Where can I buy AcheivOne locally?
The last time I checked, GNC doesn't carry it in Indy (Misty said that the GNC near her does...but I haven't seen it around here). There is a health food store on Market that does but they want ~$39/case ( of 12). They also only order 10 cases at a time. I can get it cheaper online (even with S&H) and have it delivered right to my door. I use to order it from Bariatriceating.com but I get a better deal through ibariatric.com and I've never had a problem with them running out of it (like was the case all the time with BariatricEating.com). I usually order 12 cases at a time. The S&H will come up wrong so just be sure you pop them a note & they credit your credit card ASAP. For 12 cases, my S&H was ~$85 and I paid ~$24/case.
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I love Mocha Java!
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Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
It's almost impossible to find an actual store that carries AchievOne...which really bugs me. I normally have to order it online. But I have a friend who lives in Illinois that is able to get it from a store near her and she gets enough for a couple of us in NW Indiana. If you have a Baums Natural Food Store, you might try them. I met a few people in support class that said they were able to buy them there, but I personally haven't had any luck.