Thursday Morning!

(deactivated member)
on 11/12/08 7:09 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Good morning fellow Hoosiers! I am getting ready for the day. We have been busily making plans about the upcoming move to the new apartment. I think I told ya'll about that. It's owned by the same company, so they will let us transfer. We have paid the deposit and just have to wait till 12/29 now. I have taken off most of that week to be able to help. Mike, as a sub teacher, will of course be off anyway. I am excited about being back on the north side of town again. It's a quieter place and not as trafficy. I am excited about saving $300 a month in rent too.

Otherwise things are going okay. I am still working with Anthem to get my appeal over the helicopter transport last summer taken care of. Ugh. I don't know what I'll do if that gets denied again. Prolly talk to a lawyer.

hugs for all you who need them out there....
Gail O.
on 11/12/08 7:56 pm, edited 11/12/08 8:01 pm - indianapolis, IN
Good Morning Linda,
I am happy for you and your family finding a quieter home and saving $$$ too. That makes it even better.
 Update on Phil, he has a pinched nerve in his back. Not sure of plans yet. please keep him in your prayers.
 Got a PM  from Hope, Peter is now at IU, he has pneumonia she is asking us to PRAY,PRAY, PRAY, so please add Peter to as many "prayer list" and our dear Hope too.
I will go for now. love to all. And have a good day.
Hugs & Blessings Gail

Special Prayers & Healthy Wishes to Those in Need.

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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Tracy S.
on 11/12/08 7:59 pm - Marion, IN

Good morning all!

I am up and at em'.  I have to take the kids to school this morning and then its back to the house for some more sorting and shifting of stuff in the basement.  I am a taking the house by storm.  I have been a cleaning wizard.  I figured I might as well get this overwith before the holiday**** and I have no time left.  And if things go as usual for me, about the time I get everything all pulled out to go thru, someone will call me for an interview.  LOL.

The only big plans for the weekend ahead is Sunday for my son's birthday party.  He's gonna be 11 already. 

Linda, i hope all works out for the issue with the helicopter.  I would think if the hospital deemed it necessary the stupid insurance shouldn't fight it.  Umm, I thought they were supposed to try to save your life and the insurance company was supposed to pay their share.... not try to delay them from transporting you so you could live.  OMG.  I get so mad about that stuff.  Especially since it was not at your request to "joy ride" in the lifeline helicopter.  geez.  I will pray for ya.

So, I hope everyone enjoys their rainy, icky, cold Thursday.  I know I will!

take care, Tracy

OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

on 11/12/08 8:12 pm - Kempton, IN
Hi all! I wish I had Tracy's energy there are alot of things I need to do around here but just don't have the energy. How does one do it when they work? I wish I could just get enough energy to get one project done! This room that the computer is in needs it bad. Since we had to move things around when my brother wanted to move in this room it has been a mess. I guess I started going through the things that he had here and couldn't fini**** for whatever reason. I am having a hard time dealing with it along with everything else!
 I am having friends and family over this Sunday for a fish fry and told my DH about it and he was just about an asshole. It is all about him ya know!
 Well everyone have a great day! I am back to work at 2 this afternoon! It is so nerve racking! Well enough of this negative **** I at least have a job!! Have a great day ya'all!
on 11/12/08 8:19 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Hope everyone is keeping dry and warm this morning.  Considering what lies ahead for us weather wise, I won't complain about this morning.

Getting involved in fixing pay accounts to get ready for tax time.  I usually have a 3 day weekend because I work four 10's, but I've been asked to work Saturday this week.  I will still have my Friday off and no certain time to come in on Saturday so that's a plus.  With the holidays coming up I can use the OT$$$.

I can't believe Thanksgiving is two weeks from today, Christmas is six weeks from today and in seven weeks it will be a new year altogether.    Has the year flown by as fast for anyone else?  There was so much I was planning to go in 2008.  Didn't get to half of it.  Guess it will be my 2009 resolution to try and get 2008 tasks done.

Sherri, hope your MIL is doing better.  How are you feeling?  Have they made a definite diagnosis?

Linda,  I know you are glad for the change and savings but I don't envy you the packing and unpacking.  I'm still not unpacked from my move to Indy from Arizona two and a half years ago.

