Thanks for the thoughts & Prayers.. I STILL need em...LONG

on 11/17/08 12:22 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hello everyone,

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers! Thanks to you that I have talked with over the phone, I needed it!

To update.. I had eye surgery on 10/23, follow up on 10/31 unexplained swelling, inflammation and pain- given meds and told I should start feeling better- NOPE- 11/2- LOTS of pain, contacted Dr.s office, scheduled appt to be seen in office- NOT till THURSDAY 11/6- On Tuesday evening 11/4 I was in horrible pain and called the oncall surgeon, he called back and talked with me, also having MY surgeon call me back- he callls and says, NO do not wait till Thursday come tomorrow  and see whoever they can get you in with- I am on my way out of town for a convention, but my associates can help you tomorrow- I was seen on WEDNESDAY, given 4 different meds, steroid pill packs, eye drops, ointments and pain meds, no luck by SATURDAY I was still in pain and in contact with oncall, he asked me to meet him at RILEY because he did not have credentials to go up NORTH where my Dr. was at, so off to Riley I go- more meds, he thinks that I am having some sinus isssues along with the surgery discomfort, so more meds- During this time I am still trying to work, with the lights off or down as much as possible, 1 eye opened but only a squint- need the money, financially can't afford to be off- so I GO to work on MONDAY- start having another pain spell, by now these have went from 7-9 hours apart to 1hr and 45 minutes, I can feel them coming and then WHAM full force, so I call the doc, it is the same one I saw at RILEY- he says, go to the ER and have a CAT SCAN- so, I wait till my hubby gets off and can come and pick me up and take me to the ER at COMMUNITY EAST, they do the cat scan, I am there for about 6 hours without meds, they said NO meds till we know if we are going back in, so I am NOW in the most pain I have been in, EVER, I was screaming and crying, pretty much begging for some relief, at one point I told my husband I was going to go and get one of the urine cups out of the bathroom and use it for some water, and take my own medicines since I had them with me, anything for some  relief, cause he wouldn't get me anything to drink either, he was scared! ANyway, have the scan, talked with another doc, she says she thinks that I have a suture that has come loose and i****ting a nerve, orders more meds and stronger pain meds and to be seen Tuesday at Riley again- SO finally, the doc says he is going to give me some meds that will rock my world, I said come on, I have been waiting and I am READY! They gave me an injection of Dilladid (sp) and a prescription for the same in pill form for home at 9p.m.- by 10:30 I was in pain again, took 1 pill -by midnight I was in the same pain and after arguing with my hubby and calling the doc on call again, I took 2 more dilladid's ( I was afraid that I was taking too much meds and was scared to take any more since it had been so close!) Finally get some rest and go to the Riley appt on Tuesday! I had been working BUT the DOC at the ER said that this was a difficult surgery for an adult and that I shouldve been off and put me off till FRIDAY when I could finally see my DOC/Surgeon who would be back in town on 11/14- Go to the appt at Riley, see Dr., I had alsready saw, he is clueless as to what is going on, he says I have been on so many meds he is not sure what is going on, still swelling, inflammation and LOTS of Pain, he saw NO unidentifiable objects in the eye, my cornea wasn't scratched, and I told him about the suture idea, he looked and said he didn't see anything in there, just inflammation and swelling, ordered more steroid drops- every hour and an ointment, see Dr. on Friday as already scheduled- SO

Friday my mom takes me to my checkup appt with my SURGEON, we are in there a few moments he says, hear your still having a rough bout- YEP worse ever- Takes a look says look as far to your right as possible, I said I am trying BUT it hurts and feels like it is pulling, he says keep going, keep looking hard to the right, at that point he takes a LARGE qtip from above and says this won't HURT and pokes at my eye a bit, I twinge, thinking yea right, he says did you feel that- welp yea, I did, he said thats what I thought, you have an abcess in there, and we have to go back in! He asked what are you doing today, I looked at my mom and said I guess I have a date with you, huh- he said YES! My mom had just told me before he came in that she was going in to work after taking me home since she had already missed a day from helping out- no such luck today- sorry MOM! So I ask him what are the setbacks with my vision and all, since I was worried about my employer who had been working with me but had already mentioned being concerned over me working and the safety liability issues, he said- IF we go in there today and get it all you should be back at work on MONDAY, I have a follow up with him on FRIDAY 11/21, but everything should be fine, take it a day at a time-

SO I am relieved, I go to the waiting room and call my employer and tell her that we are going back in within the hour or so and what he said about returning- she tells me she is not sure about that, she   doesn't know what she thinks about me returning, and that I had put alot of stress on her and the staff with being off the last week and not knowing what was going on or going to happen and thought that it would be best to just CUT OUR TIES WITH EACH OTHER AT THIS POINT- OMG- NOW I have lost my job!

