Its Monday Monday !!!

on 11/16/08 5:25 pm - Richmond, IN

My Sunday pretty much stunk so Im starting the new week today.....Im hoping to have a great day.  The only good thing about yesterday was that I didnt eat much.  I was so upset that I just stayed in bed and I did drink my protein.  Hoping that will make up for the things I ate Sat that I shouldnt have....LOL

Well I hope everyone has a great week and that we are all able to stay healthy and safe.  Im so sorry to read about all the troubles going on in everyones lives.  I hope things get better for everyone soon!!!


 This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes

This is my favorite online site for shopping



on 11/16/08 6:35 pm - Martinsville , IN

Good Morning Fellow Hoosier Losers.  Been awhile for me since I was up and getting ready for work this early.  I am excited to get this day over with, I am not nervous about the job I am nervous about the training.  If you don't get a good trainer you job is harder to learn so hopefully I will get someone who is patient with their elders lol. 

My son will be getting himself on the bus today, he told me not to worry he would be fine, so thats what I am gonna do..not worry.  Well that and have my mom call and check on him lol.

Better run for now don't wanna be late on my first day.


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

on 11/16/08 7:25 pm - Richmond, IN

Good luck today, Jeannie! Let us know how it goes.

I will have a busy Monday here at my computer, transcribing. Business is great, thank God! I'm going to join MedFit here in town. Now that it's too cold and nasty to walk, I haven't been exercising and that's BAD. I'm thinking if I have to pay for it, I'll get away from my work for a while and DO it.

Have a great day, everyone!

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue. ~~ Benjamin Franklin

RNY 05/29/2008

on 11/16/08 7:49 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning all!

Not much going on yet today.  Was surprised to have it snow on my way to work this morning.   How long till spring?

Pam, sorry you had a rough weekend.  Don't beat yourself up about Saturday.  Just start fresh each day and go forward.  That's what I do.  There are many times I eat what I shouldn't and afterwards regret it.  Sometimes physically as well as mentally.

Jeannie, good luck on your new job today.  I'm know you will do just fine with the training.

I hated to hear about Peter.  I was sure he was going to beat this thing.  My heart goes out to Hope.

I'm sorry to hear about Dawn's need for eye surgery again.  I knew she was having problems but didn't know it was that serious.   Thanks Gail for keeping us posted.

Linda Kay, hope your husband is doing much better.

Sherri, read your post re Dr. G and the similarity to your symptoms.  Let's hope you can get a confirmation so the Dr's can fix the problem.  You've been suffering way too long.  Glad to see that Jean is doing better. 

It seems like everyone is fighting some kind of battle these days, financial, physical, emotional, and for some spiritual.  I pray for God's healing touch on lives today and that windows of opportunity open for those searching for jobs.

May everyone have a wonderful day.  




on 11/16/08 8:20 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

Well..I just took care of choosing my benefits for 2009 here at work. This is suppose to be the last year that Anthem is available to us. I hope that next fall Lilly's & Anthem can come to an agreement and Anthem still be a choice for us. I'm sticking with it as long as I can. Next year is my 20th anniversary with Lilly's. This year, I had 168 hr of vacation. Next year, it jumps up to 192 they give me an extra 40 hrs since it's my anniversay year (they do this for every 5 years of employment). In addition to that, I could buy 80 hours (normally you can only buy 40 more hours but they double that for your anniversary year) have 312 hours ov vacation next year NOT counting holidays, floating holidays, etc. Yes...I could easily be off for 2 solids months next year! LOL! If my tummy gets all fixed up, Bill & I just may have to take some extra RV excursions next summer! I'm only at work this week for 3 days and then I'm off until Dec. 1st. Then I have 8 days to work in December. Somehow, I don't think I'll get all my organizing done before then! Ah well..job security!

Jeannie...I hope the new job goes well today. Show those young kids what people of our generation are made of! your new job getting better? I think I would really enjoy being the 'call to' person for putting electronics together. It is seriously a job that Bill (my dh) would really excel in.

Brenda R...How is your job coming along? How is Misty doing?

Karen..ok now is time to tell us how the dating world is treating you! are you doing???? Are you going to be able to make it to the St. V's party again this year? We'll have to close the place down again! LOL!!!

Pamela...Sorry that you had a rough day Saturday. I hope you are feeling better about it today.

Gail & was so wonderful to talk to both of you over the weekend! Love you gals!

I hope everyone is starting their week off terrific...even if you've gotten a few of those white things (snow).



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
shanna B.
on 11/16/08 8:45 pm - camby, IN
Good Monday Morning,
I am up earlier this morning, I need to jump In the shower. I have an appt. at OrthoIndy to have my knees xrayed. Prolly looking at cortisone injections. Anytime I workout, I am in pain for 2 days. That's from just regular core and upper body. Even the ellyptical kills me sometimes. We will see what they suggest. I know the damage is already done and I can't really take any of the medicines they reccomend/ We will see.
Have a great day....I spoke to Dawn last night. She is hanging tough but man she got a bum wrap. She had an abbcess behind her eye and the went in and cleaned it out but she described the pain as " the worse pain she has ever ever felt" I am praying for a speedy recovery and some good news for her.
Have a great day...

