Good Morning/Afternoon everyone.
I always see ppl start threads, and I always tell myself "I'm gonna beat someone to it next time", and it looks like I have finally done it. (HEHEHE)
This week, has been rough to say the least. One of my dear good friends passed away, and it has been very difficult for me. She was only 29, and she was very special. In the 6 or more years that I had known her, I dont think that I ever saw her frown. She was such a happy go lucky person, and most of all, she was the sweetest person one could ever hope to meet.
On top of all this, I am facing eviction from my aparment. I lost my job in July, and still have not found anything that is going to pay the bills. Any prayers would be appricated.
I hope you all have a great sunday, and please keep my friends family in your prayers.
Take care,
I always see ppl start threads, and I always tell myself "I'm gonna beat someone to it next time", and it looks like I have finally done it. (HEHEHE)
This week, has been rough to say the least. One of my dear good friends passed away, and it has been very difficult for me. She was only 29, and she was very special. In the 6 or more years that I had known her, I dont think that I ever saw her frown. She was such a happy go lucky person, and most of all, she was the sweetest person one could ever hope to meet.
On top of all this, I am facing eviction from my aparment. I lost my job in July, and still have not found anything that is going to pay the bills. Any prayers would be appricated.
I hope you all have a great sunday, and please keep my friends family in your prayers.
Take care,
"There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind has achieved the second." Author unknown.
Scott, I will add you to my prayers. I have the same fears you do. I lost my job last week.
Good morning all, Another night of sleeplessness. I have been awake since 2:30am and just trying to find something boring enough to make me sleep hasn't happened. So, I decide to go ahead and post my morning greeting to you all.
I am having all my kids home today for my son's 11th birthday party. I am excited about that. I don't get the four of them together much with the two grown ones living in separate towns now. I am hoping I can eat today. Haven't really been eating that well since last Friday. I am getting excited about the ornament exchange. I look forward to seeing everyone there.
I hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Good morning all, Another night of sleeplessness. I have been awake since 2:30am and just trying to find something boring enough to make me sleep hasn't happened. So, I decide to go ahead and post my morning greeting to you all.
I am having all my kids home today for my son's 11th birthday party. I am excited about that. I don't get the four of them together much with the two grown ones living in separate towns now. I am hoping I can eat today. Haven't really been eating that well since last Friday. I am getting excited about the ornament exchange. I look forward to seeing everyone there.
I hope everyone has a great Sunday.
Good morning all! was so good to see you post! It'll be good to see you again at the ornament exchange!
The boys haircuts turned out terrific! We have definately found the place to take them to! Thanks again Jeanie for the suggestion. Craig & Ethyl are terrific. We went to the Steer Inn afterwards. We were going to go to Blueberry Hill but it was packed. So..we thought of Cici' wasn't open yet. So we were going to go te the Denny's at Washignton's been completely closed down!
We went & saw Bill's mom Jean. They have her back in rehab. She was more coherient than she'd been since she had the surgery. She's also trying to do stuff for herself instead of her bf Bob doing it all. I kinda got the feeling that with him being there constantly that she's ready for some breathing room from him.
Hey..we were watching Dr. G on Discovery Health yesterday. Dr. G did an autopsy on an 81 yr old guy who died in the ER...complaining that his stomach hurt like crazy. He got up fine that morning and by 10 was doubled over in pain. I told Bill that I bet it was intestines. The ER doc ran a bunch of tests on his heart..thinking that a heart attack can manifest itself it lots of ways. Finally they brought him to get a cat scan...and he died there on the scan table! So...Dr. G cuts him open and says that his heart did have several blockages but she didn't think that was what killed him. She cut open his abdomon and what does she find? Small Bowel inchemia! Sound familiar? That's what I had. So she says that she has to figure out why that portion quit getting blood and they broke to a commercial. I told Bill that I bet it was from scar tissue. She comes back and was caused from scar tissue from a stomach surery he had 30 years before! It didn't press down on the intestines like Dr. Wittles thinks happened to me. Instead, his intestines had wrapped themselves around the scar tissue & got tangled up in it. They showed what his small intestines looked like. It was really weird since I knew mine was very similar to his. I am just so grateful that St. V's ER didn't horse around getting the cat scan done on me!
I haven't gotten that many responses to my Secret Elf post from yesterday. Please read it and EMAIL me if it applies to you. Please do not contact me through here if this applies to you..ok??
Today will probably be another lazy day.
You all have a good one!
Sherri was so good to see you post! It'll be good to see you again at the ornament exchange!
The boys haircuts turned out terrific! We have definately found the place to take them to! Thanks again Jeanie for the suggestion. Craig & Ethyl are terrific. We went to the Steer Inn afterwards. We were going to go to Blueberry Hill but it was packed. So..we thought of Cici' wasn't open yet. So we were going to go te the Denny's at Washignton's been completely closed down!
We went & saw Bill's mom Jean. They have her back in rehab. She was more coherient than she'd been since she had the surgery. She's also trying to do stuff for herself instead of her bf Bob doing it all. I kinda got the feeling that with him being there constantly that she's ready for some breathing room from him.
Hey..we were watching Dr. G on Discovery Health yesterday. Dr. G did an autopsy on an 81 yr old guy who died in the ER...complaining that his stomach hurt like crazy. He got up fine that morning and by 10 was doubled over in pain. I told Bill that I bet it was intestines. The ER doc ran a bunch of tests on his heart..thinking that a heart attack can manifest itself it lots of ways. Finally they brought him to get a cat scan...and he died there on the scan table! So...Dr. G cuts him open and says that his heart did have several blockages but she didn't think that was what killed him. She cut open his abdomon and what does she find? Small Bowel inchemia! Sound familiar? That's what I had. So she says that she has to figure out why that portion quit getting blood and they broke to a commercial. I told Bill that I bet it was from scar tissue. She comes back and was caused from scar tissue from a stomach surery he had 30 years before! It didn't press down on the intestines like Dr. Wittles thinks happened to me. Instead, his intestines had wrapped themselves around the scar tissue & got tangled up in it. They showed what his small intestines looked like. It was really weird since I knew mine was very similar to his. I am just so grateful that St. V's ER didn't horse around getting the cat scan done on me!
I haven't gotten that many responses to my Secret Elf post from yesterday. Please read it and EMAIL me if it applies to you. Please do not contact me through here if this applies to you..ok??
Today will probably be another lazy day.
You all have a good one!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I will talk with you later, I didn't see your post !!!! sorry.
Give a call when you have time.
Love ya, Gail
I will talk with you later, I didn't see your post !!!! sorry.
Give a call when you have time.

Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Good Morning, Scot, Tracy and All,
Wow, it looks like we all were up last night. I just couldn't sleep watched movies and I am not even sure what I watched.
Scot, you know I always have you in my prayers, and I have your friend's family in my prayers too. It great seeing post.
Tracy, I so enjoyed our phone visit last night, can't wait to meet you Thursday. Also, was so happy to add you on my friends list on MySpace.
Love to all, Hugs & Blessings Gail
Special Prayers & Healthy Wishes to those in need.
Have a great day and gooooo Colts !!!!!!!!
Wow, it looks like we all were up last night. I just couldn't sleep watched movies and I am not even sure what I watched.

Scot, you know I always have you in my prayers, and I have your friend's family in my prayers too. It great seeing post.

Tracy, I so enjoyed our phone visit last night, can't wait to meet you Thursday. Also, was so happy to add you on my friends list on MySpace.

Love to all, Hugs & Blessings Gail

Special Prayers & Healthy Wishes to those in need.

Have a great day and gooooo Colts !!!!!!!!

Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Good morning, Scott and everyone!
I got up at 4:00 a.m. to work before church, but I haven't gotten much done this the rest of my day will be spent here at the computer transcribing. Looks like it's gonna be cold and rainy, so at least I won't be tempted to go outside and play!
I MUST get some exercise in today, I've really slacked off. I'm gonna look like a deflated balloon when I get this weight off if I don't start exercising again!!
Think I'll take the time later to list some more "stuff" on eBay. I'm making some good Christmas money doing that.
Better get ready for church...have a great day, everyone!
I have seen posts where people have asked if anyone knew Dr. Dale Sloan from Ft Wayne area... YES!! I do!! I knew I went to church with a Dr Dale Sloan several years ago and when he came back last week for our 50th church anniversary I asked him if he did bariatric surgery....YEP.. he is the one.. From all I know of him whoever gets him is getting a good Christian Dr and a very friendly man!!
I have had such a poopy month so far.. My birthday stunk because I spent it in the hospital with my hubby... Then Thur they gave him a chemical Stress test and he had an "incident"where they had to give him Nitro right on the table and drugs thru his IV to stop it... THEN they sent him home after the test!!! OMG!! This was not the normal stress test reaction.. we expected his heart to race but it did major funny things we will be getting results from on Monday. Thanks Elf... the card yesterday did brighten my day...after thinking of everyone else it is nice to have someone actually think of me..besides bill collectors..
Be well all...
Linda kay
I have had such a poopy month so far.. My birthday stunk because I spent it in the hospital with my hubby... Then Thur they gave him a chemical Stress test and he had an "incident"where they had to give him Nitro right on the table and drugs thru his IV to stop it... THEN they sent him home after the test!!! OMG!! This was not the normal stress test reaction.. we expected his heart to race but it did major funny things we will be getting results from on Monday. Thanks Elf... the card yesterday did brighten my day...after thinking of everyone else it is nice to have someone actually think of me..besides bill collectors..
Be well all...
Linda kay
How is Melissa doing, I have not seen her post in awhile.
Will you tell I was asking about. I have you prayers.
Love Ya, Gail
How is Melissa doing, I have not seen her post in awhile.
Will you tell I was asking about. I have you prayers.
Love Ya, Gail