I am so sorry that this is so long, I guess I am just having to get it ALL out there! I am devastated, I absolutely LOVED my job and was so close to having my probation period be up and have benefits etc, now with not having a full income from the surgeries and  complications we had gotten behind, and NOW- UNEMPLOYED! I know that I have to get my eyes back in order and that is the most important thing- BUT I am a stresser and a worry wart, lol and I am concerned about being too far behind and the holidays! I have spoken with my son, who is a teenager and should understand, BUT me being a MOM, am heartbroken for him to know that he has endured ALOT within the last year and a half and has made remarkable comebacks with his grades and emotions and now I cannot even reward him for his accomplishments let alone a good holiday! I have promised that when we are able to make up for it, we will- and in return got a big squeeze and "I know MOM, I love you- it will be ok"- from him,

Anyway, I sit here today calling for assistance for utilities and such and hoping for a speedy recovery on my eyes so that I can once again rejoin the workforce- wishing that I was at work today! My eye is open and is coming along, I can tolerate the light in the house, which is a plus, for 2 weeks I have had the darkest sunglasses on and could tolerate no light- so I am moving forward!

I know that many have posted that they too are going through tough times! I am so sorry for all of you as well and hope that we can all receive some sort of peace and comfort throughout these trying times!

I have thought of you all often and have been keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!

HOPE, I am so sorry to hear of your news with Peter and please know that I am thinking of the 2 of you and your family! I am hoping that you all can find some comfort in the coming days and know that you are both loved and thought of often, from many on this board, not just myself! Love ya and thinking of ya! HUGZ

Lachelle- Scott- Tracy- Jodi- and many that I have forgotten or not even caught up on yet- I am so sorry that you all too are being faced with these troubles at this time! I know how troublesome and worrisime it is and am hoping that you/we all can find some peace within ourselves and some relief in whatever form that it may be, soon! I am thinking of you all, as well!

SHERRI- I am glad to hear that you may have an answer and hopefully have some finallity, soon! You deserve to be rewarded with some GOOD news and some relief of your own soon! I am keeping my fingers crossed! Thinking of both you and Bill! Glad to see that Jean seems to be doing a little better, also! Hugz

Gail and Shanna Thanks for the calls, I needed to hear your voices! And have a few laughs! Love ya both!

Ellen,- I received your invite! I am not sure about coming! I hope to be at the ornament exchange though! Can't wait to see ya and get a HUG! Love ya! Dawn

Sorry this is so long- I will close for now!

To those that have sent personal contact messages of thoughts and prayers, THANKS- I needed those and am glad to know that you have continued to keep me in your thoughts and prayers as well!

Hope everyone has a great day in their journey, no matter where there are at in it! I am thinking of you all!

Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

shanna B.
on 11/17/08 2:11 am - camby, IN
 to you...

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


on 11/17/08 11:38 am - Indianapolis, IN
Love ya Shanna, you rock! Thanks for giving me a call! Give Bella a hug for me! Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

on 11/17/08 2:23 am - Thorntown, IN
Dawn, sending you lots of love & prayers!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 11/17/08 11:43 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks Ellen! I love ya! It was GREAT talking to ya tonight! I miss ya! Can't wait to see ya and get a HUG! Thanks for the advice! I will be making some more calls tomorrow! Hopefully things will start falling into place! I am keeping my head up and trying to keep my spiritts there, as well! Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

on 11/17/08 2:56 am - LaGrange, KY
(( HUGS )) for you Dawn.. Am praying for you..
on 11/17/08 11:43 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks Misty!

I see that you too are having a rough spot along your journey! I will be thinking of you as well and hoping that you are able to get some help with your depression and get your meds aligned! I too, suffer with depression! It is a hard place to be and feel so alone and yet try to stay on track and focused! Keep your head up high! I love ya, tooo! If you need anything, look me up, I can lend an ear, if nothing else! Call me and vent, cry, or chat away! Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

on 11/17/08 6:00 am - Camby, IN
OMG Dawn!  Sending lots of love and hugs your way!!  Hang in there hon!

               Twilighttwilight addict


on 11/17/08 11:51 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks Christie!

I am hanging on- tight as I can! Thanks for thinking of me! Thanks too for the love and hugz, it means so much!

Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

Tracy S.
on 11/17/08 8:43 am - Marion, IN
Dawn, thanks for your kind thoughts going our way.  You are in my prayers as well.  It seems so many of us face hard times right now.  Keep your faith in God and trust him to provide.  He is an amazing God with love for all of us.

I am proud at how strong you have already been through all of this. 

Take Care,

OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

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