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


Lee Ann B.
on 11/16/08 9:27 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Morning all....short weekend huh?! Maybe the week will follow suit! Look to the sky and pray that we get some sunshine...I think we have all had enough of this gloomy weather! Have a good one!

Jo N.
on 11/16/08 10:38 pm - Crawfordsville, IN

Good Day Everyone, 

Last week and this weekend was rough for me. Tuesday I went for my fill but Dr Clark's assistant Julie refused to fill me until I met with a dietcian and therapist. Explaining my economic delmia(sp?) so she called St Francis's Bariatric Center (which I later found had moved to knew offices which are so much nicer then the old ones).  Saw both of them... had a cry fest. Wednesday spent the day trying to find an eating addiction/disorder counselor in my area... NO LUCK. So I can get my bi polar treated and if I do drugs and alcohol I can be treated.... but I can't find anyone locally to help me deal with my eating disorder/addiction. Started to get this huge headache. Thursday went back to Indy to see Julie for a fill... got one and she told me that no more fills till I found a food addiction/disorder counselor, a therapist for my depression, and a monthly dietician visit..... my mom and I both told her we couldn't find anyone locally and couldn't afford to drive down here on different random occassions to get this all done. So I have no idea what to do. But Thursday... I slept on the waiting table waiting for Julie... I slept all the way home. I slept when I got home. I just could NOT stop sleeping. Woke up Friday morning thinking... wow, if that was the flu that kinda sucked. Then waves and waves of chill**** me... I couldn't get warm. ..... my head started thrubbing.. I headed back to bed and didn't wake back up till sometime early Sunday morning. Flu round 2. I layed around most of Sunday pretty much taking it easy... did a few loads of laundry... but man o man that flu bug is super bad ya`all. Watch out for it. Bad Bad Bad Stuff. 

So I'm back on a search this week for a food disorder/addiction therapist/counselor and a wls dietician in my area that I can visit that can report to Dr Clark's office. 


I wish everyone a well prosperish week. Great Blessings. Warm Mental Hugs of Love.



Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


on 11/17/08 2:00 am - Rockport, IN
UHHHGGGGHHHH....Boy today has been the proverbial MONDAY.  Troy left yesterday for Ohio so I'm a single mom this week.  Of course we were late for the bus and when I got home my daughter's lunch box was on the table.  Dropped it off on my way in but was still 1/2 hour late for work.  Then I get here and my treasurer calls and tells me he's popping in for an audit!  Oh happy day!  We just finished.  It's lunch time now and I don't even want to eat anything.  I've been fighting a cold for weeks and it just won't go away.  All I want to do is crawl in bed and sleep.

I had a pretty good weekend though.  We spent a lot of time just doing things around the house since Troy was leaving.  We had a family movie night on Saturday and watched Alice Upside Down.  It was cute.  Got all of the laundry washed, folded and put away!  That's a miracle in itself.

I also got a sweet package from my dearest friend Ellen.  It absolutely made my day!  I do love you Sweetie!  Thanks for thinking of me.

I haven't been on here much so I'm going to try to catch up.

Know I love you guys and miss you too!
on 11/17/08 2:09 am, edited 11/17/08 2:16 am - Thorntown, IN
Hi everyone,
 Boy, what  a week I had-I am glad the worst is over- I think~~!!!Penny is going tomorrow to get her staples out- last night she was in alot of pain. Overdoing the stairs- you just can't keep her down! I had a ball doing Holly's purse party for her- fun & girl time!!!!! I so needed it, and got to meet Holly's great family. Yesterday did a open house for her at our Library- what a bust! That's ok, I got to spend some time with my gal pals here, so it was nice. I am just TIRED!! I slept in to 10!!!!Taking care of the twins tomorrow- so this is my off day.

Today, heading over to my SIL- she got a notice from her cancer  Dr. that they are moving their offices to Ohio- sorry- find a new DR!!!!! OMG_ she is stage 4 , having her c125 going form 800 to 5400, and nauseous- what to do?! I am going to try to get her the info she needs to change Dr's. & talk her into going to the ER. She had to have 2 units of blood last week because her hemoglobin was low. She is such a loving  christian& person, and doesn't complain, so I know she is having pain when she can hardly talk & sit up.  

Holly- my heart just breaks for you- I know God has you all in the palm of His hand. Our church family are praying for you all as well.I wish there was some way I could be there for you~know I am in my heart.
Dawn- so sorry to hear all that is going on in your life- prayers going up for you! I will try to call you soon! hang in there girl- you are strong & loved!Sending you uber ((((hugs& kisses))))
Sherri- so good to talk to you last night- I needed it!!!!!
Pam, Don't beat yourslef up- I/we belive in you. I have had a rough yr,fighting my gain,  and am taking it a day at a time, a meal at a time. Take care of yourself- see you at the Christmas Party????
Gail- love ya, so glad Phil is better!!
Jacqui- glad you liked your goodies-  I love ya chicky!!
Love to you all- I want to shout out to all of you, but got to go. Know I keep you all in my heart ,thoughts & prayers.
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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