Pre Op class
On November 13, 2008 at 4:59 PM Pacific Time, ladygirl wrote:
I didn't have to have one, I got my EKG and blood work done yesterday, Surgery next Wednesday . . . . .I am getting real nervous and scared, I actually feel sick to my stomach. I just want it to be over with. I feel like crying and I am very grouchy, what is wrong with me?
Sheila---I am sure this is all normal. I think of how stressed I have been the last few months getting all the insurance stuff together and just knowing my life will never be like the previous 53 years. I will be 54 in January and figure that will be my new life starting again, especially since surgery will hopefully be in January.
The support group in Blgtn was great last night--looked for you there. Maybe you can come post op in January.
Hang in there---I will soon be at your stage I hope.
The support group in Blgtn was great last night--looked for you there. Maybe you can come post op in January.
Hang in there---I will soon be at your stage I hope.
On November 13, 2008 at 3:17 PM Pacific Time, terlyn wrote:
do they have you always do a mammogram? I just had one a few weeks ago so wondering if they all make you get one if I can just bring those results?
I also have to have a cardio stress test because I'm over 50.
I figure the more pre op tests the better not only for the surgery but just for our own general health. When I had my first knee replacement, my EKG was abnormal, then the stress test showed abnormal, They had to postpone the surgery for me to have a cardiac cath, which was normal and turns out the stress test was a false positive. I was bummed at having to cancel the surgery but really glad that at least they took a good look at my heart and I knew it was ok. In my opinion those kind of tests should be done as a screening every few years anyway.