Absent seizures
I don't know anything about them. I went under Google.com and alot of sites were listed. From the headings, it looks like they are related to epilepsy.
I don't know anything about them. I went under Google.com and alot of sites were listed. From the headings, it looks like they are related to epilepsy.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Don't know a ton about them. My ex BF had them. He had many of the same symptoms you have described. He also knew when they were coming on... like you have said. He took 2 meds a day for them and they stopped. Check into Topamax. I know that is one of the meds he took. I used to have to take it too. Mine was for Migraines though.
Good luck girl! We all want you to get better.
Good luck girl! We all want you to get better.
Hi Michelle,
I don't know if it's the same thing you are talking about or not, but I seem to remember a user named melting mama on the main board talking about having problems with seizures after wls. I think she has her own website meltingmama.net ??? You might want to shoot her a message and see what she knows...couldn't hurt, right?
Hope you get some answers soon and start feeling better!
I don't know if it's the same thing you are talking about or not, but I seem to remember a user named melting mama on the main board talking about having problems with seizures after wls. I think she has her own website meltingmama.net ??? You might want to shoot her a message and see what she knows...couldn't hurt, right?
Hope you get some answers soon and start feeling better!