Poss Clothing exchange for Southern IN/KY Preop and Post Patients

Vicki Browning
on 11/11/08 1:57 pm - IN
I am going to spear head a possible Clothing Exchange for the Southern IN/KY bariatric patients clothing exchange I have many things to get together with Norton Bariatrics and how, when and etc.  If you are interested I would love to hear from you.   So be saving your clothes you have outgrown or will need pre op or post op.

I am open to suggestions and etc.
on 11/11/08 5:43 pm - Indianapolis, IN

We have clothing exchanges here in Indianapolis every 3 months (Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct)...for about 4 or 5 years now. We usually have them at a church of one the members of the Indiana board. They allow us to use their facilities for free. The clothing which is left over, we donate to the church (which they give to those who need it). We always schedule them on Saturdays (11-3). We also have a pitch-in lunch. This allows some time for fellowship as well as showing pre-ops and newbies that there is definately good food post-op. We eat first. We do have one 'rule' about the clothing exchange portion and that is that post-ops get a 15 minute head start. We implemented this because people were bringing their friends/family who were in the smaller sizes and they'd wipe out all the clothes...leaving the post-ops in those sizes with very little to choose from. If you'd like more specifics, drop me a note & I'll send you the contact info for the one who has been doing ours.

People come from all over the state to the exchanges. We have other get-togethers through-out the year ..and through out the state (including one at Holiday World in June). You are welcome to join in on any of the actvities we have. And please, feel welcome to come to our board more often.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Lee Ann B.
on 11/11/08 5:48 pm - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Hey Sherri...I was telling Vicki about how you guys set things up and do your exchanges...you seem to have it down to a pretty good science so to speak. I know I enjoy them!

on 11/11/08 7:42 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Lee Ann & Vicki...

Thanks. I've never hosted one since I'm not a member of anywhere but work & home. I've been to enough of them though & try to help set up, etc....lol. Robin has been hosting them at her church for ~a year now and she does a fantastic job (as did every host/hostess before her). I think it's great to have a worthy cause to donate the left-overs directly to. Non-perishable foods are also a welcomed donation since Robin's church also has a food pantry set up for those less fortunate.

We'd had the clothing exchanges at several locations through-out the years. We have found that it works best if it is all situated on one level and has kitchen & bathroom facilities. Definately have a place in mind for the left-over clothing and a volunteer or two with SUV's to bring it there...unless you have it at a place similar to Robin's church that has a clothing pantry program.

I've only heard grumblings over two things through the years. The first, the 15 minute wait. The exchanges were started to help the post-ops as they lost weight rapidly...therefore, it's only fair to allow them first dibs. The pre-ops really have nothing to worry about as the larger sizes always have the most to choose from...even after the 15 minute wait. The only ones who do not come out with armloads of clothes are the size 6 teenagers....but then, neither do the post-ops who have reached a size 10 or less. There just isn't much to choose from there...so the post-ops should have first choice.

The other 'grumbling' that I've heard about is because we have the pitch-in. Very few think we should have the exchange first so they 'don't have to stay for the eating' portion or not have the pitch-in at all...or not allow ANY desserts..even if they are low fat or sugar-free. The pitch-in is primarily a time for fellowship and as I know anyone who is on this board very much at all would have to admit, we hold it very important to get to know our fellow loosers 'in person'. We do the eating potion first so that it gives some late arrivals some extra time to get there. The majority of people really enjoy the pitch-ins and there is always a flurry of  'can I have the recipe for ____' afterwards. I think it's very important for pre-ops & newbies to see that as they get further out, it isn't all cream soup and instant potatoes.

Lastly...remember that you will NEVER, EVER please everyone. Keep the majority in mind, and you'll do fine!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/11/08 8:07 pm - Martinsville , IN
As many of you already know, I just attended my first clothing exchange in October.  I just wanted to say that I can't imagine not having the pitch in before hands.  People come from far away to be there and I would hate for them to miss the clothing exchange because they made a wrong turn somewhere on the long trip or misjudged by a few minutes how long it would take to get there.  The clothing exchange was set up perfectly, the only thing I would suggest would be extra tables for sizes 18 and up because the tables were so packed with clothes it was hard to sort through.  I got some really nice things that have really saved me, at this point everything in my wardrobe for the past five years has had to be replaced, and our finances would not allow me to go out and buy all new clothes not even from the Goodwill.  I am really looking forward to the next clothing exchange so that I can have the opportunity to meet more of you from the board and share in some conversation.  I am a pretty shy person so events like this sort of take me out of my comfort zone, however they are good for me.


33 lbs lost prior to surgery!

Vicki Browning
on 11/11/08 8:21 pm - IN
Thank you Sherri for the information and the invite.  LeeAnn was telling me she has been and it was great.  I am trying to implement one closer to home for those individuals who live closer(right accross the river from Louisville and surrounding areas)  that may not have the opportunity to travel or want to travel longer distances.

Thanks again
Tracy S.
on 11/11/08 9:49 pm - Marion, IN

I am looking forward to getting to go to my first one.  My son was in a football tournament last time and I couldnt make it.  I was sad about that.  But my son and football are my true loves in life.  LOL.

I appreciate the fact that so many of you who are at goal continue to help this whole thing along.  I figured after you get down to the smaller sizes there wouldn't be much there for you to exchange.  But the fellowship is as important to all of us as the clothing.  I am so grateful that people like Sherri, Floyd and Brenda, just to name a few, have continued to support those of us who are so new at this and help us on our journey.  I would be lost without you guys.

I am loading up some things in a box for the next one and I can't wait.

Thanks to all of you!


OH Support Group Leader 
RNY 296# 5/28/08    Panni removal 150# 3/8/10

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