My BFF Birthday
My BFF is in a better place. Thanks to her though I fought to have this surgery so I would not wind up with the same fate. See my BFF was obese and so am I! I was alot bigger than I am now but I am still obese. I fought to have this surgery to start feeling better, most days I do, but today I didn't. I am still having these FREAKING SPELLS, and today I had a doozie! I am calling the cardiologist tomorrow and if I can't get in to see her I am calling my PCP and getting an Appointment with him. These spells scare me and I am worried I will end up like my BFF. I would love to see her in heaven but the LORD must not be through with me yet!
My BFF name was Melanie Elaine Farris and she was 40 years old when she died. She was from Lebanon and was single. All she ever wanted in life was to be married and have kids. I wonder what was so important that the LORD thought he needed her more than I did. Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL!! Til we meet again! YOUR BFF Michelle

I know that it is hard when we lose a loved one! I am sure that she is an angel looking out over you and wishing you the best throughout your journey

Thanks for remembering your friend and helping me to remember that it is ok to reflect and miss those that I too have been thinking of!

I hope that you find some answers to your medical issues!
Hoping for some results for you ASAP!
Hugz Dawn

I do feel for you. It is so hard on the living during holidays especially. It's so hard to believe that my sister Kathy has been dead for 19 years. Kathy did of cancer and I know she is in a much better place now..and out of pain. My biological dad died the following year of cancer as well. My BFF at the time, Melissa, also had a 11 yr old daughter that died the same year as Kathy...she was my daughter's BFF. And then my ex's grandmother died. We were all close to that sweetie. of our poodle pups had died. I think by that time we probably took TJ's death the hardest because it all built up inside of us. Yes, that was a very bad year for us.
And then there is Mary. Mary was on the OH board for way too short of a time. I feel privaledged to have been able to finally meet her at the St. V's Christmas party 2 years ago. Until then, we talked on the phone on a daily basis...for an hour or two each time! She was the kind of soul that you just hit it off with right away. She had to have WLS so she could lose weight so she could have a heart transplant. She was doing fantastic losing the weight post-op. Unfortunately, her heart couldn't hold out long enough. I know those of us who were fortunate enough to have met Mary will be missing her..her red hair, green dress, and radient the party this we will every year.
Michelle..Here's to Melanie and to all of our dear friends, family, and pets who have gone on before us!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Linda Kay
Your post makes me think of my good friend Lisa Nelson. Lisa was the only friend I had who supported me whole-heartedly in my quest for bariatric surgery. She never said, "Oh are you sure? It's so dangerous!" She only gave me encouragement and love.
Lisa died of pancreatic cancer in April of 2007. I missed her funeral because it was the same day as my initial consultation with Dr. Diaz. Troy convinced me that Lisa would've wanted me to keep my appointment and he was right. I had my surgery 6 months later.
There's not a day that goes by that I don't remember and miss my friend. She was the one friend I had that called me everyday. She emailed me silly cards just because. She inspired me to be better than I am. I lost a huge part of me when she died.
Maybe we have survivors guilt? Lisa was the healthiest person I've ever known. She never ate anything that wasn't good for her. When she told me she had cancer I was blown away. I couldn't believe she was dying and I was living. I was the one with high blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes....and she was the one dying. I still can't believe it.
Thank God we have our memories. Melanie was fortunate to have you as a friend. She may not have had the husband and children she wanted but she did have and know unconditional love. It sounds like her life was as blessed by you as yours was by her.
I hope you find some happiness today while remembering your dear friend.
Im so sorry about your loss of your best friend and im wishing her a happy birthday.
I am looking around and realizing that life is to short ,we never know when are time is up so i tell my boys dont hold grudges and never go away mad and hugg each other and dont forget the i love you"s.
She had a good friend in you and she probaley made sure you had your surgery....
One of my best friends who is very healthy called me about 4 months ago and said i have some news you wont beleive and i jokingly said your pregnant and she started laughing she says no i have cancer and im scared,i was stunned but she is a trooper i couldnt help her finically so i became her support person and her fear was living her 3 children,and we talk and cry and i realize life is precious and to help others.
Michelle you do that you are a good friend to everyone and you reach out to all.
She is smiling proudly on you and saying look at my best friend michele she is looking good and getting healthy and helping out her friends in need..Michelle i hope you find out what is causing these spells and my dh says absents makes the heart grow fonder (he knows i miss him when he is gone so im huggy when he gets back)so you realize how much you and your dh love each other.
Here is hoping we all have the best 2009