Don't see any post yet for today.
Can't believe it's Wednesday already. Yesterday was a holiday for me. Got my granddaughter Ashley off to school, her mom was busy working. Went and had lunch with her at school. It was entertaining. There's one little boy all the girls like (they are 8). It was funny to watch the innocent playing they did with one another. All I could think of was how quickly they all would be grown and the innocence gone.
The weekend kept me so busy I didn't get on to post at all. Read the posts this morning and looks like we have a lot of newbies and quite a few people struggling with various problems. The one common thread that runs through the posts is how much love and support we have for each other. I myself am so grateful to have you. I've met several of you and look forward to meeting many more at the ornament exchange in December.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Good mornin' Posse!
Howdy to you Julie!
Y'all up and 'attem! LOL
Well hump day is off to a good start for me! *wink* I am driving Mark to work today so have to be up and goin' early...just wanted to jump on here and wish y'all a rowdy hump day and loads of smiles !
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
Hope all is well! Just sitting here this cold morning ...just got the oldest on the I have a lil time before the lil ones get up.....
went to the doc yesterday...ah it went ok...they are wanting me to start walking with a cane to lessen falls....i still feel pretty stable and the falls have not hurt me yet...i know the word is yet...this MS thing stinks....bloodwork was not bad...b 12 was a lil low and still anemic....but numbers lookin a lil better...i do have a lil knot the has grown on my hurts and very they are removing it on the 22nd to send it off and
all the newbies...welcome....this is a great place to kick off your shoes and stay awhile.....
oldies....well you all are my hero =]
i keep you all in my prayers.....each and everyone of you! god bless
big hugs
I figured out what days I'm going to use the rest of my vacation time for. Here, if we don't use it, we lose it. Last year, I 'lost' 68 hours of vacation since I was on medical leave (definately NOT the same thing!!). As of today, I have 106 hours to Holiday days & year end vacation. So...including today, I only will be at work 13 more days this year! Woo-hoo! Of course, if they confirm what is wrong with my intestines and I get a surgery date prior to Dec. 24th, I'll be moving those days up and be here even less. It's funny...I posted a calendar by my office with Nov & Dec on it. I put a purple 'X' on the days I won't be here and a

Well..I'm still organizing here in the lab. 13 days is not enough to get it completed..but if I can put a larger dent in it, that would be good.
I go to see Dr. Bergman today...and...we found out last night that they think Bill's mom is bleeding internally somewhere so they were running cats to see if they can pinpoint where. So...after my doctor's appointment we'll be going to the hospital..if not before. It all depends on if they take her into surgery today.
I hope everyone has a good hump day!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I'm scheduled to attend a class today and tomorrow so thought I'd drop a note before then. It should be interesting. The title is "Critical Thinking and Writing, Executive Briefing and Congressional Operations." Hope I can keep awake.
Yesterday CJ (our miniature Dalmatian) got two chocolate bars (Christmas gifts) off the dining room table and devoured them while we were out shopping. We watched him very closely yesterday because we know chocolate can be deadly for dogs. It appears he's feeling better this morning, but he is still shaking pretty bad. I guess since he made it through the night, he'll be alright, but we were pretty worried.
Hopefully everyone received their copy of the directory. I received notification of some invalid email addresses, so I'll research those tonight. If you didn't get it, send me an email with your email address to [email protected].
Have a great day, everyone.
I'd imagine that I could have a drink of water as soon as all the blood tests are done-that would be nice.
Anyway, think of me today as I get tortured! LOL
In other news, we bought a new car. Picked it up Monday evening. Drove it out of the dealership at 8:30 PM. Drove it around some yesterday. It has 150 miles on it (it had 51 when we took delivery).
It is back at the dealership. The transmission went out on it last night about 5 PM. Less than 24 hours. I am just sick about it. Even though it was less than 24 hours, an automobile contract is a binding contract in this State. You don't get 24 hours to "think it over". We have a brand spanking new expensive auto we can't drive.
The dealership promised to fix it. They think they only need to "flash" the computer. I'll still be nervous driving it, y'know?
Anyway, they promised that our car would be the first one they look at today in the service department. My middle name should be Murphy. If there is an item without a price tag that will hold up a line, I will find it. If there is a piece of assemble-it-yourself furniture that is missing a crucial bolt in the box, that will be the one I will buy. If there is one car on the dealer's lot that is defective, it is the one I fall in love with and buy.

Have a great day everyone! Less than 30 days till my surgery!
Its cold out there..
Today is catch up day we baked cookies all day sunday (omg )there are so many ive been giving them away ,we dont need them evil things in the house its not about the cookies its the family time spent together making them..
Had Andys appt at the high school yesterday its a great feeling when they tell you that you have done a wonderful job because he is such a great kid..alright
Then Neil and i both had appts my INR is 2.0 so i gotta be careful they say.But Neil has to have a bunch of test done he has swelling in his belly and is having a lot of pain he says like a gallbladder attack but he has go figure.He took me to dinner yesterday and we done alittle christmas shopping(got a wii its a gift for everyone in the house)i love Joeys walmart discount..Then we spent the evening with his sister and her family getting pics for their parents digital photo frame.
Now im catching up on here...whewwww
Sherry thats alot of vac time
Christie man i would be livid what about a lemon law?
Floyd im glad your doggy is okay its like you have to hide everything our doberman is constantly getting stuff off the table ..
Janene stay warm
Jules i love the innocents of the little ones..
everyone have a great day and stay safe
Ok.... here's one......
Actually, I really like the car. I sincerely hope it is really nothing, just flashing the computer like they said.

I am gonna have some things to get done around the house today. My son's 11th birthday is Tuesday so I am having all my kids home for his birthday party on Sunday after church.

Speaking of them, My son-n-law has been in iraq for a year and is due home in the next 3 weeks at some point. Probably after thanksgiving by what the Army says. My daughter Ashley is having a really hard time emotionally right now. She hasn't heard from him in over 2 weeks and their first anniversary is Monday. He left just after they got married. She is so depressed right now and on an emotional roller coaster. I just ask that you pray for them. I know there are a lot of things in life that seem worse than missing your spouse, but these kids have willingly put themselves on hold for our freedom. I admire their devotion to the greater good.
I am gonna try to make some things and hem some new pants that Brandi gave me. As of Sunday I am two sizes smaller in pants than last month. Woohoo.
I am going walking in the mall for exercise later today with Kim and Brandi.
Hope you all have a blessed day.
It is so cold this week that I can't get warm! Does everyone have this problem? All the leaves are down up here and it has been too cold to rake them or mulch them with the mower. I guess it is supposed to warm up a little before it gets cold again this weekend according to the news.
Today is my husbands 45th birthday! The only bad things are he is working in Bloomington and I can't see him. Also we work different times so when he is leaving work I am in on the phones and can't call him for that birthday wi****hen on my way home he will be asleep! It is hard not being together during normal days much less on special occasions! I am having a fish fry this Sunday and having some of my family over to kind of celebrate his birthday late! Seems like I am celebrating alot of things late these days!
Well ya all have a good day and enjoy the rest of the week! Wish we all had vacation like Sherri! TTFN!!! Michelle