Happy Chilly Tuesday Morning
Good Morning all!
A *****illy out there this morning. The cold weather makes me feel so tired. I hit the snooze three times this morning. And I was in bed by 9:00 last night.
I can’t believe Christmas is only three weeks away. Where has the time gone already. Maybe it’s because Thanksgiving was late this year? My weekends from now till Christmas are booked up and some evenings as well. Brenda and Floyd’s party on Saturday kick off the round of parties. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone there. Brenda is such a great hostess.
Guess I better go and get some work done. Year end is the 17th and there’s quite a bit to get done by then. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay warm.
Good Morning All,
Off to Indy this early a.m. to see my pain specialist about my RSD. I have a round of test also this week to make sure/check that my cancer is in remission. Fingers are crossed.
Got all my christmas shopping done on Black Friday. Now I can sit back and just purchase little stuff for their stockings. You know there aren't very many options for Q's age, but we were creative.
Not going to be able to go to the party at Brenda's and Floyd's this weekend afterall. I'll be in Indy, however Matt won to go for State Representive in Bowling for the Special Olympics in singles and unified partners and it's scheduled for that weekend. We are renting a room at the Comfort Inn off of Rockville road for the night since singles bowling is Saturday and partners is Sunday. I hope everyone has an awesome time though.
I'm getting ready to mail out my christmas box for my secret elf and reveal myself. She's gonna be so surprised.
Lots of blessings and love to everyone
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
Well, Darn! It was nice and comfy at my desk this morning. Others came in and complained that it was too hot so maintenence turned down the temp so guess who is gonna freeze their fingers off...again! ah well. What is good for one cannot out-weigh what is good for the majority (yeah,..I'm a trecky..lol!).
I'm re-inventoring everything now that stuff is pretty much where it is going to go. That should keep me busy for the remaining 7 days. I'm labeling drawers as I go too.
Bill & I will be going over to Leanne's when I get home to pick up the clothes that she had posted about yesterday. If anyone else has some adult clothes that they'd like to get rid of, my gang could use: Women's 24/26/28, 3X and higher, size 16, Men's: 38-44/30, 2X and higher, 52" belts. I'll be at Floyd & Brenda's Saturday. If you are going too, I'd be thrilled if you could bring any clothes you can't use with you. Anything that doesn't fit any of them will be brought to the next clothing exchange.
Well..time to get busy. Huggs everyone!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am thinking of switching bedroom with the kids today. Yeah, im crazy... moving everything from one room to the other. I am redoing Tyler's room in football stuff and Kel's in guitars. It is interesting to say the least. I have been getting things at the mission stores and printing pictures off the web and putting them in dollar tree frames. My oldest two daughters have been getting things and bringing them over to me. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. One of them bought groceries for us last week and the other paid for the kids school lunches for the month of December. I cried like a baby. I never expected it but was so happy to see that I have raised two very caring adult women. I am blessed.
I am trying to think of something to bring to the OE on Saturday. If anyone can think of a dish or something I can contribute... let me know.
Have a great day!
I spent yesterday with the grand kids again- this time Jax & Willow ( they spent Sat. night here).We went to the store & got snow boots for $12.00,at Wal-Mart, to go with the snow pants I got for free from someone who's kids outgrew them. Also got a pr. for Hunter, but no boots-yet. Mike is doing better- couldn't keep him down from being a cop over the weekend. We rode around and saw all of the Christmas lights -I am just a big kid at heart when it comes to Christmas lights. DH got our all out and it looks so pretty. I love the multi-colored ones, just an old fashioned girl. I even have bubble lights on our tree-even tho it is fake. We are really being frugal this yr. for Christmas.
I think the economy has scared alot of people, cause some stores are still giving deep discounts. Penny & I found DVDs (older ones) for $2.00 at our local Wal-mart, & hoodie sweatshirts for $8.00- works for me!!! We are helping them with Christmas this yr. since she is still on sick leave with no pay. Seems like there are so many having hard times. I just am trying to stay positive and enjoy the real reason of Christmas.
I can hardly wait to see you all Sat. at Floyd & Brenda's.

Tracey-I am looking forward to seeing you there.Bring what you like to make or like the most. It really doesn't matter what we bring, it's that we are there.

Julie, Sorry about Sat. My MIL called & wants us to stop by afterward to visit. We haven't seen her in awhile and she leaves soon for Fla. She has a place down there she is going to sell & I think wishes it was to us. We do too, BUT, the park is municipal owned & raised the rent double the last 3 yrs. That is pretty expensive for only being able to go for a few months out of the yr. Although, right now I would consider it!

Sherri- my elf sent me an ecard yesterday. I think I am going to meet her at the exchange. Don't work too hard girl! It won't be long & you'll be on VACATION-WOO~HOO!!!Now, if you just could getaway to Vegas, or somewhere warm,huh???See you Sat.

Jo- How is your job going? It sounds like Matt is really enjoying bowling & good at it! Have fun this weekend- we will miss ya! Overnight at a Comfort Inn

Gail- Call me sometime- I miss you!
I am taking my Christmas cards with me to do while the babies are napping. It's time to leave, so have a great day everyone!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Good Morning All,
I am totally freezing !!!! I am looking for thermal underwear in my stocking under the tree!! I went shopping for cell phones with my daughters yesterday. We didn't but a thing, that a first for us we always something on the discount racks. Well, I think better get ready to go to the doctor. Love to all.
Hugs & Blessings, Gail
Miss everyone !!!!!!!!
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @ www.MySpace.com/gail7616
It was good to read everyones posts and catch up.
I won't be able to attend the ornament exchange. My brother is having surgery to remove the tumor on his spine on Friday. We are really close so I will be at Methodist with him. We are praying he doesn't have cancer and that he will be able to walk without pain after the surgery. He is so scared. He has never had any type of surgery in his life! He is divorced and has a nine year old. He is a single Father and a fabulous one. It is a very delicate surgery due to the tumor literally being in his spinal column. He is only 39. He had been having back and leg problems and they had looked at his lower back and his neck. But not his middle back. They were thinking he might have M.S. like our Mother did. I talked him into seeing a different dr for a 2nd opinion and low and behold... a MRI showed the tumor in his middle back. I was just relieved they found something. I feel in my heart that everything will be ok. Kind of the way I felt when I was told in February that I had a large tumor in my pelvis. I just "felt" a peace about it and knew that all would be ok.

Hope everyone can stay warm up there! We are about 10 degrees warmer fortunately. Seems like everyone is going through stressful and trying times. Just remember we will all get through this and health and family are the best gifts of all!