I know times are hard!
Hi I do know times are hard for just about everyone these days! There are a few here in our OH family that are in need this holiday season and I was wondering if any of you could see a way to make a small donation to see that the little children of some of our family have some Christmas Gifts to open this year? As you know LaChelle and Kim to name a few have small children that are going to have a slim Christmas. I am sure there are others in need but I am just not sure who they are. There are ones that have lost jobs and other reasons why they can't give their children a nice Christmas. I as just one person can't do much but if we all chip in just a few dollars we could make a child's Christmas a little brighter. If you are interested please let me know and I will be more than happy to organize things. If we all chip in then we can get them something nicer than if it is sent separately. As I said just let me know what you can do and if you are aware of someone else in need let me know that also. I hope that you are okay with this. If not I am sure I will not get a response from you and that is ok. Have a nice Friday and weekend! Thanks for your generosity's ahead of time! Michelle