Happy, Happy Hump day!

on 11/18/08 7:09 pm, edited 11/18/08 7:22 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Woo-hoo! Today is my last day of wor****il Dec. 1st!  And if you think I'm excited over that, wait until I get those 8 days in December done! LOL!

Good morning everyone!

Yes, i'm at work and ready to get this day done. I didn't bring a lunch with me this morning so if anyone (Gail? Shanna? ..??? ) wants to go to lunch, today would be a good day for it! We went and saw Bill's mom after work (she's doing very well...still not walking much, but oh so much better anyway!), then had to get some hot tub chmeicals a****sons...so we ate at the Super China Buffet since we were over there...and then a 'quick' stop at WalMart (is THAT possible at a WalMart Superstore????). So...we finally got home about 9. Boy was that a lllooonnngggg day! I kept mentally reminding myself that I only had one more day to work and then I'd be off.

We had a meeting yesterday with our new team leader, LeAnne. Starting in January, we'll all be reporting to her. I'm not sure how much I'm gonna like this...or her. I'm so accustomed to Brian and really, I feel sorry for Brian and the other two chemists that are on his level. I'm sure the upper-echilons are expressing it that they are 'freeing up his time so he can do meaningful lab work'. I think that's balogna...and knowing Brian, so does he. Personally, I think LeAnne's job was going away so they had to make up one for her. What do you guys think about this...she told us that she doesn't 'tell' people to do things, she asks. (ok..I agree with this) But then she said that sometimes she may say it as a joke so if you come back and ask her she may tell you 'yes, I really did want that done or then again, she may think it was funny that you took that seriously. Huh???? If she really wants me to do something she better not say it as a joke or I just may blow it off! And the first time that she laughs about me doing something that she was 'only joking' about would probably be the last time I did anything that she 'jokingly' would ask me to do!  I have enough things on my plate that was not requested as a joke! how the heck are we suppose to know which things are 'real'...question every little thing she says??? so..I'm not sure I'm going to like her style much. I love to joke around..but not with my job on the line!

On the other hand....Brian hasn't been very good as far as advancing my career. I get great raises (I even got one last year with me being on medical leave so much). But I haven't gotten a promotion in 8 years I think. I am well over-do for it. I'm the same rating as a technician over here that I would classify as mediocre at best. So...if I can get use to LeAnne's style, it may really help my career out alot. Hopefully she will be just as laid back as Brian about vacations, me working ten hour days, overtime, etc. They offered Kelly a different job yesterday. I think she's going to turn it down. It wouldn't help her at all to take it...no promotion, raise or anything. There would be for me if they offered it to me, but I wouldn't want it. Besides, if Kelly would take it, Natalie would move into her spot and I just may have to hunt Kelly down and kick her butt for that one. Natalie is a very loud-mouth, obnoxious, smart-a$$. Those of you who know me knows that Natalie is the one type of person that I would not, could not get along with. Within a week...with her desk being right by mine (where Kelly's is now), I'd have to tell her to shut her big mouth.  Woooo...so much for a promotion then, huh?

Well..I don't have too much organizing left to do. Then I'll have to go back through and update my excel chart. I'd like to have that done before Christmas. I guess I better quit procrastinating and get at it!

You all have a terrific day!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Tracy S.
on 11/18/08 8:19 pm - Marion, IN
Good morning all.

Sherri, sounds like you have your hands full at work.  I was just eliminated by a supervisor who loved the "natalies" in our office because they kiss her butt.  Of the half of the department eliminated, it was all of us who have been on that job for multiple years, older women, not butt kissers, and college educated.  The ones they kept have all been there less than 2 years, and two of them were only there a month.  It was obvious that the supervisor was weeding us out on purpose.  She just hired two new people a month ago and then axed us with no warning.  Oh well, what comes around goes around.  It's not for me to worry about.  I hope you get along with LeAnn and it all goes smoothly for the changes.

My day..... well, not sure what I am gonna do with it.  I am having problems trying to adjust to not working.  I have housework to do...just don't wanna do it.  LOL

I think I might do a puzzle and work on learning to crochet today.  I know.... a bit too much excitement huh!

Hope everyone has a great day!


OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

Leah P.
on 11/18/08 9:27 pm - Indianapolis, IN

I have been doing some crocheting and I am a total beginner.  Since my hysterectomy and leg injury last Feb/March I have been pretty much homebound. I was in a cast for almost 3 months.  My recovery has been slow... is slow... the leg is still recovering (hopefully).  Anyway... I have 2 afghans almost finished. They are going to be Christmas presents!  One is a lap blanket and the other is a bigger blanket.  Nothing fancy, but made with love.  Another plus since I have been off work since the end of Feb... money is tight and making gifts has helped ease the financial strain.
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 11/18/08 8:45 pm, edited 11/18/08 8:47 pm - Sheridan, IN

Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I have posted.  I went to Gatlinburg on November 7th with a group of friends.  We rented a cabin together.  We stayed until November 10th.  On November 13th I had my gallbladder removed.  My reocovery has gone well.  I am just getting over the pain.  I am scheduled to return to work on Monday, November 24th.  It's a two day week.  I should be able to do it.  Then of course I go back the Monday after Thanksgiving.  I have been off work since November 6th.

I became a member of the "Century Club" this week.  I have lost 102 pounds.  It's so hard to believe that much weight is gone.  I love it!

Sherri-You did have a long day yesterday.  You got a lot accomplished though.  Vacation time is great.

Tracy-I am sorry about your job.  My sister just lost her job.  I can empathize with not wanting to do the housework.  I have spurts.  I will do cross stitch or watch TV.  Then get up and get on some housework.  I have been off just a little long for me.  I am wanting the rigors of my job.

Everyone have a great day.


287          /271                 /154      /130-150
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                      Eleanor Roosevelt
Linda Kay
on 11/18/08 8:50 pm - Mooresville, IN
Not a good day for me... I got home from work last night at midnight and my closest sister was waiting for me to tell me she just found out she has LUNG Cancer... she finds out this morning what stage it is in... she went to the ER for a breathing treatment she thought her asthma was acting up... she has been coughing blood for 6-8 months!!!

Linda Kay
on 11/18/08 9:00 pm - Sheridan, IN


I am so sorry.  You and your's will be in my thoughts and prayers.


287          /271                 /154      /130-150
Heaviest/Day of Surgery/Current/Goal

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
                                      Eleanor Roosevelt
Leah P.
on 11/18/08 9:20 pm - Indianapolis, IN


I am so sorry that your sister is ill.  Please let us know how things go today.  I will be praying for her!

Blessings to you all, Leah   
Leah P.
on 11/18/08 9:00 pm - Indianapolis, IN
I can't believe it is already Wednesday!  My exercising is going pretty good.  I am not dreading it like I thought I would.  It actually feels good to be doing something that is good for me.  The scale still hasn't budged.  This is really depressing for me.  I don't get it.  I am not doing anything different with my eating.  The only difference is the exercising. 
My brother has an appointment next Monday with a neurosurgeon at St. Vincent's.  That worries me since that is the hospital that injured my leg. And some of the nurses there were really rude and patronizing.  I just want my brother to have a surgeon that gains his confidence and performs the surgery successfully.
I am really feeling the cold weather.  I heard that after gastric bypass that patients sometimes get colder.  I sure am!
Here is hoping that everyone has a fabulous day and that all your troubles be small ones.  And for all the troubles that aren't...Give the worry to God. 
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 11/18/08 11:12 pm - Kempton, IN
Hi all! I feel for you Sherri! Why are the higher ups always so dumb?
 Well I have an appointment at my cardiologist today at 3 p.m. On Monday while at work I had on of "my SPELLS" I waited around to leave work for an hour thinking the damn thing would pass. I left there thinking it had as the feeling of throwing up left. Well I was on my way home on St. Rd. 28 after getting off of 69 heading east and dozed off. When I woke up I was in the other lane. I pulled off at Alexandra and called my husband telling him about it. I knew I was going to fall asleep shortly and ask him to call me in a half of an hour to wake me up. Well I finally woke up and called him to see why he hadn't called. He told me he started trying after that half hour and had been trying for 45 minutes. I had left the car running and he was worried that I had been overcome by carbonmoxicide. He was in a panic. Well I had left work at about 4:30 and didn't get home until about 6:45. It is only about 1 hour and 15 minutes to drive home. I am so scared that I don't know what to do. I could have killed someone while I was driving! IF anyone has any suggestions I would be glad to hear it!!
 Carol I am glad you had a good time in Gatlinburg and getting that gall bladder out will surely make you feel better! If you need anything call me I am not that far away!
 I hope all are doing well and that some of the financial problems have lessened. Have a nice HUMP DAY all! TTFN!!! Michelle
Leah P.
on 11/19/08 3:41 am - Indianapolis, IN
OMG Michelle!!  That is so scary!!  Please pull over when you start to get drowsy.  I have a friend who did that and she used to roll down the window (in the winter) and blast the radio.  She got some funny looks but she didn't fall asleep.
Please let us know what the cardio dr says too.

Blessings to you all, Leah   
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