the Garden of Eden and the beginning of sin. Maybe that's spawned this melancholy attitude I'm feeling. The book is supposed to make you yearn for the coming of Christ. With everything going on, I can't think of a better time for Him to come.
Maybe I need my medication adjusted.
Hope you are having a better Holiday Season.
God is a very loving God and he knows what is in store for each of us. I hope that if you are struggling with some sort of burden or pain that you will turn it over to God and let him carry it for you. We are a powerful group of prayer warriors and I am sure that we will all come through this stronger than ever. Please continue to pray everyday and allow us to pray as a family for all that is hurting during this time. Our God is an awesome God.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this awesome family.
I so understand i wish i could make everybodys pain go away.
I dont get depressed but i feel like its wrong for me to be happy when everyone else is suffering..
2 of my best friends have been diagnosed with cancer,i lost 3 wonderful men in my life this year..
My aunt is terminally ill and my moms cancer is back.
The economy sucks and the world seems evil and i pray for my friends on here who are having such a hard time..
My boys and i talked about it and they are giving up part of their christmas to my friends boys and there own money is going to by gifts for 2 people in the nursing home to have alittle Christmas.
I feel laughter is my best medicine so i surround myself with my family and friends and laugh...
Im so glad Troy is okay and i hope you get your furnance fixed soon.
We will just keep praying for everyone because we all know that it works..
im sending you lots of love ..
Jacqui, praise God that Troy didn't get seriously injured. I hope you can get the furnace fixed and not have the expense of a new one.
I too see the hurt, pain, need, despair, longing, and the list goes on from our Indiana members. God knows and hears our cries and prayers. It is so wonderful that we can lean on each other and pray for each other. God is in control. We need to trust Him. I fully agree with Tracy on turning it all over to Him.
Hugs going out to you sweetie. Wish I could give it to you in person. I love ya kiddo.
My heart goes out to you. The whole furnace thing is scary. Thank God your husband wasn't hurt. It seems it is always something. I know there isn't much I can say or do to make anything hurt any less. Just know there are people... your OH family, thinking of you... praying for you and listening to you. Sometimes just getting things off your chest helps too doesn't it.
Like Tracy said... give it to God. That is a hard one that I struggle with daily sometimes.

I called Troy over my lunch break and he's waiting for a technician to come look at the heater. Thank you Jesus! I asked if he'd blown the house up yet. He didn't find that funny at all. I couldn't help myself.
I also went to the Christian Resource Center and signed my daughter and me up to ring the Salvation Army bell over the next few weekends. Maybe by helping others, we'll help ourselves. I know that's what Jesus suggests anyway. Sounds like good advice to me.
I know if the sun would shine it would make me sunnier too! I'm sorry I'm so blue lately. You people are the very best and I'm blessed to have you in my life.
Love you bunches,
I am so glad Troy got someone to help with the furnace. Gas and electricity are not friendly elements and I personally am petrified of both. I am glad he was not hurt any worse than some hair removal. Just tell him to wear long sleeves for a week or so! I would have asked the same

I totally understand your pain. It's why I haven't been posting. I'm in therapy trying to understand why I survived cancer this past spring... but my dad had to die. Peter going thru his crisies(sp?) made it even harder for me to understand. Then cam Linda Kay's sister and Ellen's sister (she has the same cancer as I do). I don't understand how I was honored to live.... and these loving people including my father either continue to suffer or die. It's hurts really bad. Hurts so bad that it's caused some problems with my eating addiction/disorder so I'm in a different therapy program for that.
I lost my job.
Constantly sick - wearing a depends because I can't control my bladder (how embrassing) and I pass out if I drive to long.
No money for christmas shopping - infact we are already one month behind on our house payment amongst other bills.
But you know... I just keep trying. I try to convince myself that everyday is a wonderful day. I get up and eat breakfast with Q. We work on holiday projects or walk around. I try to go tanning every day as my therapist said the fake light will help with my depression and my pain specialist said it would help with my RSD pain. I try to keep myself POSITIVE busy. Infact I just got done with my Secret Elf's Christmas Box and I can't wait to mail it to her now. I'm so excited about that. I just keep working on the good stuff. It's there... abundantly. Just have to look for it and then be thankful.
Anyways.... I just wanted to give my 2 cents, sorry to ramble on selfishly.
Hang in there and what your doing with your daughter is absolutely wonderful. Years from now when she has her own kids or even when she's a grandma of her own..... she'll BRAG to kids about that memory and how good and awesome it made her feel about how good Christmas is.
Love and Blessings
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Thank goodness Troy is ok, first of all!
You are such a tremendous support and yes there is alot of things that are going wrong in the world for so many BUT like has already been posted- we can all only do what WE can do! It is tough- I can totally relate to that! I just feel like I am chugging along and keep on keepin' on!
Ringing the bells will be a blessing for so many! I am sure that your wondeerful daughter will enjoy this and be so proud to have made these wonderful memories with her mommy! You are an amazing person, mommy and friend! Thanks for caring so much for so many! I am sure that you will be blessed for all of your good deeds! Love ya- HUgz Dawn