Hoosier Accountability - Saturday!
Howdy everybody! I've had a pretty good day. I was very busy at the Post Office this morning, and when I got off at noon I picked my mom up and we went to a craft show. Gorgeous stuff, wish I had that talent! I always see a million things I want. Got home this afternoon, snuggled up in my nest, and watched a movie! Boy, that felt good. Now I'm gonna work a little, straighten the house a little, "fiddlepoop" around, as my mom would say.
Breakfast: Hot Click
Snack: Trail mix
Lunch: Lean Cuisine lasagna, most of it
Dinner: I dunno yet...maybe a Lunch Buckets chili, maybe a salad. I don't have room for both!
Think I'll make some tuna salad, haven't had that for a while. Hope everyone has a pleasant evening!
Tommorrow I am off. whew!
Breakfast: Blueberry granola w/ 1% milk
lunch: Vegetable soup
dinner: 3x3 square of lasagna I made for the family before I went to work.
snack: 100 Cal. bag Of popcorn
snack2 4 slices cheese
64 ounces water
40 ounces decaf
1063 calories according to daily plate
Tommorrow I am off to visit friends at Ellen's, I hope you all will be there!
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Well, I am little earlier today.
*Jenny-thanks for replying about my food intake. I think I am just so use to little amounts it freaks me out now that I am getting bigger portions.
Today wasn't that bad....
B: Protein bar (Zone diet)
L: shopping, didn't happen
D: 1/4 Chicken quesidilla from kid's menu at Red Robin. It was REALLY good.
s: protein hot chocolate
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
This is the second time I have posted. I am on the computer at the hospital and it keeps eating it. Dang it!
Jenny- Thanks for replying about my food intake. I think I am just freaking out as I start to eat more.
B: Zone protein bar
L: shopping, forgot
D: 1/4 chicken quesidilla from kids menu at Red Robin
S: protein hot chocolate