Told my mom about WLS plans today!


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
Keep mom close to you and keep educating her along your journey. She will be a valuable support for you.
I am happy for you.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I am so happy for you that you have a date and are on your way!
Having your mom's support I am sure is a blessing for you! It is so important to have our loved ones support us and know that we are choosing a lifestyle change that not only is helping us for ourselves but for those that we love!
Take mom to support groups and or our OH gatherings and let her see for herself the results and ask as many questions as she can, to feel confident that you have indeed done your research and are ready to endure those many wow moments that are lying ahead of you!
I can't wait to see those! Congrats! I am rooting for ya! Hugz Dawn
Blessings to you!

Jeannie~Thanks for your support. Yes, I agree with you about us not giving our family enough credit...Although, my mom did stop by tonight and I felt this need or urge to blurt out and tell her how much I weighed 10 years ago when I got married! Why would I do this?! She was floored....again! I just can't stop it, I tell ya! Everything is just spewing out of my mouth...I guess for shock value! This reminds me of my recent urges to go up to other SMO people, give them my OH card and tell them how it can change their lives too!
Ugh! I haven't done this and I know it's not a wise decision. Before I started this path, I would have NEVER been so bold! If someone would have done this to me, I probably would have crawled in a hole and cried or something! (Sorry Jen, I guess I'm starting to sound like that WLS cheerleader we've talked about)!
Tracy~Thank you for your comments as well...Right on! Everyone has been SO supportive and helpful as I navigate this road! I couldn't ask for better support from all of ya. Fantastic!
Frankie~What can I say?! !!! I thought about bringing good ol' Mom for show and tell next week! We'll see....
SweetSherri~I have to admit, I don't get to Indy much these days...near as much as I used to...but if I do, you would be one of the first people I would look up. You were my first official OH friend. You are always willing to go the extra mile to help another member out on the board, even if it's not what we want (it's what we need) to hear. Thanks!
Jen~I can now cross this one off my list. I appreciate your humor, but more your friendship. Hope to chat sometime soon.
Take care friends.