Update on Dan Packard
I received an email this morning on how Dan got along with his surgery on his heart. It was from his wife Ann who has been staying at the hospital with him.
Hi everyone!! Just wanted you all to know that Dan is doing GREAT!!! He got out of surgery late Wednesday night (9:30). They had him up and walking yesterday and he just got back from his walk this morning. If he continues to progress like he has so far, he might get to go home on Sunday or Monday at the latest. He had a valve replaced and 3 bypasses. I have been staying down here with him, but since I don't get much rest at night here, I will be heading home tonight to my own bed. The physical therapist is working with him right now and he is doing good. Guess I'd better get going. Thanks for your prayers at this time!! Love you All! Ann
This was the email I received and thought I would pass it along. Please continue your prayers as it seems Dan had quiet a procedure done! Hopefully his recovery will not take long. Michelle
Hi everyone!! Just wanted you all to know that Dan is doing GREAT!!! He got out of surgery late Wednesday night (9:30). They had him up and walking yesterday and he just got back from his walk this morning. If he continues to progress like he has so far, he might get to go home on Sunday or Monday at the latest. He had a valve replaced and 3 bypasses. I have been staying down here with him, but since I don't get much rest at night here, I will be heading home tonight to my own bed. The physical therapist is working with him right now and he is doing good. Guess I'd better get going. Thanks for your prayers at this time!! Love you All! Ann
This was the email I received and thought I would pass it along. Please continue your prayers as it seems Dan had quiet a procedure done! Hopefully his recovery will not take long. Michelle