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Scott and Tracy - May God be with both of you during the difficult time. I hope something comes up soon for both of you. I often complain about my job, but I am thankful that I at least have a job.
Sherri – I'm glad the hair cuts turned out good.
Yesterday, I went with my sister to the mall in Kokomo. They have a fund raising called We Care. They set up decorated trees and wreaths in the mall. Then today they will auction them off. There were 65 trees and wreaths. It is so much fun to see them. Then we went out to lunch. Then last evening, the whole family got together to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was last weekend). So I ate out twice and didn't have time to exercise and still lost 2.5 pounds! I wish somebody could explain this to me. It makes no sense. But I will certainly take it.
Sherri – I'm glad the hair cuts turned out good.
Yesterday, I went with my sister to the mall in Kokomo. They have a fund raising called We Care. They set up decorated trees and wreaths in the mall. Then today they will auction them off. There were 65 trees and wreaths. It is so much fun to see them. Then we went out to lunch. Then last evening, the whole family got together to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was last weekend). So I ate out twice and didn't have time to exercise and still lost 2.5 pounds! I wish somebody could explain this to me. It makes no sense. But I will certainly take it.

Updated 07/30/09
Good morning everyone
The boys seen alittle snow and now i hear them saying cool maybe no school tomorrow..right
I go the ob/gyn tomorrow they are worried so she is doing more tests all i can say is funnnnnnnn.
Went yesterday and got paint swatchs yep im doing it all my way now(d/h is scared).lol
So today is more cleaning and etc .
Kmart superstores are doubling coupons up to $2.00 so if you have a $2.00 coupon they double it to $4.00 so im getting mine together..
Scott im so for your loss sounds like she was a wonderful person,we ahve alot of friends that are layed off and it has to be scary dhl layed off over 8,000 people recently..
Sherry i love dr.G my dad and d/h watch it with me,my mom has adhesions and alot of scar tissue that attaches or grows to her intestines and she is horrible pain when that happens,they think thats what lead to her lymphoma is the trauma on her body...Its so sweet what you do for the boys..
Linda im sorry about your d/h sometimes i wonder what the doctors are thinking (fools).Is he getting better?
Gail sweetie you are 1 of a kind my gmal called people like you earth angels.
Tracey enjoy your sons bday and i hope a job comes up for you soon..
Ev eryone else have a great day and stay safe and warmmmm
The boys seen alittle snow and now i hear them saying cool maybe no school tomorrow..right
I go the ob/gyn tomorrow they are worried so she is doing more tests all i can say is funnnnnnnn.
Went yesterday and got paint swatchs yep im doing it all my way now(d/h is scared).lol
So today is more cleaning and etc .
Kmart superstores are doubling coupons up to $2.00 so if you have a $2.00 coupon they double it to $4.00 so im getting mine together..
Scott im so for your loss sounds like she was a wonderful person,we ahve alot of friends that are layed off and it has to be scary dhl layed off over 8,000 people recently..
Sherry i love dr.G my dad and d/h watch it with me,my mom has adhesions and alot of scar tissue that attaches or grows to her intestines and she is horrible pain when that happens,they think thats what lead to her lymphoma is the trauma on her body...Its so sweet what you do for the boys..
Linda im sorry about your d/h sometimes i wonder what the doctors are thinking (fools).Is he getting better?
Gail sweetie you are 1 of a kind my gmal called people like you earth angels.
Tracey enjoy your sons bday and i hope a job comes up for you soon..
Ev eryone else have a great day and stay safe and warmmmm