Good wishes going out to the newbies.  May God give peace and comfort to those in need whether it be financial, physical, emotional, or mental.  May everyone have a wonderful day.


on 11/12/08 8:52 pm - Martinsville , IN

Good Thursday morning hoosier losers.  A lot going on with me today.  I have my three month follow up with my surgeon.  They will take blood today to check my levels, I am anxious to know about that.  I am not always the best at taking my vitamins at night.  I set the alarm to go off on my cell phone nightly at 9 as a reminder to take them, so hopefully that will help.

My son who is 14 and a freshman in High School had a friend commit suicide yesterday.  He is a horrible mess and didn't sleep well last night so he will be staying home from school today.  I will get my mom to come sit with him while I go to the surgeons office.  I already made an appointment to see the councelor today so the timing is great.  I laid with my son last night on his bed until he feel asleep and suddenly his hands looked so small and his cheecks looked so kissable (I refrained lol). I feel so horrible that a child so young could feel so bad that death seemed better than life.  What do you say to your child at a time like this?


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

on 11/12/08 9:01 pm - Indianapolis, IN

I am so sorry about your son's friend.  My son was 14 when his friend was murdered.   All I could do was love him and be there for him.  It's so bewildering to us as parents when our children hurt.  I know I didn't want to say the wrong thing.   My heart goes out to you and your child and the parents of his friend.  May God give you all strength through this trying time.

Lee Ann B.
on 11/13/08 12:01 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12 oldest daughter lost four friends in a car accident last year and it really hit her hard. It is so hard when they get to those teen years because they want to act all grown and independent. But at a time like that it not only makes them look little to you but they feel that way as well. I held her and kissed her face and hands and told her repeatedly that I loved her ands was proud of her and felt blessed to have her in this world to share with other people. She had just turned 16. We still say good night and kiss and hug...I do with both my girls because I want them to always know that no matter how big they get...they are always going to be my babies and that I am thankful for them. Give him that kiss and hug...he probably wants it  no matter how old....

on 11/12/08 9:13 pm - Lebanon, IN
Good morning everyone,

There are so many things I really wished I could do, but can't the 10 pound weight restriction thing is a pain.  I went back yesterday to get more stitches out.  But found out later that they still missed some so I have to go back again next Thursday.  Things aren't going as well as I was hoping.  I have however got some stuff for SSI done or working on for my son that is autistic.    Oh my I am watching the  early show and they are talking about the 80's today and showing all the past stuff,  WOW   Like the crazy for the Cabbage patch dolls do you all remember how people were fighting over them , now days people camp out side for days to get a game systems like a WII.
on 11/12/08 9:20 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning one & all!

I am so glad today is my Friday! Yesterday wasn't a very good day for me. My tummy was being ouie all day. After work, I had my appointment with Dr. Bergman. My leg is doing great. I don't have to go back for 2 months! The receptionist said that Wednesdays just aren't going to be the same without me coming! After that, we went and saw Bill's mom at the hospital. They think she's blleding internally somewhere because she was 2 units low. They ran a cat scan and did an endoscopy on her but couldn't find out where the blood is going. They had started her on blood thinners last week because they found a clot in her lung. Well..with the blood going 'somewhere', they had to take her off of that. They are now talking about puting filters in her leg arteries to catch any clots before they can travel north. And's the goodie...we went out to eat. No surprise there...but this time, instead of giving me the 'awe, how cute' look, she actually asked me how many months along I was!! She thought I was pulling her leg when I told her that I was not pregnant! Yes, I NEED my stomach fixed!!!

My appointment for the upper GI is next Friday (the 21st) at IU at 8 am. Let's hope they get the results quickly. I am SO ready to lose my 'baby bump'! I have to be there at 7:30 so I'll probably have to leave my house at 6:30. Bill said that I'd have to get up 'early'. I just kinda laughed. I get up at 4 Monday-Thursday and usually am awake before 5 on my days off. It is HIM that will have to get out of bed before 7-8 (since he comes with me for my tests).

We have an organization meeting here in the lab from 9-11. I don't know that I'll be doing much other than letting the others know what we need them to do. I think we are going to go out to lunch after that and then we all have another meeting from 12:30-2. And then I'll be taking off to take Bill to Dr. Price's. So...quick day! Now to go have breakfast!

Have a good one!



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