
(deactivated member)
on 11/13/08 7:44 pm - Terre Haute, IN
I got good news in the mail last night!!! Anthem has reversed their decision about the helicopter transport to St. V's last summer when I had my perforated ulcer. Atleast that's how my husband and I read the letter they sent us. WooHoo! Such a burden taken off my shoulders. I can breathe again!
on 11/13/08 8:00 pm - Martinsville , IN
Linda that is such great news!!!!

33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

Leah P.
on 11/13/08 9:35 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Linda that is GREAT news!  It is too bad you had to go thru so much with the ulcer and then have the insurance company give you so much trouble. 
I hope everyone has a great weekend.  My days seem to run together and the weekend is just another day or so to me.
It's weird... I have been logging on here for a while and I still feel like an outsider looking in on your group.  I don't know why I feel that way. But I do. 
Blessings to you all, Leah   
on 11/13/08 9:37 pm - Indianapolis, IN

You won't feel that way once that you meet some of us in person. It's amazing how much that helps!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/13/08 9:35 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

Don't you just love Fridays?? I always loved them even when I wasn't on 10 hr days..maybe because I do enjoy my time off.

Yesterday absoletely flew by for me. I had a training thing to do when I first got there and when I got done with that, talked with one of the guys who was already in that lab...Ray. I get to work a little after 5 & he does at 6. No one else gets there until ~7:30 so he's been really helpful to me. Poor guy...I ask him 101 questions and at the same time, I'm changing the lab world as he knows it. He has been nothing but good natured about it. When Kelly came in, I helped her get through her training thin, had breakfast and then co-chaired a meeting with my boss for all the lab people. Then met with an IT guy (over printer issues) & an Indy Electric electrician (over the lan lines), had lunch, met with a maintenance guy & Lilly electrician (over a power strip that doesn't have enough umph for our instruments). I sent a note to my boss updating him on everything and then it was time to leave! Whew! Bill had an appointment with Dr. Price. The pressure was up (27) but that is pretty normal for him when he'd been on a steroid drop- and they put him on a steroid drop after every surgery. It should be down some by his next appointment.

Tomorrow, we're picking up the two grandsons (Chance is 7 and RJ is 2) and taking them for haircuts & lunch. I'm going to have to find somewhere else to take them. Chance keeps getting stuck with this one chick at Great Clips that has no idea what a 'little boys haircut' is suppose to look like. I'm sure all of you that are 40+ knows exactly what I'm talking about. So..if anyone knows of a place here on the east side that is good with little boy's haircuts, please let me know where that is. I usually end up taking him to our house and re-cutting it...which totally ****** me off, you know? Bill will have to hold RJ again while his hair is being cut. 2 yr olders don't have alot of patience...especially when those noisy clippers are going! I'll be glad when I can hold the little guy again!

Oh..did I tell you guys this already? Forgive me if I have. When Bill & I went out to eat the other night, the waitress asked me how many months along I was!!! She thought I was pulling her leg when I told her I wasn't pregnant. I told her I had a 'stomach disorder'. I'm sure she was thinking 'yeah..and THAT particular disorder is called pregnancy!'. LOL! Yes, sometimes, you just gotta laugh about stuff like this! If I were in her place, I would have THOUGHT that I was about 7 months along and with a boy (since I 'carry' it all in the front and down low)...LOL! I wouldn't have said anything though. I did one time and the girl looked at me and said 'I'm not pregnant. I'm fat!'. She had on a maternity top though..?????

Linda..great news on Anthem re-thinking the copter charges!

Hope...I hope Peter is improving. Please tell him that Bill & I send our best.

Karen...Where the heck are you??? You have got me & Gail concerned dear friend.

Floyd..thank you for the directory update. If you find out about those addy's that bounced back, let me know so I can update my copy...k? We haven't heard anything from Fun Time about the RV yet. If you & Brenda want to get together for dinner one of these nights, let us know.

Gail..I hope all went well at the pcp yesterday. I'll call you after while or you can call me. We plan to be at home all day (unless Floyd & Brenda call about

Ellen...don't get too worn out girlfriend. There is a reason why young people have the kids! We grandma's are suppose to be able to love them, spoil them, and leave them for Mommy & Daddy. LOL!

Everyone else..have a super duper day!!!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/14/08 12:47 am - Pittsboro, IN
Sherri, I don't know if there is a ****ie Cutter's on the East side but I would assume so. They only do children's haircuts and are good here on the Westside.
Tracy S.
on 11/13/08 10:39 pm - Marion, IN
Ok, let's start off this day.... They forgot to pay me for my final check... no 40 hours for last week, no vacation weeks they owed me... no nothing.... I was ticked to say the least.  I called them.  Maybe by Monday they can do it.... WHATEVER.    I am fumming but i wont let them ruin my day.

Chaz got to call Ash last night!  It had been over 2 weeks since we last heard from him.  He still doesn't have an exact date for coming home.  He should be in around Dec. 1.  They got approved for a home loan so we are going house shopping again today.  He told her to "take MOM and if you find what you want, have it inspected and make an offer."  He is the best!  He is re-enlisting in the Air National Guard this time.  Deployments are supposed to be less often.  I am all for that.  He has been out of the country more than in for the last 4 years. 

On a weight loss note... I made up my mind in October that my Christmas gift to myself this year would be to get to ONEderland.  So, six weeks to get to Christmas... this morning I weighed and I am 206!!!!  I am so pleased!  I have lost 90lbs.  So I have 6 lbs to get to ONEderland and another 4 after that to meet my 100 lbs gone!  I am really excited about that.  I get to see Dr. Gupta on Thursday so I hope everything goes well.  She was talking about maybe doing a colonoscopy.  ick!

Everyone have a great day!


OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

Lee Ann B.
on 11/14/08 1:46 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Hi everyone! Just another work day here...I know I will be glad to see the weekend start!
Linda...glad they fixed that bill! I am surprised you did not get another ulcer from dealing with them on all this! Things are going in the right direction for you...UP! Congrats on the move as well!
Leah...I sometimes feel like an outsider too, but once you go to one of their exchanges you will feel so much more a part. They are a very friendly and caring group of people and I know I am glad to have gotten to meet so many of them!
Jeannie....your smile is contagious...I cannot help but smile when I see it!
Sherri....sounds like you are making some positive steps at your workplace...hope they appreciate all you do for them!
Tracy..good luck house hunting. I set a goal of being under 300 for myself by the end of the year! Let's put our noses to the grinstone and see what we can do! Maybe we will surpass the goals! Wooo Hooo!!!

Hope everyone has a good day!

shanna B.
on 11/14/08 6:39 am - camby, IN
Hey Friends,
I know I am on here late but I have been super busy this week. I have a few questions:
Does anyone have a Hsa account. We are switching Our Insurance to Anthen HDHP 1. Which is a 4500.00 deductable account but they give us almost all of that throughout the year. We are putting 170.00 a month into it plus what they are giving us. !/2 off the deductable the state is giving to us up front. Okay my question. Do we get a really Good discount on services or do we pay the going rate. I know we get preventative care free but whats about the going rate for things?
Thanks shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


on 11/17/08 12:23 pm - Indianapolis, IN

I'm way behind on posts and trying to catch up.  Did anyone ever respond to you about the HSA stuff.  We had Anthem with HDHP1 last year and I can help answer questions you might have.  Send me a PM and I will do my best to help!


"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids." -Unknown

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