Am I crazy for feeling like this?!
Ok, Am I going crazy? Since my diet has been advancing a bit and I can eat more of the normal foods, I get really really pissed off when I buy something to eat and put it in the pantry only to go back and find that my husband has eaten it all before I got any. Or if I open something, I have my very small portion and go back the next day for some and it's gone. It just makes me sooo mad I could bust. I think Im going crazy. I think it is so selfish of him to eat it all when he knows I can't consume very much at one time but he just goes after it eating non-stop. And then he packs a lunch box for work that has enough food for two people and then comes back for more. GRRRRR! I swear I am only buying icky foods from now on. I know some of it is probably jealousy but I just can't take it any more. I want to tell him off.
I am sorry for venting but I needed to get it off my chest. I really want your honest thoughts on this. Am I totally crazy or what? Do any of you experience this feeling?
Thanks, Tracy
33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

Put barbed wire about it or something...
Thanks for the suggestions and laughs. I really didn't want to go off on him.
Have a good evening!
Tracy ex and my kids when they were still at home...and Pre-RNY....they would really tick me off because I'd get groceries, work four 12 hour shift and then there be nothing left in the cabinets! I started hoarding things in my locker at work just so I'd know I would be able to get some! Now days...I keep my instant oats, tea bags, and sweet & low in an unlocked drawer at work. That's the only hoarding I need to do and I just do that to save $ while I'm at work.
I'm not sure how you get someone to be more considerate. I tried to raise my kids to took with my daughter but not my son (he picked up on my ex being a pig instead). I know Bill's mom raised him right though and I love her very much for that!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...

He doesn't like any of my chewable vitamins or protein bars?
My grandmother (lives with us) and she can't see well. So, she gets into stuff sometimes. But once I started the special drawer thing it has helped.
My husband is not overweight. Well, he has about 20lbs he could lose. But I NEVER realized how much food he eats until I had RNY. Everyone had always talked about how much he ate (he can eat TONS and not gain an ounce). But I was always eating WITH him. Now, I am amazed. He eats a bunch of junk, too.
I did find my grandmother eating one of my protein bars. She thought it was a granola bar. I was so mad. I know it is childish, but damn, I can only eat a few things.....don't eat my protein bar!!!
I think it is normal to feel this way.