For peeps going to the St. V's party on the 9th....
St V is great...all the nurses I had were great. Id be more afraid of having chosen the right surgeon!
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Been thinkin' about you girl...I KNOW you're excited.... I'm getting that way too.

You and Jeanna have a lot of people wishing only the best for you. This week will fly by faster than you can believe!
surgery date 12/16/08

That's cool that you and Jeanna have your surgeries together. I have my "surgery sister" that I met at classes before surgery. She is one of my strongest supporters. I am blessed to have her in my life. You two will be having fun up there together. I will look forward to seeing if I can get past the nurses for the "after party " too. I wont be BYOIV. I'm on a strict diet! LMAO!
Jello shots are more my speed anyway! LOL.
You should both be excited and enjoy the journey. Attitude is half the battle. Remember to take it one step at a time and it will all go just fine.
Hope to meet you both soon!
Jello shots are more my speed anyway! LOL.
You should both be excited and enjoy the journey. Attitude is half the battle. Remember to take it one step at a time and it will all go just fine.
Hope to meet you both soon!