how many of you lost hair
I'm nearly six months out. I think my hair is a little thinner, but not terribly so. I'm careful to get my protein in, though.
I will be four months out next week. My hair is falling out. I seen my nutritionist last week and she said it is part of the process, nothing you can do or take to make it better. I get in my protein every day faithfully so I try to live with it. The nutritionist said she would be more worried if it wasn't falling out than she was that it is. Lucky for me my hair is really thick but I have to clean the drain when I shower and any time I look down at my shirt it has a few hairs that need picked off. I asked my sugeon last week about my "run down" look and he assured me that around 6 - 9 months out it will get better. The hair loss and pale skin are only temporary, just part of the process.
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
i STARTED TAKING BIOTIN BEFORE SURGERY. aFTER SURGERY i WAS TAKING 1000 MCG. Last month I bumped it up to 2000 mcg. I don't have any bald spots. It's a little thinner, I have fine hair anyway. I take mine faithfully everyday. Sometimes I will take an extra just to make sure I don't get bald spots. I also get in all my protein everyday and then some.
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.
Here is a link to an article I found on the subject. -and-hair-loss-in-the-bariatric-patient/
Jeannie -and-hair-loss-in-the-bariatric-patient/
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!
Biotin does and will help. Please start taking it and keep taking. It is sold where the other vitamins are in the store.
Biotin does and will help. Please start taking it and keep taking. It is sold where the other vitamins are in the store.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
On November 16, 2008 at 12:24 PM Pacific Time, SweetSherri wrote:
Jeanie,Biotin does and will help. Please start taking it and keep taking. It is sold where the other vitamins are in the store.
Right now I'm taking 1000 mcg. I have taken double that though. I have faithfully taken it every since the nuts told be about it when my hair fell out post-RNY. I sincerely wish I had known about it before surgery! I have never had a problem getting enough protein in and yet, I had massive hair loss about 4 months post-op. Since then, if I have counted correctly, I have had 13 additional surgeries and 20 procedures that I was in a 'conscience sedation' (like with endoscopies). I am quite sure I would be completely bald if it weren't for the biotin. ~4 months post each procedure, I do go through a short spell now to where I am having to clean the shower drain out...but it is NOTHING like it was that first round without the biotin. Then, I was having to clean out handfulls of hair from it and you could see bald splotches.
Right now I'm taking 1000 mcg. I have taken double that though. I have faithfully taken it every since the nuts told be about it when my hair fell out post-RNY. I sincerely wish I had known about it before surgery! I have never had a problem getting enough protein in and yet, I had massive hair loss about 4 months post-op. Since then, if I have counted correctly, I have had 13 additional surgeries and 20 procedures that I was in a 'conscience sedation' (like with endoscopies). I am quite sure I would be completely bald if it weren't for the biotin. ~4 months post each procedure, I do go through a short spell now to where I am having to clean the shower drain out...but it is NOTHING like it was that first round without the biotin. Then, I was having to clean out handfulls of hair from it and you could see bald splotches.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...