One thing you wish you knew before

on 11/16/08 7:05 am - Indianapolis, IN

Other than the Biotin, I'd just wait until you go to your pre-op class to get the list of what you need and how many mg of each. You are still getting all of your vitamins from your food. We take multi vitamins, B1, B12, and calcium post-op because we aren't able to break down the food enough to get all the vitamins we need then. Your pre-op stomach still can.

What I would recommend pre-op is trying to get some walking in every day, drink AT LEAST 64 oz of water every day, stop smoking (if you do), and stop drinking ALL caffiene. If you do all of that, you will be giving yourself a pretty good headstart. Oh...and don't go stuffing yourself with everything imaginable because you are thinking that you will never be able to enjoy food again. That just isn't the case (you learn how you can enjoy food in a healthy way) and when you do that, you risk throwing your blood sugars out of whack...which can delay your surgery.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Melissa H.
on 11/16/08 7:54 am - Danville, IN
Sherri, thanks for your thoughts. I am trying to cut way back on my sweets right now and also have cut out caffeine as of today. I will start pushing the water and have never smoked so that is not an issue. How much Biotin? I read on someone's post they take 1000mcg, is that right?
Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at:

on 11/16/08 5:37 pm - Indianapolis, IN
1000 mcg should be fine. Kudo's on your positive steps forward!!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Tracy S.
on 11/16/08 10:53 am - Marion, IN
I took my measurements before the surgery and measure as many places as possible.  I measure my neck, arm, wrist, chest, ribs, waist, hips/tummy, thigh and ankle.  It seems like a lot of places, but when i measure each month, I see the numbers changing.  When I hit a stall, I lost inches.... that made me feel so much better. 

I wish someone would have told me that It is very normal to hit a stall at 3 weeks out.  I thought I stalled too soon and was freaked out.  Turned out to be very normal and a lot of people on the site said they stalled at about the same point.  But it didn't last long.

Don't skip meal times.... try to eat no matter what.  Drink from your sippy cup.... all day long.

Dehydration is ugly and I fight it all the time.

Best of luck to you,


OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

Annette C.
on 11/16/08 9:31 pm - Danville, IN
Buy a good quality ice shaver.  It sure helps get the liquids in and makes ISOPURE rtd really ready to drink.

Also take BIOTIN always and forever.  With or without surgery it really improves hair and nails.

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

Melissa H.
on 11/16/08 9:32 pm - Danville, IN
Haven't had my class yet, can you explain what Isopure is?

Surprise MIRACLE baby boy, Noah Andrew, born March 24, 2010

Check out my WLS blog at:

Annette C.
on 11/17/08 12:30 am - Danville, IN
Isopure is a clear liquid protein drink (I got mine at GNC) it has 40 grams of protein in a 20 oz. bottle.  It comes in fruit flavors.  The grape poured over shaved ice tastes like a grape slush.  If you have your surgery at Clarian, it is on the menu and you can select different flavors to try out.

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

Leah P.
on 11/16/08 10:07 pm - Indianapolis, IN

I wish that I had been more mentally/emotionally prepared. I thought that having the RNY would take away my desire to eat. That was so naive.  I got home from the hospital and was sooooo nauseas.  And I had no way to soothe myself!! It was very scary for me!  After a couple of days I calmed down thanks to some anti-nausea meds (please ask your dr for a script BEFORE you leave the hospital), then I felt anger at myself for having to go to such an extreme to get healthy.
I am six weeks out as of today... I wished I had heard about having a "stall". The scale hasn't budged in a whole week and that really got me down. I was thinking that I had screwed up my pouch or that my surgery was not successful or something??!!!  But I see that it is normal.  I have lost 45 pounds and almost 6 inches from my waist alone. 
You will be on the losing side soon and we will all be here to cheer you on
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 11/17/08 2:18 am - Rockport, IN
I wish I knew how different people would treat me.  I've even lost some friends through this.  I had one of my board members tell me early on that he didn't think I was prepared for some of the changes that were about to happen to me.  I was kind of offended at first but I know what he means now.  I was alone in the office a few weeks ago with a client and I felt very uncomfortable.  I'm a very touchy, huggy person anyway and so is this client.  It was just different without someone else the room.  He clung a little longer and tighter.  I told Troy about it and we both agree that my behavior is going to have to change.  It's sad that a hug from a large person is innocent but a hug from a thinner person is sexual.  It was creepy.

Hope it helps!

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